Is Biden really that bad?

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It seems that most Americans don't like Biden as recent polls show.
Poll: Biden's job approval falls to new low as Dems struggle to pass popular agenda (
They, supposedly your Average American, like his agenda & support most of it, except the cost.
But they don't like Biden.
I don't get it, what the fuck did he do wrong?
Like Trump would have done better?
Sorry for the dead soldiers, but shit like that happens in Afghanistan & they were soldiers that signed up for that job.
Anyway, Biden FINALLY got us out of that shit show, something that should have happened a long time ago.
So, what's the beef?
The Pandemic?
The price of gas?
Forest fires?
A high Dow Jones?
Oh yea?
I got it!!!!
It's wearing a mask or getting a vaccination!!!
That's why he sucks, right?
Fucking idiots.
What's your opinion of Bidens presidency.
I think he would be doing a better job if the GOP would get the fuck out of the way & he wasn't left a pile of shit/debt by Trump.
I don't think there's anyone better out there than him at least
I like him :)
Seems, supposedly, etc, we all know numbers can be manipulated to either sides benefits or representations.
I ignore most if the political hoo-ha, as it all seems to come down to 'the other guys a demon, and I'm your saviour,' when what it really comes down to, is that I'm paying too much for gas and bacon, but not too much else is different. Water still comes out of the hose, and the lights are still on. They say the world's going to hell in a handbasket, then again, they've been saying that since 1890 or so.
Seems that way.
Seems, supposedly, etc, we all know numbers can be manipulated to either sides benefits or representations.
I ignore most if the political hoo-ha, as it all seems to come down to 'the other guys a demon, and I'm your saviour,' when what it really comes down to, is that I'm paying too much for gas and bacon, but not too much else is different. Water still comes out of the hose, and the lights are still on. They say the world's going to hell in a handbasket, then again, they've been saying that since 1890 or so.
Seems that way.
scrabble scrabble
Seems, supposedly, etc, we all know numbers can be manipulated to either sides benefits or representations.
I ignore most if the political hoo-ha, as it all seems to come down to 'the other guys a demon, and I'm your saviour,' when what it really comes down to, is that I'm paying too much for gas and bacon, but not too much else is different. Water still comes out of the hose, and the lights are still on. They say the world's going to hell in a handbasket, then again, they've been saying that since 1890 or so.
Seems that way.
5 percent of the population cannot pick one sex or the other. You ok with democrats grooming children to have hormone blockers and surgery? There is no way for Joe Biden to paint a pretty picture. The stock market is shit. The jobs he brags about are the same jobs we had in 2020. Work force is the same size. Highest inflation in 40 years, we're paying double for everything. All time high overdose rate, 300 people a day, dead. Illegals and drugs continue to pile in, but they only call covid an emergency. Crime is spiking too, democrats have brought us nothing but pain.
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5 percent of the population cannot pick one sex or the other. You ok with democrats grooming children to have hormone blockers and surgery?
Honestly, no. Not children. But what age is good and what isn't? We were all kids at one time and we all thought we knew the world. But we really didn't know shit for quite a while imo.

I think this is between kids and their family so really not for me to say. Just my opinion on the matter.
you should get a collective going, buy up the biggest connected parcels you can buy, and rent it out to a wind power company...and for dessert, line the whole thing with solar panels...
The farmers on the islands around me that were lucky enough to get the leases are very happy and rich lol. There was lots of opposition, mostly from the non farmers lol.
Everything with you is sexual, I'm beginning to think you are INCEL....not that there's anything wrong with that
You must support this child abuse then. Bad choice. I bring it up because it is abusive and wrong on every level. Kids shouldnt even be allowed to get boob jobs. That has nothing to do with sex, nothing to do with hate, or anything even remotely anti gay. Its about protecting children from being groomed and sexualized.
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