Is it possible to achieve a house from growing?

The precautions you have mentioned have all been covered (electricity, odor, containment, etc), also I plan to be that guy who sells to the people who buy wholesale and sell retail.

Dude... You're talking wholesale ounces??? lmmfao I swear this is just the same person over and over coming up with this type of crap.
If you are selling it dont matter if its an ounce or a dime. Its still a felony and it doesnt matter if its the dea or the DA. the outcome is the same. A bust is a bust.
this is crazy. first of all you should prob learn how to grow before you decide on going commercial. you must have a lot of confidence in your intelligence.

one of the most brilliant guys iv ever met was a pharmacy major who started growing to pay for his education and cost of living while in school. did real good for a little over 3 years. last i knew he was tending 500 plants indoors. got pinched with a ounce his first year and the bust didnt go further. a year later he bought a 300k home with his girlfriend of years. three years into it one of his so called friends got pinched and rolled over on him. he got charged with a lousy 2 ounces and hit bail. tried talking him into getting out of the game but he was relaxed and loved what he did. called it his life work. called him to shoot pool a few days later and he didn't call back. got a call from his girlfriend the following day. turned out the friend that rolled over on him really rolled over on him and his whole organization went down over night. my friend got out on bail, drove to his place of business to find his "life's work" empty, and shot himself.

his family covered the whole situation up. went to his funeral and watched a bunch of fake ass people grieve. 90% of them hadn't spoken to him in years. everybody loves you when your dead.

there are brilliant growers with serious funding that get caught every week. what makes you think your can do better in your rents basement? if you plan on being a career criminal you better be ready for the consequences cause its just a matter of time. if you really want to be a career grower you better be ready to work 50 plus hours. people say growing is easy but realistically growing is work. when you love your job it doesnt feel like work but its still work.

you can buy few houses moving weight like a mac truck but is it really worth it?

you should rethink all the stubborn shit you just wrote and take the advise of experience. 95% of the people i talk to on here just want to help. you wont find that high of a percentage at church. gotta love the good people of rollitup.
can this thread just dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

EDIT: Also I wouldn't even expand... I would keep the same 24 plants total going. 8 in veg, 16 in flowering.
Are you growing in a legal area?
im 21yrs old and i can tell you that growing and selling in your parents home is silly. i hope you get caught little one. it will teach you a lesson in life that your parents failed to teach you :).
There are much easier and profitable drugs to sell than weed. If you're going to break the law anyway, go for something with a bigger ROI. Granted, dealing with tweakers is less enjoyable than stoners, and more dangerous, but hey them big dollars come at a cost. You also have to be prepared to turn away about 30% of your business because they are trying to trade you some 30 year old stereo, or other useless garbage like a fucking blender... I'm not speaking from experience of course. But I've read stories about it on the internets.
why dont you wait til spring and do an outdoor run with a few different spots.. not on your land. unless your parents know youre growing.. they'll know. electric bill is going to give you away, same with the smell.. heat. growing is an expensive hobby, definitely to start up. try an outdoor 1st before you spend your allowance on equipment and realize youre not an urban farmer