Is it just me or is this(pics) F#@KING SHWAG?!?!?!

LOL, wow, first of all, I haven't given anyone negative rep yet, so watch what you just spout out buddy. And second, stay medicated? How much do you smoke? Come on, how many grams a day, let's hear it cheech.

oh well.. if it wasnt you then I apologize.. No big deal to me about rep. Just the fact that someone gave me -rep because I have to smoke shwag is really gay.
I am so fucking pissed off right now. My girlfriend just picked up an eighth from her friend for me, 50 dollars of my hard earned fucking money. When I spend 50 on an eighth I AT LEAST expect to get nugs. This is absolute shit, all you folks out there in Cali thank your lucky stars you don't live in the mid-west. Its absolute shwag, granted its moderately crystally shwag with no beans, but its fucking shwag none the less. Shit from the bottom of the plant that no one in their right mind would pay for. What do you guys think, my girlfriend swears its not shwag and is calling me crazy for thinking so. I beg to differ.:wall:

well I don't know what you would call this weed....but definitely not a $50 dollar eighth :cry: on the flip side I wouldn't exactly call it shwag because it does look like its got some decent crystals on it. Can't really tell through the bag but it looks like really airy and kinda weak ass nugs almost like it was grown by a cfl or something....bottom lines the smoke tho, you get some of that in you lungs yet or what?
also just wanted to say how good it feels to have your club card in cali.... $50 quarters of some dank outdoor sweet skunk and white widow delivered to my doorstep within the hour :)
also just wanted to say how good it feels to have your club card in cali.... $50 quarters of some dank outdoor sweet skunk and white widow delivered to my doorstep within the hour :)

I didnt realize how good it was to live in BC.... I had a quarter ounce of chronic BC blueberry kush delivered to my door for $50 CDN earlier. :lol:

And no med card needed, lol.

Damn, I never pay more than 25 an eighth,and I live in the midwest.:o
I am so fucking pissed off right now. My girlfriend just picked up an eighth from her friend for me, 50 dollars of my hard earned fucking money. When I spend 50 on an eighth I AT LEAST expect to get nugs. This is absolute shit, all you folks out there in Cali thank your lucky stars you don't live in the mid-west. Its absolute shwag, granted its moderately crystally shwag with no beans, but its fucking shwag none the less. Shit from the bottom of the plant that no one in their right mind would pay for. What do you guys think, my girlfriend swears its not shwag and is calling me crazy for thinking so. I beg to differ.:wall:
Nah, that can't be why, the old man usually picks it up for me.That's just standard rate for 1/8 around here.

Shoot me down why dontcha... :lol: I'm packing my night night bowl, goodnight *whips into 311* "my stoneyyyy babyyy" Ok, sorry about that... goodnight everyone, and shwag or not, you've got gigglebush, be happy. :leaf:
fuck man.... HAHAHAHAHHAHa... oh well.. bet ull never do that again, nd if i were u id find the ass hole who sold it to ur gf and give em a piece of ur mind, nd shit up here i only pay 25 an 1/8, 50 1/4, 80-100/oz, id never pay 50 for an 1/8... hahaha still gives me somethin to laugh at :lol:
no they are not bc buds... maybe i should let this go but its like im talking to a wall...BC bud is not even common where im from in canada in fact ive only smoked it twice but have picked up qps for 500 and the only time i was picking bomb weed like nl and shit i was payin 1900/p at the most so 475 qp... if u dont believe me come to canada ull find out for urself and if the first guy shit is anything like the weed u get around there then a lot of canadians wud be very disappointed cuz we pay only for quality... i havent seen someone buy shake for like 2-3 years and even then it was like and q for like 15-20$

Well then the prices have really gone down the crapper. When I was up in the Northwest (1993-1999), a QP of grade A kind bud from BC was $800US. I can't even imagine why people would take the risk to sell it if it's only fetching $475-500/QP in today's economy.
That isn't shawg, it's some decent mid grade and you're lucky you got that much. Nugget in wisconsin is 60 an eigth
Here in tha mid west I get that or a little better for 25 Kbs for 40 and chronic for 50-60. Find a better dealer or stop bitchin man. I feel ya but still man.
Well I'm glad this thread got some much anger out for everyone! Hahaha I go to bed, wake up, and this thread hit 12 pages?!?! Just so everyone knows, I never meant to bitch, I'm just sick of paying ridiculous prices for weed and I wanted to know if anyone else felt the same way. Why does everyone treat it like some magic bush, its just weed. It gets you stoned, that's all it does, and I hate spending the same amount a month for pot as I do on groceries. Shit just doesn't make sense to me. I understand that others out there also have to pay a lot for weed, but no one seems to understand that that doesn't make it right. What, just because others out there pay more or can't find any, that makes it right? No, it means we're all getting ripped off! I don't think anyone should ever have to pay more than 250 dollars an ounce, no matter what the quality. I just wish there was more consistency. Why do I pay 50 for bomb bud one week, and 50 for shit the next? Is the dealer that stupid, that he pays the same for both and charges me accordingly? I think if everyone upped their pot knowledge a tinge there would be a lot fairer prices out there. And about the customer service thing. If I go to McDonalds and buy a quarter pounder with cheese, and its 3 hours old I get pissed. Not only can I get my money back but probably get some free food too. That's called good customer service. But in the weed game, "oh you don't like it, that sucks, you're fucked" is the way it works. Why people, why? I just want everyone to think about this, that's all I ask. If you disagree just save your "quit bitching" comments, becuase thats not what I was trying to accomplish here and you're not helping anyone:peace::peace::peace:.