If you do plan on going into the weed business, maybe you can get a connection that will sell you wholesale and you sell retail? Its the basic of any business I guess...
This would make it so you do not have to grow weed and risk everything your parents worked for. Not to mention they are going to see a huge jump in their electric bill and investigate it...
I have been in your position before. Your young and thinking about the future, and how fuckin' hard it is to make money when your starting at the bottom. Life gets better gradually if you take the right steps forward. Help always comes, and it always comes late.
If you are going to grow weed, I would grow one crop at a time. Running two sets of lights will make your electric company the happiest mufukas ever. Get rid of the weed while you grow another crop. You are going to need a place to stash your money and weed, because I can guarantee you are going to get busted.
The precautions you have mentioned have all been covered (electricity, odor, containment, etc), also I plan to be that guy who sells to the people who buy wholesale and sell retail. The more people you sell to, the more people you have to trust. Rather sell it off to close friends in ounces who are heavy smokes, whether they decide to sell it or smoke it it's up to them.