is it worth getting into growing?


I was recently offered a job to apprentice under a grower with 30+ years under his belt. I have a huge passion for the business and growing, i guess my main question is it a rewarding career? how much time will i spend in the grow vs free time? i have grown single plants but never dipped my toes this deep at all, just looking for advice or even stories about how you started and how long it took to become comfortable enough to care for several hundred plants? thanks for reading and responding.
Dont Drink And Drive, Smoke And Fly!
Dude you are in my dream situation. I’d take it, but that’s just me. I know nothing of what the actual day to Day would consist of, but I assume you’d spend a lot of time with the plants. If that’s your thing, go for it.
I want weed to be my life, in a successful way. Depends on how much you wanna be involved I guess? Do you wanna basically be in the dirt for your career?
Sorry man I’m baked so :)
If you enjoy what you do for a living you never truly work a day in your life.

That said, apprentices usually do the dirty work, manual labor. So a lot depends on how much you like those tasks (or hate them).
If your area runs short of bud or you have someone to sell many kilos to id say take the chance. If not this market is saturated, overated and full of far fetched dreams.
Especially the legal recreational. Talk about intrigue, assholes and being shit on. Money people are money people. Growers are growers and the two are totally different. I’ve seen true growing gurus be shit on as soon as the grow is going and some “apprentice” was able to handle it. Including businesses that were literally started in product by a grower cloning out of his legacy greenhouse.

If you are into being used and abused I say go for it. Don’t hold your breath waiting to learn his deepest secrets.
IMHO yes - I worked in a few capacities in guerilla in NorCal (80's) and commercial.
Negatives: Cleaning everything, getting dirty, blisters, "unique aromas", cleaning, bug bites (outdoor), trimming, cleaning EVERYTHING. Getting clowned when I broke a branch (nice grower!).
Positives: Education - Just follow orders and listen up, you have 30+ years of knowledge available, and most growers I've met enjoy passing along some meaty information if you work hard and show interest (like any job).

This is where you learn and literally get your hands dirty. If it's not for you, it will make a good story on break at the next job!

Also - @hotrodharley is not wrong. Sad fact is that legalization has brought more of that element into the profession. Go in eyes open too.
I’ve seen true growing gurus be shit on as soon as the grow is going and some “apprentice” was able to handle it.
In this industry it pays to get into the arena as a partnership, percentage of the company. Then you are vested and want to make the company as much money as you can because that means more money for you. Plus they can't just shit on you.
In this industry it pays to get into the arena as a partnership, percentage of the company. Then you are vested and want to make the company as much money as you can because that means more money for you. Plus they can't just shit on you.
If you can afford to buy into the game. It’s all cash. You ain’t got it you ain’t playing. The “contracts” I’ve seen so far have not been enforceable for this reason or that. Better to know the dirt like pesticide use or PM in the house. Use it to blackmail the bastards.
As much as I enjoy legalization - it also means "corporatization" and the money game gets weird.

Used to be handshake honor...
And watch the bitch fights and backstabbing. People who have known each other for years suddenly competitors. Not in every case or even most. But enough you keep your own secrets close.
And watch the bitch fights and backstabbing. People who have known each other for years suddenly competitors. Not in every case or even most. But enough you keep your own secrets close.
bongsmilie Seriously blew water out my nose just now!!! - You've been at more than one trim table my friend...

edit - wrong kind of fight! I was thinking of long days trimming in a hot room and the dumb arguments that broke out.
What you're talking about just plain sucks. I was fortunate enough to work for the mentoring type - that's why I was able to mainline the first plant I ever grew myself lol
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bongsmilie Seriously blew water out my nose just now!!! - You've been at more than one trim table my friend...

edit - wrong kind of fight! I was thinking of long days trimming in a hot room and the dumb arguments that broke out.
What you're talking about just plain sucks. I was fortunate enough to work for the mentoring type - that's why I was able to mainline the first plant I ever grew myself lol
I’ve been growing since the 60’s when it was definitely guerilla in west Texas and southern New Mexico. Edges of fields that got irrigation. Being sure to siphon the nights they had ammonia drip tanks. Using Miracle Gro turquoise and tomato food. You kept everything secret or got ripped off. But you knew others who grew. You hopefully got along. There was a brotherhood. Even if a loose one. Not so anymore when people fork over $50,000 here just to get get going with a limited license for 500 square feet of grow space. $1000 just for the license. Then the GROWERS have to pay $50 an ounce for finished flower BEFORE they can sell it to some retailer. Friends are friends and business is business. I’ve seen longtime associates cut each others throats and both claim they don’t know what started it. Jesus H.
Since the recent changes seed strains have gone mad, lights tents soils omg and all pushed realky hard at just normal homegrowers. One day its vaping then dabs then moon rocks then fuck knows what craze.

Id say it fucks it up for the little guys that use to be the main people who keep it going until mega bucks stepoed in and grabbed the reigns.

All round bad but if you come from the time before it seems easier not to get so caught up in it.

I’ve been growing since the 60’s when it was definitely guerilla in west Texas and southern New Mexico. Edges of fields that got irrigation. Being sure to siphon the nights they had ammonia drip tanks. Using Miracle Gro turquoise and tomato food. You kept everything secret or got ripped off. But you knew others who grew. You hopefully got along. There was a brotherhood. Even if a loose one. Not so anymore when people fork over $50,000 here just to get get going with a limited license for 500 square feet of grow space. $1000 just for the license. Then the GROWERS have to pay $50 an ounce for finished flower BEFORE they can sell it to some retailer. Friends are friends and business is business. I’ve seen longtime associates cut each others throats and both claim they don’t know what started it. Jesus H.
Since the recent changes seed strains have gone mad, lights tents soils omg and all pushed realky hard at just normal homegrowers. One day its vaping then dabs then moon rocks then fuck knows what craze.

Id say it fucks it up for the little guys that use to be the main people who keep it going until mega bucks stepoed in and grabbed the reigns.

All round bad but if you come from the time before it seems easier not to get so caught up in it.
Quality top shelf bud here brings $150-$200. Max. Unless you’re a goober that doesn’t know anyone.
Are concentrates closed the price of cocaine? 80-90% purity must be costly per gram.

Theres a lot of potential probably already tapped.
Pretty much right there. It’s insane and people are not only buying it but different rigs for different products. The cash in that arena is there. $65-$90 a gram. I have a guy sells 3 for $120 and gives you a punchcard. Buy 10 and the 11th is free. This guy is street. Meets you in parking lots in his turbo Charger. Punchcard. Lol.
He’s just blasting it and then putting it in his heated vacuum chamber. Crude dabs but damned tasty. Uses only flower. And in winter here it’s no problem doing it at -20. In fact hope it gets up to -20 in January. These nuts outside with boxes of butane canisters and blast columns. Putting pictures of the product on Facebook.