Is Biden really that bad?

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Ursus marijanus
You're right, thats my error. Twice the amount detained is what I meant. No way to calculate the amount of illegals that make it in, but if twice the amount are detained and we are seeing record amounts of overdoses, its pretty obvious whats going on. Migrant encounters more than doubled in every sector along the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal 2021.

As for the gas prices do you need to see a chart that shows the price of gas skyrocketing ever since the day Joe barked out his executive orders on jan. 21st? Are you going to tell me its all just coincidental? Did gas companies just suddenly decide to get greedy for no reason? What do you think?
how do “encounters” matter? It is not a metric of how many are crossing, simply how many were in the designsted encounter zone.


Well-Known Member
You're right, thats my error. Twice the amount detained is what I meant. No way to calculate the amount of illegals that make it in, but if twice the amount are detained and we are seeing record amounts of overdoses, its pretty obvious whats going on. Migrant encounters more than doubled in every sector along the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal 2021.

As for the gas prices do you need to see a chart that shows the price of gas skyrocketing ever since the day Joe barked out his executive orders on jan. 21st? Are you going to tell me its all just coincidental? Did gas companies just suddenly decide to get greedy for no reason? What do you think?
the choice came down to higher gas prices or more bleach i bought a Prius

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
You're right, thats my error. Twice the amount detained is what I meant. No way to calculate the amount of illegals that make it in, but if twice the amount are detained and we are seeing record amounts of overdoses, its pretty obvious whats going on. Migrant encounters more than doubled in every sector along the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal 2021.

As for the gas prices do you need to see a chart that shows the price of gas skyrocketing ever since the day Joe barked out his executive orders on jan. 21st? Are you going to tell me its all just coincidental? Did gas companies just suddenly decide to get greedy for no reason? What do you think?
Seriously? Greedy for no reason :o! No I don’t, the reason is to make more money and to do that they need to be greedy ……. Your not even trying are you :(.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
I am asking you, not saying thats the reason.
Big business inclusive of big oil
Made a killing on the Trump tax breaks for wealthy families plan
Being able to pass your wealth down with no taxes was a god send to the Koch’s…
Joe steps in with people wanting to tax the wealthy and oil magnates stick it to everyday citizens
So if we are willing to give them more tax breaks or the potential is there Ie…
Mango Mussolini in office again
Fuel prices will suddenly drop
But we pay one way or the other


Ursus marijanus
Big business inclusive of big oil
Made a killing on the Trump tax breaks for wealthy families plan
Being able to pass your wealth down with no taxes was a god send to the Koch’s…
Joe steps in with people wanting to tax the wealthy and oil magnates stick it to everyday citizens
So if we are willing to give them more tax breaks or the potential is there Ie…
Mango Mussolini in office again
Fuel prices will suddenly drop
But we pay one way or the other
had he won, I would have lost all my Social Security. That is when he showed us more of his actual nature.

Ending SSI and SSDI is a recipe for revolution. Lotta codgers handy with a long-range something.


Well-Known Member
Big business inclusive of big oil
Made a killing on the Trump tax breaks for wealthy families plan
Being able to pass your wealth down with no taxes was a god send to the Koch’s…
Joe steps in with people wanting to tax the wealthy and oil magnates stick it to everyday citizens
So if we are willing to give them more tax breaks or the potential is there Ie…
Mango Mussolini in office again
Fuel prices will suddenly drop
But we pay one way or the other
Yes thats true, its one of the main ideas behind trickle down economics. Keep the rich happy and they will pay their peasansts well. It was working well before covid hit. As for passing wealth down I am all for that. Without that we would be socialist.....without business we would also be socialist. In other countries they take everything you have when you die. You want that?

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Yes thats true, its one of the main ideas behind trickle down economics. Keep the rich happy and they will pay their peasansts well. It was working well before covid hit. As for passing wealth down I am all for that. Without that we would be socialist.....without business we would also be socialist. In other countries they take everything you have when you die. You want that?
Do you use public highways
Do you approve of blue states paying for things in red states
There is your socialism


Ursus marijanus
Yes thats true, its one of the main ideas behind trickle down economics. Keep the rich happy and they will pay their peasansts well. It was working well before covid hit. As for passing wealth down I am all for that. Without that we would be socialist.....without business we would also be socialist. In other countries they take everything you have when you die. You want that?
Trickle-down economics is a sham on the order that masturbation is bad for you. After 42 years, all it has done is steal from the people to enrich the top 0.1% yet more.
Supporting trickle down is about as morally correct as a church full of slavers in their Sunday best.


Well-Known Member
Trickle-down economics is a sham on the order that masturbation is bad for you. After 42 years, all it has done is steal from the people to enrich the top 0.1% yet more.
Supporting trickle down is about as morally correct as a church full of slavers in their Sunday best.
Maybe so, its certainly not perfect. Still, this is the best place in the world to live, is it not? Do you see anybody risking their lives to get to other countries the way they do to come here? Biden wants them all here so they can vote for him. He doesnt give a shit about this country.


Ursus marijanus
Maybe so, its certainly not perfect. Still, this is the best place in the world to live, is it not? Do you see anybody risking their lives to get to other countries the way they do to come here?
It is no longer. We are this close to installing the sort of government that has turned Iran from a serious first-world contender to the blasted waste of strict-constructionist oppression it now is.

So, we have work to do. An entire political party (with a handful of exceptions, whom the party promptly censured) has gone rogue.

“why pythons are bad pets”
Once a big snake crosses a weight threshold, a bit of internal firmware sees its human handler - and switches from Too Big to Not Too Big.

Lotta big snake owners squeezed dead.

The GOP has crossed a reptile-brain threshold. “actual goal out of reach”
became “actual goal in reach”, a process just as binary, and the international collusion to achieve it is just beginning to become exposed.

The actual goal is totalitarian theocracy.
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Well-Known Member
Maybe so, its certainly not perfect. Still, this is the best place in the world to live, is it not? Do you see anybody risking their lives to get to other countries the way they do to come here? Biden wants them all here so they can vote for him. He doesnt give a shit about this country.
they want to vote for Biden because he gives a shit about this country.....
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