Is anyone here in a Stoner Relationship?

Not something to argue over though as it seems he meant he hadnt met the good responsible ones. They exist. Most nurses for one.

To be clear, what I'm referring to are people in that age range or older who smoke regularly, as in several times per day. Not folks who might take a puff at the end of the work day every once in a while, or who smoke on the weekends. I am specifically referring to the people who would self-identify as "potheads" or "stoners" or "cannabis enthusiasts" if you prefer. Either way, what a silly argument to have.
@lawlrus i know the women you speak of, where i last lived thats all there was, party party middle 20s' cant hold down jobs, never got an education, stuck in the rut of drinking and smoking
bat shit insane, women who would actually start physical fights because they wanted to prove they were "tough" ....

jeesh, there are women though in the age group who are smokers they just dont scream about it from the top of roof tops
@lawlrus i know the women you speak of, where i last lived thats all there was, party party middle 20s' cant hold down jobs, never got an education, stuck in the rut of drinking and smoking
bat shit insane, women who would actually start physical fights because they wanted to prove they were "tough" ....

jeesh, there are women though in the age group who are smokers they just dont scream about it from the top of roof tops
How is anything you wrote different for men? That's why his/your opinion is bullshit.
How is anything you wrote different for men? That's why his/your opinion is bullshit.
im not but lawlrus' preference sexually is females, so im speaking about the females i know of that hes referring to. if he spoke about males, i would say i know i few males just like that as well

stop tryin to nitpick into an arguement it isnt going to work lol
im not but lawlrus' preference sexually is females, so im speaking about the females i know of that hes referring to. if he spoke about males, i would say i know i few males just like that as well

stop tryin to nitpick into an arguement it isnt going to work lol
Sexism isn't nitpicking. Dude's a hypocrite.
idk that was essentially what ive been saying from the start.
imo if you desire any substance a few times a day some like evey hr if given opportunity. you got a lil in glitch your brain. and thats not what i desire in a partner. but i mean i already spoke my thoughts
and this a weed forum so shhhh

and sunni, dont aim low and settle. you know whats best for you obviously. but i know a girl that graduated from university of texas (fairly respected) with her phd at i wanna say 46yrs. its certainly possible especially for you
Nope, can't stand women who smoke. Any females who puff regularly at my age (late 20's) are either legitimately insane or extremely immature. I'm still waiting to be proved wrong, but my current live-in GF doesn't smoke anymore and I couldn't deal with her if she still did.
And how do you feel about functional people that live their lives, hold down good jobs, pay their bills, go to the gym, and also consume medical marijuana everyday?

I am THAT type of daily smoker.

I can't stand people that smoke weed and act lazy all the time. They make the rest of us look bad.
were you guys on the sea of cortez or the pacific side of the baja? we've been to puerto penasco a few times on the upper end of the sea of Cortez
all over. we would drive down from California & camp for 4-5 weeks, move several times. We quit driving all the way down to Cabo after a couple of years, because we enjoyed central Baja better. Depending on the time of year. In the summer we spent most time on the pacific, but in the winter the Sea of Cortez can't be beat...
8-30-2011 baja2 001.jpg