Is Biden really that bad?

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That's true. The first half of this year, his poll numbers were quite favorable. Then around July or August his support took a sharp nosedive. Interesting enough that's also when he took on an authoritarian demeanor.

scroll down to where they show his popularity against single presidents...Biden is only ahead of two at this point, Gerald Ford, and trump.... :lol:
for someone as saddled down with magats as Biden is, i think he's doing pretty well. the government under reported jobs for three months in a row, and the shipping back up in major ports is already down over 60%, and catching up. as soon as that sinks in and everyone has turkey for thanksgiving, and enough money to buy presents for christmas, the polls will turn around....but Biden is STILL beating trumps ass :lol:
That's true. The first half of this year, his poll numbers were quite favorable. Then around July or August his support took a sharp nosedive. Interesting enough that's also when he took on an authoritarian demeanor.

scroll down to where they show his popularity against single presidents...Biden is only ahead of two at this point, Gerald Ford, and trump.... :lol:
for someone as saddled down with magats as Biden is, i think he's doing pretty well. the government under reported jobs for three months in a row, and the shipping back up in major ports is already down over 60%, and catching up. as soon as that sinks in and everyone has turkey for thanksgiving, and enough money to buy presents for christmas, the polls will turn around....but Biden is STILL beating trumps ass :lol:
It is interesting that Peej is all excited in the months that those upward job revisions really started making a big difference in the narrative.
as i understand it to be, the deal was made and there was no changing it..there was only so much time the roads would be secure and the new leaders were coming in- ready or not and no guarantee of access to airport.
there was always changing it, if we had brought back a significant number of troops, what would they have done? gotten pissed and blown a couple of things up...? that's what they do anyway....
That's true. The first half of this year, his poll numbers were quite favorable. Then around July or August his support took a sharp nosedive. Interesting enough that's also when he took on an authoritarian demeanor.
no that was when you right wing scumbags killed yourselves into dropping his poll numbers by firing up the pandemic again. hope the dead bodies were worth it
there was always changing it, if we had brought back a significant number of troops, what would they have done? gotten pissed and blown a couple of things up...? that's what they do anyway....

one bandied about thought process would be 2500 troops for the airport; sadly would be quickly overrun without re-enforcements then we're right back to 20 one year wars.

Trump stinks like sulfur for a reason..the closer he gets to his Demon reclaiming his soul the more he will smell.
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