Is everyone under 6ft of snow!

you have to send a pic of a bikini, in a tent in the snow...that made me laugh out loud.
no offense to you. i have no idea what you look like....just that thought of anyone doing that for real i think is funny
hahaha Your old DG did this in one of my tents when i first started. 6hrs later the chain gave out and smashed on the ground. She said shes never trying that again. Needed a new hood tho...woman i tell ya.
It's been in the mid 70's here in north Cali and hasn't rained but 1 time in February. Lol I couldn't live in a place that got below 40 in the winter everyone here where's shorts and flip flops most of the year...
you have to send a pic of a bikini, in a tent in the snow...that made me laugh out loud.
no offense to you. i have no idea what you look like....just that thought of anyone doing that for real i think is funny

Indoor 500 watt hps...

unless this is a dare...I have leg warmers...and a kick ass trapper hat!!
Toronto hit -44 a couple weekends ago. It was colder then the north pole. Literally.

Bet u waddled around like a penguin.'s like that most days in my lovely province. .
I compare our daily high to Alaskas. ..guess who wins.