Is it Time to Harvest and What do you Think ?

ha it does look like bananas. Tall plant is drying, for some reason it doesn't really smell at all, you guys ever hear that before? Buds are getting really nice and fluffy, the top huge bud makes me gitty when I squeeze it, it is HUGE ! can't wait to smoke these babies...the plant that is still left growing stinks like a skunk and has bud everywhere, i'd say 2-3x the bud of the plant I just cut
ok so funny you mention the bananas...just looked at my plant that is still budding and it has those banana looking things coming out of all different my plant like a transexual or something lol producing bud and some type of seed or type of flower...i can pull the yellow things on here could be hermie flowerS? how is that possible, they are coming out of the buds...should i harvest soon to stop this? you can see it in pic 10 on first page
very nice looking strain i love the unknown strains sometimes you get some real killa shit and yours look amazing..But i still would have waited on them or if you only chopped one let the other one go so you can see the difference with a later harvest...
You have a hermi, but that doesn't mean you can't grow it out, some of my grow hermied on me too.
Just pluck the bananas and squeeze the balls off if you see them. Try your best to not spread the pollen powder around or you will get lots of seeds. You will probably already get some seeds if you are just noticing bananas for the first time. It's nothing horrible. Especially if you are still new to growing. Grow the plant until the seed you find is nice and brown, then the plant will probably be ready. If you decide to try to pollinate intentionally, I think it takes 6 weeks to make a viable seed.
ok guys i understand my plant is turning hermie, i dont want seeds though...there is stinky bud all over this thing, if I cut it now can i save the bud that is already on the plant? let me know because when I get home from work I will cut it.

Stinkbud - I was going to wait on the 1 that is still currently growing but now that its turning hermie I dont want to lose the bud I have on it, so damn stinky ! help me figure out if I can save what I got...if i snip it will it still continue to produce seeds?
ive had a hermie or two the last pollinating one of my strawberry plants and gave me all fem seeds..but the time before i plucked all the nanners i seen and let the plant finish it came out like fire it was BLZ bud and great smoke pluck them and let it go a couple of weeks then clean your grow room out before your next grow...
dude wait another week or two. its putting out new pistils those buds will get fatter. give it a shot of molases and then straight water till you chop. it will be worth your wait
wrong this method works if you want your buds ripe. If your after a "headhigh" grow a strain that has a cerebral effect, rather than harvesting your crop early.

Actually he is right. You are in control of how much THC% and CBD% you can ultimately get! Yes i know what you are saying but if you happened to miss that picture on page 1 of this thread it shows you right there.
pic one

Clear Trichomes
Your bud is not Ready for harvest.

Cloudy Trichomes
Your bud is ready to harvest for those who want to consume more THC% and less CBD%

Amber Trichomes
Your bud is ready to harvest and cannot wait any longer. Your THC% in the bud is decreasing as we speak and degrading into CBD%

50/50 Trichomes
The perfect balance, just the dose the doctor recommended. THC and CBD work together THC is a psychoactive drug in marijuana which can ultimately lead to Schizo is extreme cases. ( very uncommon )
Now as research show, CBD is the active molecule that loves its sister molecule THC very much and actually provokes these symptoms from happening.

In other words CBD% is the good stuff that you want to smoke! and a 50% balance of the two (I.E cloudy and amber Trichomes) can work wonders on everyone no matter what illness. Catch my drift?
Yes you can buy dominate strains. Sativa and Indica the "head high" and the "couchlock" but you yourself are in control of this beautiful plant, and can make the right choice's to have a better smoke.
More THC = Less CBD.
guys I had to chop her, I was tweaking when I seen all the bananas everywhere. After I chopped her I removed leaves and in the top bud I was pulling out seeds, I figured if I waited any longer my bud would be full of seeds. She did have some milky trichomes.

I actually read in the horticulture marijuana bible that the best time is when you have half clear and half cloudy or else you'll get the couch lock buzz. I wanted to wait 2 more weeks but said frig it and took her out. If she tastes premmy that sucks but I'm ordering more seeds and will learn from my mistake. What do you guys think of purple plants like dutch passion or purple haze? I want some crazy bud this time and would you get feminized seeds, are they worth it?

I'll post some pics today of how it looked when i harvested her bongsmilie
oh ya and I have a sh*tload of leaves from both plants, is it worth making hash out of those too? or should I wait till I trim the buds and throw in the stems? I know I use a blender, ice, coffee filter