Is it worth $50 to you?

Would you donate $50 to a legalization effort that might actually work?

  • Yes

    Votes: 232 81.1%
  • No

    Votes: 54 18.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
sure...why not though if your idea is to get money from people on this site all i have to say is....AHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHA


Well-Known Member
No the money wouldn't go to me :))

It would be a real method of getting weed legalized ... but to cover the costs of products would run about $10 a politician (give or take.) I'm working on it with a ad man right now and he's flipped over the idea and already on my team for free. We're not looking to make a dime. (It will actually cost me money, current guess is my out of pocket will be about $3,000 a year in administration for 2 years. plus $100 for my wife and my contribution)



Active Member
sure...why not though if your idea is to get money from people on this site all i have to say is....AHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHA
why would it take 50 bucks to make weed legal? I believe that when me shit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbert!!!:finger:


Well-Known Member
why would it take 50 bucks to make weed legal? I believe that when me shit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbert!!!:finger:
It wouldn't take $50 .... it would COST YOU $50 ..
2 senators, 1 representative, 1 president (4 products + shipping)

My adman and I are working on the details and I already have myself and another programmer for the website ...

It would TAKE roughly $100,000,000 to legalize weed.
Or 2 million people buying their way to freedom at $50 a pop.



Active Member
It wouldn't take $50 .... it would COST YOU $50 ..
2 senators, 1 representative, 1 president (4 products + shipping)

My adman and I are working on the details and I already have myself and another programmer for the website ...

It would TAKE roughly $100,000,000 to legalize weed.
Or 2 million people buying their way to freedom at $50 a pop.

If it was that easy and compromising wouldnt it have been done a long time ago. And who would risk 50 bucks for something that would most def not work. So your saying to bribe the system into legalizing weed?


Well-Known Member
If it was that easy and compromising wouldnt it have been done a long time ago. And who would risk 50 bucks for something that would most def not work. So your saying to bribe the system into legalizing weed?
1 I said nothing about compramize...

2. I said nothing about bribing ...

In the NRA we sent some passive, legal, legitamate messages to Obama 1 week before he was sworn in ... They were not able to be deleted, shreded or eaily discarded an he DEFINATELY got the clue that we were serious about our 2A rights because 3 million of our presents showed up in 3 days.

I'm guessing $50 right now (and I think I'm over estimating cost) but I need to talk to a manufacturer and see what the real cost would be. I think low would be $35 a person and could be as high as $50. I need to shop fist ... this is exploratory.

Could it not work? Of course. However some politico's would sure be missing out on re-election when they stood up and said, 'We still don't care'



Well-Known Member
NORML is only ONE of the organizations I've already contacted ....

So far I've contacted 7 legaization organizations, 5 magazines, and 1 television network ...

My adman is working on celebrities.....

I'm serious about this and believe it can work ...

A hell of a lot better that getting together in some remote spot and getting high once a year, that's worked so well for the last 40 years....

When I reveal the plan and go live with it, it will make MUCH more sense ... right now I only want to know..

Is it worth $50 to you to get it legalized?

I am not, will not, and never will ask for a dime here... I'm asking about YOUR personal worth of legalization..



Well-Known Member
you dont sell obviously
If I did, I ceratainly wouldn't 'admit' it on the internet...

and if I did, I would GLADLY take a cut in profit to sell legally.

I'm not some kid with 'nothing to lose' and that's why I don't sell.
I'm a man with a family, life, real job, and worked my ass off to get it all.
The risk does not equal the reward of selling.

Hell the risk of growing doesn't equal the rewards to me .... Activism is legal and a good idea can change everything. Smokers EASILY outnumber the dealers and even with legalization there's plenty more for dealers to deal.



Active Member
maybe people would actually think about spending 50 dollars if you broke it down specifically what your plans were and how you would go about it with your "adman".

AJ Toker

Well-Known Member
From a sales standpoint, decriminalization would be cool. But I am for 100% legalization. Let the govt. tax it and lower my taxes.


Well-Known Member
maybe people would actually think about spending 50 dollars if you broke it down specifically what your plans were and how you would go about it with your "adman".
When I want people to actually spend money they will know exactly what they are spending it on and why....

The first rule of warfare is you don't tip off your enemy. Second of all I don't give my idea's away. Right now I"m 'floating' as they would say in politics. I simply want to know the 'value' to herb smokers of legalization.

The plan will either come to be or not. My adman is my only confidant and the only person I trust to keep a secret. Once he okays it then we'll start it in motion, once in motion the plan will become obvious to all. The bottom line is my motivation is 100% selifish. I'm dry as of 6 days ago. I don't want to buy more, I don't want to grow any, and I'm sick of doing 'illegal' things to enjoy my herb. My financial gain from donations will be exactly $0. The financial cost TO me will be slightly more than it would cost me to buy two pounds.

If it works the gain for humanity will be incalculable. My adman has worked in the comic industry for 25 years, and worked directly with Kevin Smith and Stan Lee. I have a friend who's a PhD in Botany working on 'research' documentation. I myself am a programmer and another friend who's a DBA who will be working with me on the computer end. We all will be doing this specifically and directly because we want to get our Herb legally and NOT have to live in California or Oregon. Being a gun guy neither of those states is particularly appealing to me. I am financing the administration on my own dime.

The details around the $50 will be obvious when we reveal (although we expect less but you always run your 'float' a bit over cost just in case.)
The cost will specifically go to raw materials, labor. shipping and possibly a $5 donation to NORML too.

I can't reveal more than that.



Well-Known Member
Why not skip the whole $50 a pop crap and just find a few investors. 100, 000, 000 is not that much money at all when you talk about legalizing pot.

Im sorry to say, I highly doubt that this will even make the slightest difference in pot laws. If I start hearing about the "Marijuana Revolution" all over the news, then Hit me Up with a PM and Ill donate $200.
