Is Biden really that bad?

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No, he isn't that bad....he is horrible

Most normal folk would take mean tweets and embellishments over ruining the foundation of a country, any day of the week.‍♀️
Hey pop, you really need to get out of your information bubble because most normal folk know trump put a lot of those cracks in your country’s foundation.

Im curious though. What do you think Biden is doing that is ruining the foundation of your country?
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Because the movie goonies is real. You guys think I'm a trump voter but I'm actually a long time Democrat who believes in old school Democrat values with slightly progressive beliefs. Modern democrats however are the epitome of hip hop culture brain dead morons who just follow the winning team and can't think for themselves and would put a guy who can't tie his own shoes and is a freaking senile moron as the president And then have the audacity to sit there and act like he is the absolute best choice possible while totally ignoring the reason why it is that way.

I support intelligent people not morons and that goes for democrats and republicans. Unfortunately today the masses are feeble minded and can easily be put in a row to follow one simpleton just by showcasing them in the media. Use your brains people you have a guy who can't wipe his own a** as the president of your country you can't sit there and defend that. There are literally millions of adults who would serve as a better president than either trump or biden.. No puppetry going on here though completely fair and balanced elections process. Completely ignore the fact that the same few families have been running this country for decades. Feeble minded people are persuaded by the media and that's the masses as stated before so when the media hand picks the presidential candidates for the powers that be, the masses run to them because they wanna be part of the winning team. The majority don't follow politics or understand government they're just waiting for the Super Bowl when they're gonna pick a side. And they don't really care about the battle getting up to the game they just want the game so they can pick a side and have a battle. So the media sticks their carrot candidates in the face of the feeble minded masses and the masses then run to the polls to pick their winning team and do their battle Democrat verse Republican. But rarely is the best candidate picked and rarely is the best candidate picked from an organic process but it's more done in the same way that high school prom king and high school prom queen get picked through popularity and the media creates that popularity..
lol you really are a fucking moronic spam troll.

You're missing the fact that you have no idea what you actually 'know' about anyone. That is why I base my decisions on who to vote for based on their record.

50 years give or take of a very clean pro-American record and never cashing in on their political power was a great reason to vote for Biden.

Giving him shit because he has a stutter and you bought into the lying propaganda is not.

Yeah being attacked by racists can do that.
lol you really are a fucking moronic spam troll.

You're missing the fact that you have no idea what you actually 'know' about anyone. That is why I base my decisions on who to vote for based on their record.

You mean like spending a large portion of your energy and your career toward incarceration of minorities?

50 years give or take of a very clean pro-American record and never cashing in on their political power was a great reason to vote for Biden.
That's laughable..
Giving him shit because he has a stutter and you bought into the lying propaganda is not.
There's no lies here and yes propaganda IS real that's why you keep brainlessly voting for the same puppets the media popularizes. It's the same reason people buy an Armani t-shirt for $70. They're dumb, brainwashed, and want to fit in..


Imagine you wanna buy a house and the realtor only shows you property A or property B and you have to choose between property A and property B. You don't get to look at anything else.. Do you think that realtor is giving you a fair choice in what's out there in the market? That's basically how our politics are. The media is the real estate agent.

So then what do you do if the real estate agent is only showing you properties it owns itself? Property A and B are owned by the agent. That's basically where we are..
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You mean like spending a large portion of your energy and your career toward incarceration of minorities?
Nope you are incorrect once again. I assume you are trolling about the Crime bill which was hard on minorities thanks to the crack epidemic and the Republican propaganda spam about it back then that led to America thinking it was way worse than 'white people' drugs. Biden actually did not want that in the Crime Bill, but unfortunately the Republicans stuffed it and left Biden with a choice, to abandon all the hard work to protect abused women and children, and all the other great things that were in that bill, and be trolled as 'soft on crime' that was a very real issue in the late 80's early 90's here in America, or abandon it for something that he did not have a crystal ball to fully know how harmful the impacts would be in the non-white population.

And even then was only one bill, where is the rest of what you are pretending is there that is in his almost 50 years that was 'incarcerating minorities'?

That's laughable..

Nope, just the bullshit propaganda spam you keep pushing.

There's no lies here and yes propaganda IS real that's why you keep brainlessly voting for the same puppets the media popularizes. It's the same reason people buy an Armani t-shirt for $70. They're dumb, brainwashed, and want to fit in..

lmao more 'the media' bullshit, you are 'the media' when you post.
Imagine you wanna buy a house and the realtor only shows you property A or property B and you have to choose between property A and property B. You don't get to look at anything else.. Do you think that realtor is giving you a fair choice in what's out there in the market? That's basically how our politics are. The media is the real estate agent.

So then what do you do if the real estate agent is only showing you properties it owns itself? Property A and B are owned by the agent. That's basically where we are..
Does this stupid as shit analogy actually make sense to you?

There were about what 20 Democrats in the primary, hell there were even about 5 or so Republicans trying to get the nominee over Trump (who had the RNC change their rules so nobody could vote against him in the Republican state primaries).

You are a joke that should take a step back and really take some time to realize how lame your trolling is (assuming you are not just a paid propaganda troll here to generate spam to keep bumping shit titled threads).

