I personally choose to believe that we're all just micro-organisms floating on a rock in an unfathomably gigantic, likely infinite universe of planets, suns, stars and other cosmic entities. It just blows my mind to even try and comprehend what's really "out there". I mean, to us, a mountain is massive. But, if we believe in science and astrology, then there are planets out there which are a million times bigger than our entire earth.
Let's unbind our thoughts from the physical, and the logical. Then everything becomes possible. Limitations and suppression of thought is not even an option when we don't even know, for example, what else is floating just a few light years away from us. Think about how vast the cosmos is and everything else on earth pales into insignificance.
My thoughts on life - Well, I'm a vegan because the concept of "suffering" is horrifying, to me. Note, I said suffering, not death. A peaceful, natural death is a beautiful thing, I think, but there's nothing more terrifying to me than thinking about the lives of animals born into the meat and dairy industry. It makes my heart sink and my head spin to imagine what a pig or cow born and raised in those conditions must endure physically and emotionally. Call me a hippy, I don't care. I won't argue it - I know that in every living thing there's an energy and a life force. There's a desire to live, there's sentience, there's growth and there's emotion. I reckon I'm no different from a cow, or a pig. We're all ambling through life just as lost and confused as any other animal on earth. The difference? I have a voice, and I'm told by others that I should do this, or I shouldn't do that. Doesn't make me any more entitled to enjoy the sun and freedom than any other creature that shares the planet with me. I'm actually close to going 'off the grid', because this rat race and emotionally detached, money driven society is bringing me way down on every level.
I think that we often get caught up in the urban world we're raised in. Sometimes we have delusions of grandeur and lose sight of the things that really matter. Which, to me, are compassion, empathy and respect for all living things. I don't buy into religion, but I love the idea of Buddhism. Ultimately, we become one with the earth. Whether buried, cremated or drowned. We decompose, we atomise, we're scattered into the air, we're absorbed into the ground and we feed the plants and the insects, and our death gives them life. I suppose, that makes us reborn, in a way.
Despite not believing in a christian religion, I'm absolutely open to idea of natural energies, the supernatural, the soul and the spirit. I can feel it all around me. Is life the end? Physically, yes. But we do return, just as wisps I suppose.
Edit: To clarify, I am not interested in debates about animal life, vegetarianism or veganism. There's nothing to debate. These thoughts were expressed because they form part of my opinions on life and death, and for no other reason.