Is hydroponics better for the environment? I think it is.

Yup, that's where I was going with the Brix post. Upping p and adding aminos on tomato plants raised brix 5x. Not sure what would happen with herb, but I don't mind trying things as long as it isn't a snake oil :p

From all this discussion, I'm very curious about reducing K to improve flavor now. I had actually read some studies showing similar with some berry (i think blueberry). The study showed that blueberries grown with high K had a more bland flavor with less acidity.
Indeed. And imagine the body of data needed to determine that crops grown with chemicals do not merely correlate with "disease", but actually cause it. Makes you wonder just what diseases are being caused, how we know chemicals are causing them, and how would we grow anything without chemicals. That's why citations would be helpful.

i think many folks are calling "lower vibrational energy" SCIENCE - witch it is NOT
From all this discussion, I'm very curious about reducing K to improve flavor now. I had actually read some studies showing similar with some berry (i think blueberry). The study showed that blueberries grown with high K had a more bland flavor with less acidity.

Church, check out the 420 high brix threads they have been at it for a while. They openly discuss the methods and the outcomes, similar to the way DIY led is discussed here. One of their mods sells a "kit". It is science, based high brix amendments. Completely legit and not expensive.
For the next page of this thread, I'd really like that all future posts, at least 10 future posts are scientific articles (not .org articles, I'd prefer .edu articles) about how refined nutrients are not good. How refined nutrients are dangerous.

Thanks yall.


Edit: and by this, I mean dangerous to human health, not the environment.
I guess Nature is not a prestigious enough journal to be aware of the link between chemicals and disease. Why else would they allow this blog post to be written in connection with their journal?

'“Chemical” is not a dirty word. Nor is it a synonym for “poison” or “toxin.” Chemicals are the basic building blocks of all matter and classifying them as “safe” or “dangerous” is inappropriate. But of course there are safe or dangerous ways of using chemicals. In any case, chemicals are not to be feared or worshipped, they are to be understood. And perhaps the most important point to understand is that the presence of a chemical does not equate to the presence of a risk.' – Joe Schwarcz
chuck got banned genius. You must be drunk.

chuck likes troll on anyone he can . Him and one other person were the only ones who gave me shit.

if you think Chem are good for you then go back to school
YOU SIR ARE A FUCKING LIAR, NEVER GOT BANNED, Now go call your mod to have this erased so your can keep people from knowing that you are a complete lying tool.
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Hyroot has been proven to Lie, he claimed to not make stupid statements, i pulled them from HIS postings page and he still denied it. His plants are garbage, he can't grow for shit. He tries to act tough and thinks he is smart. AS SOON as he is put in his place, he runs to sunni who erases all my hard work. I predicted it last thread, And I predict it will happen again.