Is Biden really that bad?

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Well-Known Member
This is behind a pay wall (Financial Times) so, sorry, but here's the headline:

Wall Street stocks pause after best month since 2020
Closely watched manufacturing survey signals easing price pressures

That's the thing about recency bias, which idiots like @NYCBambu would like us to suffer from. They look at the moment and think that's all there is to know. The FT reported just an hour ago that recent results from a survey of manufacturers show cost pressures on US manufacturers may be easing. Due to Biden's near perfect response to the problems created by the previous Republican administration, not only are more people working than ever under Trump's, at the same time, his actions are having an effect and it appears that we've seen the worst of it in terms of inflation.


Well-Known Member
There it is, folks. The red line shows results from earlier surveys regarding prices paid by manufacturers. The green shows the drop in prices paid in July. The black line is consumer price index, one metric for inflation. This is a leading indicator. Inflation will still be with us for a while longer. But the trend line shows we are probably past the worst of it and we will see a return to lower rates of inflation before November. Please note that this was done while growing jobs.

To idiots like @NYCBambu , if you want to disagree with this data, look at how well it predicted the price rises we experienced earlier this year. You want to have it both ways. The index accurately predicted high inflation beginning in late 2020 (ahem, Trump was still in office when high inflation began) so, if you want to disagree with today's fine report that shows price pressures are decreasing, then explain why it so accurately predicted Trump's high inflation.

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Well-Known Member
This is behind a pay wall (Financial Times) so, sorry, but here's the headline:

Wall Street stocks pause after best month since 2020
Closely watched manufacturing survey signals easing price pressures

That's the thing about recency bias, which idiots like @NYCBambu would like us to suffer from. They look at the moment and think that's all there is to know. The FT reported just an hour ago that recent results from a survey of manufacturers show cost pressures on US manufacturers may be easing. Due to Biden's near perfect response to the problems created by the previous Republican administration, not only are more people working than ever under Trump's, at the same time, his actions are having an effect and it appears that we've seen the worst of it in terms of inflation.
Did you just say near perfect response? Thats a riot, we are in a recession. One good month does not mean wall street did well under Biden. You cant cherry pick the months you like. Inflation began when gas prices spiked, its trickle down economics in play. Joe waged war on American energy, and we are paying the price. Here are some real numbers, facts:

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Well-Known Member
I'm happy to see that Biden has been trying to repair the damage done to our relationships with our traditional allies
More like, the rest of the world knows Joe is a weak leader. Thats why Russia is taking over Ukraine. Only happens under democrat leadership. Next, China will take Taiwan and Joe will do nothing.


Well-Known Member
It is also nice knowing that our intel officials won't be fired because they inform congress on foreign nations attacking our citizens under Biden's leadership.
It is also nice knowing that our intel officials won't be fired because they inform congress on foreign nations attacking our citizens under Biden's leadership.
What would Biden know about hiring trustworthy people? He hired back the World Health Organization after they covered up for China.
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