Is Cali Still Flooded?

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
Couple things here:


Trust me on this. You're welcome.

2. The DEA has a deep and childish hatred for this whole MMJ thing, and they do read this forum. Publicly documented conspiracy to transport a controlled substance across multiple state lines is probably reason enough to subpoena a web host for IP addresses and such. Just sayin'. That private message thing is there for a reason.
DSM is right. I've just breezed through the last few pages and cannot believe what you guys are posting. #1 You're endangering yourselves #2 You're endangering others #3 You're hurting the medical cause...and this IS a medical forum. What you guys say or do is your business...keep it that way. PM!

grow space

Well-Known Member
so how is it out there, can us sell some and live your life without a second job, or not, i think not, but if u can produce some bomb indoor.....Mmmmm, shit would be different.



Well-Known Member
DSM is right. I've just breezed through the last few pages and cannot believe what you guys are posting. #1 You're endangering yourselves #2 You're endangering others #3 You're hurting the medical cause...and this IS a medical forum. What you guys say or do is your business...keep it that way. PM!
just because you hear it on the internet doesn't make it true.

if it weren't for the stories i tell here, i'd have no friends.


Matt Rize

just because you hear it on the internet doesn't make it true.

if it weren't for the stories i tell here, i'd have no friends.

everything i post is fake, matt rize is fake, fdd is fake, his 52,000 posts are fake, I don't even smoke weed, i rail 7 gram rocks and drink tiger blood. its all smoke and mirrors (pardon the bad pun). everything you see or hear is for entertainment purposes. now i'm off to smoke rock with charlie sheen...


Well-Known Member
everything i post is fake, matt rize is fake, fdd is fake, his 52,000 posts are fake, I don't even smoke weed, i rail 7 gram rocks and drink tiger blood. its all smoke and mirrors (pardon the bad pun). everything you see or hear is for entertainment purposes. now i'm off to smoke rock with charlie sheen...
that should clear us. :)


Well-Known Member
everything i post is fake, matt rize is fake, fdd is fake, his 52,000 posts are fake, I don't even smoke weed, i rail 7 gram rocks and drink tiger blood. its all smoke and mirrors (pardon the bad pun). everything you see or hear is for entertainment purposes. now i'm off to smoke rock with charlie sheen...

Count me in! hahaha


Well-Known Member
Is that some grand daddy purp? Our Jack dident come out to bad frosty under a light real frosty. Just was a few weeks short dam norcal weather.

grow space

Well-Known Member
ok, another try i n here, pls anwer me and dont be a fucking shit fags like u alway are !
so lets say i am not from the states, like i am from netherlands ! so i get my act together and venture out to cali, to live and die ! what should i do to get the damn card ??????? i dont understand so many things in there ! Do i need to be a citizen or what ?!

Matt Rize

ok, another try i n here, pls anwer me and dont be a fucking shit fags like u alway are !
so lets say i am not from the states, like i am from netherlands ! so i get my act together and venture out to cali, to live and die ! what should i do to get the damn card ??????? i dont understand so many things in there ! Do i need to be a citizen or what ?!
getting your rec to use use cannabis is about the easiest thing ever. all you have to do is get a CA driver's license, no citizenship required. then go to any of these revolving door doctors who hands out recs for $100.

grow space

Well-Known Member
getting your rec to use use cannabis is about the easiest thing ever. all you have to do is get a CA driver's license, no citizenship required. then go to any of these revolving door doctors who hands out recs for $100.
really, only i have to make a drivers licence...Nice. REP for you cas no one ever in this thread wants to talk about it :peace:

Matt Rize

really, only i have to make a drivers licence...Nice. REP for you cas no one ever in this thread wants to talk about it :peace:
yeah man, driver license is super easy to get, all you need is a bill of any kind sent to any address in CA. I used a friends address when I first moved here.

Rec is even easier to get, just bring any prescription drugs you've been prescribed, and any medical records. You don't even need records if you don't have it. I used a note from my accupuncturist.

I hope I haven't been a fucking shit fag. lol :)


Well-Known Member
Lol maybe we should not tell everyone how easy it is lol. Cali seems to be in plenty when it comes to dank. Its a serious thing now. Over the weekend friend was telling me if i wanna go green house and start supplying the clubs i should do it the legal way. Is under the table cash illegal to work with when it comes to the dispeneries?