Is it safe to get my cat and dog high?


Well-Known Member
yes it can make them very sick, and even kill them... so just be careful and if they dont like it leave them alone lol...


Well-Known Member
i have a doberman pinscher and she will follow a blunt around the circle and sit there basically on your foot waiting for you to blow the smoke to her. she loves it but i have a choc lab/pointer mix that will have nothing to do with smoke but she will eat your bud. find it and eat it is a better way to put it. ive watched her dig thru a pile of clothes on pull out a small sack of nugs. i thought about tryin to train her so i know who is holdin when they come over but she is already three an that prob wont work anymore


I think getting your pet high, is fucked up. Whats the point? Id like to hold someone that does that down, and give them doses of drug, to see how theyll like it.


Active Member
I think getting your pet high, is fucked up. Whats the point? Id like to hold someone that does that down, and give them doses of drug, to see how theyll like it.
have any of you fuckers ever heard of cat nip it's a plant cats eat the shit to get high no's been around for years.


Well-Known Member
I think getting your pet high, is fucked up. Whats the point? Id like to hold someone that does that down, and give them doses of drug, to see how theyll like it.
Assuming you've read all IF any of the posts at all *from what you've said I know for a fact I'm making a large stretch here, however for sake of conversation allow me to* then you're totally misunderstanding the point.

You're not forcing anything on it, you do it in stages, your pets are something that forced or not are going to be around if you're smoking weed, if they like it, see how much they like it. slowly. If they like it a lot, you're doing something, duh, it likes. If they don't, don't push the issue. Enough said right there, I believe I'm horribly reiterating a point that's been clearly stated at least 5 or 6 times in this thread alone. Stop being a stupid douche, we have one here already and rules state theres one per thread. If you insist on it, I can make a new thread just for you, our idiot was here first.


Well-Known Member
I think getting your pet high, is fucked up. Whats the point? Id like to hold someone that does that down, and give them doses of drug, to see how theyll like it.
hook me up too... you dont even have to hold me down lol

Assuming you've read all IF any of the posts at all *from what you've said I know for a fact I'm making a large stretch here, however for sake of conversation allow me to* then you're totally misunderstanding the point.

You're not forcing anything on it, you do it in stages, your pets are something that forced or not are going to be around if you're smoking weed, if they like it, see how much they like it. slowly. If they like it a lot, you're doing something, duh, it likes. If they don't, don't push the issue. Enough said right there, I believe I'm horribly reiterating a point that's been clearly stated at least 5 or 6 times in this thread alone. Stop being a stupid douche, we have one here already and rules state theres one per thread. If you insist on it, I can make a new thread just for you, our idiot was here first.
lmao I just read the rules its totally in there HAHA :leaf:


Active Member
dude you dont want to get verbally raped so i suggest you mind your own...I could jump back on you as soon as I get off your mom...


Well-Known Member
dude you dont want to get verbally raped so i suggest you mind your own...I could jump back on you as soon as I get off your mom...
calm the hell down dude... this is supposed to be about getting your cats and/or dogs high, or whether or not they like it... not a flame fest/make your self look like an ass parade... by the way...
I got your douche right in between my thighs....
why would you put someone elses douche between your own thighs... that is fucking gross and stupid... so as I said calm the hell down so we can get back on topic bongsmilie my pup and I just got stoned... he is non stop licking my couch cushions lmao...


Well-Known Member
When I was a youngster me and some friends thought it would be cool to hotbox a kat....literally put a box over him...made a hole and blew tons of smoke in there....In retrospect I kick myself for it...wasnt much of a pet lover then I guess....Just a dumb youngster...Anyhooo when the box was lifted off of him he spun in circles for a minute and literally launched himself off the balcony....
i killed a mouse like that.

one of my snakes likes to smoke. both my dogs do too, everytime whether bong or blunt the dogs come and sit. they will et roaches and steal my stash. if im in my living room nt ikdest snake comes out of her box and comes to the top of the cage, so i gun some smoke, she'll slide around for a bit then back in her box.


Active Member
why would you put someone elses douche between your own thighs... that is fucking gross and stupid... so as I said calm the hell down so we can get back on topic bongsmilie my pup and I just got stoned... he is non stop licking my couch cushions lmao... WTF didnt understand it at all...right passed your head but its all good my little mental midget