Is it gay that I dream about you guys?

Maybe later? Thanks for the invite.
Wait what? I thought we'd switched to Bloody Mary's, did I miss a memo? They got some great 10% ABV Belgian Golden Strong at my secondary watering hole but I'm feeling pretty guilty about the carbs.

Yup, still slow-mo'd. But, I'm lurking.Your girls look amazing though, brother. I hope you fuckers are paying attention. ^^this is how it's done
And you would know based on your trees, you guys make my bushes blush.
Awwww you sneaky lil basterd ....first I'm wiping my ass with your garden hose and you not even home...then you have the balls to come and molest me in you buffalo headed clown suit .....see I knew you had a dildo in your back pocket the other day ....explaining the double penises in my benzo stuper of a dream....well fuck you durden shouldn't have forgotten your bow that was your one and only chance ......that same clown came riding up on a unicorns head with it's horn buried deep in his ass ...your talented il give you that ...but I'm guna make your buffalo headed bozo ass my bitch ........still flipping you off .........View attachment 3785917
Don't forget your bow next time ....Bitch
Lol at the pic.

I used to spray doe esterus on my boots when hunting. The bottle says deer can attack you over it.

I quit. A buddy of mine shot a huge buck with a muzzle loader. He walked up and poked it to see if it was dead. It wasn't. It jumped up and knocked him down and pinned him to a tree. His stomach was cut up and it split his leg open several inches and came close to an artery.

That deer could've ripped his guts out. He broke the sight and some other pieces off the muzzleloader beating the deer in the head.

He had taken his jacket off because he was fixing to gut it. My buddy got the jacket over the antlers and was able to cut its throat.

I imagine that was scary. My buddy won but he got his ass kicked for sure.
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Lol at the pic.

I used to spray doe esterus on my boots when hunting. The bottle says deer can attack you over it.

I quit. A buddy of mine shot a huge buck with a muzzle loader. He walked up and poked it to see if it was dead. It wasn't. It jumped up and knocked him down and pinned him to a tree. His stomach was cut up and it split his leg open several inches and came close to an artery.

That deer could've ripped his guts out. He broke the sight and some other pieces off the muzzleloader beating the deer in the head.

He taken his jacket off because he was fixing to gut it. My buddy got the jacket over the antlers and was able to cut its throat.

I imagine that was scary. My buddy won but he got his ass kicked for sure.
People don't realize there's a reason we do the old pussy poke walking up to supposedly dead large game ........know a guy that got bit by a bear and as you know a injured pig is no joke brother almost got it by a large boar after poking with his rifle and nothing he set his gun down and it decided to wake up when he grabbed it's back legs to turn it .........never seen anyone draw a side arm shoot and back peddle so fast in my whole life A pissed off buck with a nice set of antlers could do damage ....your buddy's lucky
People don't realize there's a reason we do the old pussy poke walking up to supposedly dead large game ........know a guy that got bit by a bear and as you know a injured pig is no joke brother almost got it by a large boar after poking with his rifle and nothing he set his gun down and it decided to wake up when he grabbed it's back legs to turn it .........never seen anyone draw a side arm shoot and back peddle so fast in my whole life A pissed off buck with a nice set of antlers could do damage ....your buddy's lucky
I have been put up a tree by wild boar. I killed a young one. Mama was mad, the others got mad.

I had a buddy take one of those tusk to the leg and groin. He was almost neutered.
Reported for having shitty cheap service and no charger....


It's cool bro bro

I switched phones..
Still cricket
3 lines $100
Idgf talk shit

I've been all over the country and only loose signal West of Laramie wy till state line. And West of tucumcari nm to not quite Albuquerque

I haven't seen anyone better that

It's cool bro bro

I switched phones..
Still cricket
3 lines $100
Idgf talk shit

I've been all over the country and only loose signal West of Laramie wy till state line. And West of tucumcari nm to not quite Albuquerque

I haven't seen anyone better that
Only givin you shit cause i rock a lg no contract myself