Is Biden fit for duty?

Does Joe Biden have the cognitive function to run the country for another four years?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I don't believe Joe Biden is struggling with some type of cognitive decline.

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If Pence had been charged but not Biden then tRump might have a bit of valid argument about a witch hunt but like Biden, Pence fully cooperated with authorities when asked for the documents. Neither had to have search warrants obtained to get at the documents and Biden even allowed a search of his personal residence.

tRump repeatedly lied about having any documents at all. Tried to have security footage of documents being moved deleted. Lied to his lawyers which caused them to inadvertently lie to authorities about him being in possession of documents. I wonder what might still might be in his possession behind the locked room under the stairs and another room that for some reason wasn't searched.

Biden is not without sin either. He made a few lies in his press report about the incident and his not being prosecuted as the following link from a good source points out.

To the bolded, my thoughts on this are that the model for cult behavior applies to his supporters. Most probably do believe their cult leader without question, or maybe they suppress their disbelief in order to remain in good standing with the Temple of Trump*. Trump has been caught outright on camera and audio making serious lies in the face of hard evidence to the contrary without shaking their belief in him. So, I don't know if they think they won't be lied to but from their words and actions, they reject people who say that he lied even when he's proven to have lied. Sometimes, they just laugh it off by saying he didn't mean it and was just kidding around. As in "locker room talk". So, maybe they know he's lied to them but they don't seem to care.

That thing about the time he mixed up Pelosi and Haley when talking about the attack on our Capitol Building. They even laughed that off. I don't understand but I recognize that it happens from time to time.

*For members, happiness comes from "good" performance within the group, along with elitist thinking—believing they have the "truth" or the the best way of life. But strict obedience is required. They are manipulated by fear and guilt and may be stuck, with no way out!

This whole thing has achieved critical mass,I really in my wildest could not have imagined such a large % of our pop. being sold on his game, I errored in assuming the critical thinking capacity of people by a large margin or underestimated their ulterior motives An astonishingly transparent con that I'd supposed could be discerned by a 7th grader has been swallowed hook,line, and sinker by almost half the country,when I'd have wagered previously that 10% would be max.
This whole thing has achieved critical mass,I really in my wildest could not have imagined such a large % of our pop. being sold on his game, I errored in assuming the critical thinking capacity of people by a large margin or underestimated their ulterior motives An astonishingly transparent con that I'd supposed could be discerned by a 7th grader has been swallowed hook,line, and sinker by almost half the country,when I'd have wagered previously that 10% would be max.

Like common sense, critical thinking isn't as common as either of us thought it was.

It’s amazing that our media aren’t hammering on this. In a way, that’s even worse than that man pulling these naked lies right out of his actually cleaner hole. Even considering his chronic case of swamp bottom

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So in the end,people do not take the time to fact check,so this is where we end up!Hence,the I.Q. test.If you are unwilling to take the time to fact check before you spew out right wing nonsense because you were told or read it 2 or 3 times,there is a distinct possibility you are either lazy or not very bright!all prerequisites to being a tru MAGA republican.So lock the orange mama's boy up and be done with it.
I did, but it still has nothing to do with trump or my political beliefs. It's a question that needs to be asked and I don't have any hidden agenda when asking. I wanted people's opinions on the actual question.

The president has his finger on the trigger of a large nuclear arsenal. I don't think it's asking too much for them to remain sharp.
Well seeings how there are two people in the race it’s only logical to compare the two IMO. So yup there is a need to compare. It’s strange that when there is a comparison the pushback is “I wasn’t talking about Trump”. It’s almost like some are afraid to compare :(.
Did you hear the small crowd cheering in SC when he made his statement about not defending any NATO member who fell behind in their payments?

WTF is wrong with people like that?

How come the orange dumpster fire can't be hauled off for inciting Russia and other aggressive nations to attack our allies?

When do the 'reasonable limits to free speech' rules kick in against treasonous declarations?

The man toddler is a clear and present danger to the security of the US and all it's allies and should be locked up like the criminal sycophant he is.

Pay your bills! says the man with a thousand unpaid debts. Such a hypocrite.

Pootin probably has his first hard-on in years.

Did you hear the small crowd cheering in SC when he made his statement about not defending any NATO member who fell behind in their payments?

WTF is wrong with people like that?

How come the orange dumpster fire can't be hauled off for inciting Russia and other aggressive nations to attack our allies?

When do the 'reasonable limits to free speech' rules kick in against treasonous declarations?

The man toddler is a clear and present danger to the security of the US and all it's allies and should be locked up like the criminal sycophant he is.

Pay your bills! says the man with a thousand unpaid debts. Such a hypocrite.

Pootin probably has his first hard-on in years.

EXACTLY,like I've said too many times and am running out of adjectives and creativity,so here's a football related one, for the USA to collapse in a implosion it had been assumed it'd be a clever,surreptitous thing,modern football,multiple receivers,complex routes and instead it's a blunt,obvious assault,run the ball right up the middle with no pretense of surprise. That such a lack of deception in trying to roll back Democracy has actually spoofed so many freedom loving,flag waving Americans to embrace Autocracy is more surprising than the simplistic nature of the scheme.
All other politics aside, given his obviously advanced state of cognitive decline, is Trumpf fit for another term?
Hell no. He has always been stupid, (how old were you when you learned all POTUS phone calls were recorded by about a dozen alphabet agencies?) but now he is loosing his grip. You can tell his mind is spinning, but he is getting no traction.

Hell no. He has always been stupid, (how old were you when you learned all POTUS phone calls were recorded by about a dozen alphabet agencies?) but now he is loosing his grip. You can tell his mind is spinning, but he is getting no traction.

If any of his minions fashion their live's/behavior in his mold they won't see the golden yrs. this dkhead has,the outright failures/stupidity/lawlessness have been flipped 180 in his narrative(and gobbled up in stunning fashion) and just now nearing 80 is he starting to reap the bitter harvest,an absolutely death defying run of luck and charmed avoidance of a long due reckoning. That a MF so careless as to personally call the Georgia Sec of State and openly request fraudulent votes is the definition of ineptitude. And he and his savants have the gall to question Biden's mental fitness:p:p:confused::confused:
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