And if you are crying about actual news companies, you again are wrong, there was press coverage of them. Your trolling bullshit might seem truthy but really it is just your bullshit feels.
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I only have to listen to Bidens own mouth speak. There's countless hours of him on tape saying racist comments spanking his entire career. Not surprising you guys defend the racist though. That's real irony.
lmao you are so full of shit.


Or is this where you lie about him calling black men 'super predators', or use the example of him saying stupidly racist shit about Indian guys owning gas stations or whatever it was?

He is a old white guy, of course you can find shit he said that is stupid and racist. But to pretend like you have 'countless hours' of it is just a lie.
Because the movie goonies is real. You guys think I'm a trump voter but I'm actually a long time Democrat who believes in old school Democrat values with slightly progressive beliefs. Modern democrats however are the epitome of hip hop culture brain dead morons who just follow the winning team and can't think for themselves and would put a guy who can't tie his own shoes and is a freaking senile moron as the president And then have the audacity to sit there and act like he is the absolute best choice possible while totally ignoring the reason why it is that way.

I support intelligent people not morons and that goes for democrats and republicans. Unfortunately today the masses are feeble minded and can easily be put in a row to follow one simpleton just by showcasing them in the media. Use your brains people you have a guy who can't wipe his own a** as the president of your country you can't sit there and defend that. There are literally millions of adults who would serve as a better president than either trump or biden.. No puppetry going on here though completely fair and balanced elections process. Completely ignore the fact that the same few families have been running this country for decades. Feeble minded people are persuaded by the media and that's the masses as stated before so when the media hand picks the presidential candidates for the powers that be, the masses run to them because they wanna be part of the winning team. The majority don't follow politics or understand government they're just waiting for the Super Bowl when they're gonna pick a side. And they don't really care about the battle getting up to the game they just want the game so they can pick a side and have a battle. So the media sticks their carrot candidates in the face of the feeble minded masses and the masses then run to the polls to pick their winning team and do their battle Democrat verse Republican. But rarely is the best candidate picked and rarely is the best candidate picked from an organic process but it's more done in the same way that high school prom king and high school prom queen get picked through popularity and the media creates that popularity..
ahh, i see, you're not a magat, you're an elitist who believes in his own superiority...and who uses every fallacious argument in the propagandist toolbox to push your bullshit narrative...
well, first off, the goal was to get trump the fuck out of office. goal accomplished. did the best possible candidate win? no, because the best possible candidate didn't run. i don't even know who that would be, but we had who we had, and crying about it after the fact accomplishes fuck all. second, Biden has a law degree, was a US Senator for 36 years, Vice President for 8 years, and still has more common sense and intelligence than you, and about 75% or republicans...and there are no real scandals surrounding Biden, or his son...all manufactured shit by republicans...his son was never barred for life from having anything to do with a charity, because he stole from it...
That's pretty insulting considering I'm mixed racially and many of my ancestors were slaves. How are you going to talk to me about slavery?? Are you mixed racially are you black? Are you Native American? I think you barked up the wrong tree m***********. I'm happy to debate you any day of the week on slavery you lttle armchair little piece of s***.
i have to believe any African or Hispanic ancestors you might have had would smack the smug off of your face if they had the're working directly against everything that they dreamed of...congratulations...
You all are digging your own grave now you want to get racist in this debate and start poking at people because they're mixed racially you're really standing on the high ground let me tell you that m************ and that m************ and all of you that want to come and laugh at me for being insulted racially you're a part of that crowd. And now you know why I say modern democrats are complete piles of s*** that can't think for themselves and are the irony and the laughing stock. You have no values all you do is wait for the Super Bowl so you can have a little battle like little children.
this isn't a debate, this is you abusing us with your bad trolling, and us laughing at your pathetic efforts, while owning your every statement...
no one, and i mean no one on this forum gives a shit if you're of mixed're the one who keeps bringing it up and acting like that qualifies you to be an expert on great grandmother was a Romani Gypsy...and that meant i knew fuck all about Romani Gypsys...i had to read and do research to know about that part of my family heritage...and i just can't see you doing the same kind of research
Real high ground you're standing on insult people racially and then call them a snowflake when they get upset. You are actually the prime definition of a low life racist piece of s***.
no one racially insulted you...please highlight where this occurred? because looking back, i don't see anyone making any slurs about your as yet unmentioned racial makeup...
I don't have to have been a slave to be offended by people by people being ignorant and racist.. You laughing at my post and thinking it's a joke that I'm offended by it puts you in the class of one of the worst f****** humans on the face of the Earth as far as I'm concerned You want to sit there and laugh? You guys wanted to find a fictional character in a movie offensive because you think he looks retarded and then when someone actually acts racist you'll wanna be quiet? The irony..
well it's a good thing that you are the only person included in "as far as i'm concerned"....
so it was ok for you to use the (makeup supplied) appearance of a mentally and physically impaired person to imply that everyone who voted for Biden is mentally deficient, but it's not ok for us to find your use of the same image distasteful and call you out about it?

which one is you?
I’m sure this guy doesn’t want you making fun of him either.

Did it stop you? No. YOU can do what you want. Guess what WE can too.

let your whining continue now :hump:
hey, this guy is fine with him making fun of me, his opinion means nothing to me, and he can run around all day long calling me whatever he likes, i could give a fuck less. if i cared what asshole douchebags thought of me, i wouldn't be here to begin with...
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