Active Member
I think introducing a kid to religion when they believe anything an authority figure teaches them is wrong. If they believe in Santa, the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy, they will definitely believe that there is an all powerful, all knowing, all good being capable of punishing them to an eternity of suffering if they don't follow the rules of some book. Hell, maybe they will be naive enough to believe they can walk out into traffic and because they are young and innocent, God will miraculously save their lives with all his great powers?? Who knows.
I have 2 kids who will be able to go to church when I feel they can freely think for themselves and make an educated opinion. At 5 and 7, I do believe they will be influenced by all the propaganda too easily. Just my opinion.
Ultimately, I teach them to treat people the way you want to be treated. That's enough for now.
I have 2 kids who will be able to go to church when I feel they can freely think for themselves and make an educated opinion. At 5 and 7, I do believe they will be influenced by all the propaganda too easily. Just my opinion.
Ultimately, I teach them to treat people the way you want to be treated. That's enough for now.