Is marijuana addictive?


Well-Known Member
I don't think so... I've only been smoking since the day I first tasted the sweet leaf.... 35 years ago.


New Member
i think there's a ton of morons out there who after being subjected to the government and society classifying marijuana as a drug feel they have a need to fuel themselves with drama to reach a certain level of self satisfaction. these are the people that claim they are addicted to the "drug"

then there's people who have very little going on in their lives and not much to live for except the carnal urges... eat, fuck, get high, sleep. this group of people most likely makes up the bulk of a population of marijuana users that claim to be victimized by the justice system and penalized for being stupid and getting caught... not including dealers and growers in that lump sum of degenerates.. but the morons who end up in court mandated rehabilitation because they might admit to being addicted to marijuana so they can claim to seek treatment and get help.. thus lightening the cruel sentences they would have faced had they pled guilty to drug use and posession.

these are the marijuana addicts. completely seperate group of people than the real drug addicts. i know because i had a huge opiate problem at one time. when u need something to live or function, thats addiction. not smoking pot will not turn my skin yellow, cause vomiting, and prevent me from sleeping till i get my fix. now that's real addiction there. if i dont smoke pot after using it regularly for a long period of time i might eat less and stay up later, laugh a little less, and not have cottonmouth. not quite the same thing.

so yea marijuana addiction is bullshit. someone who thinks they are addicted and needs it, who isnt classified in the groups i listed above, has got to be really weak minded IMO.


Well-Known Member
There are no CB1 or CB2 receptors in the medulla it doesn't interfere with involuntary muscle action or the normal homeostasis of the human body. It's not physically addictive.

On the other hand, anything can be psychologically addictive. The last time I took a t-break I thought it was going to be bad...but I occupied my time with working out and other activities and it really wasn't bad at all. When it comes to halting MJ usage, it's mind over matter.

Cannabinoids exit the body so slowly that withdrawal is physically impossible unless MJ is covering up symptoms of another disease. I have Pancolitis and if I don't smoke i'll get stomach pain and cramping, but those are just symptoms of my Pancolitis...


Well-Known Member
I should add that it depends on the person. But to deny that's it's psychologically addicting would be retarded. ANYTHING can be psychologically addicting. Sex, video games, TV, working out, etc...
Not true.... Things that are addictive your body will go thru withdraws like alcohol, heroine, cocaine and cigarettes. MJ it's not a problem, you won't have the shakes if you quit cold turkey. Oh yeah I forgot meth lol

The cap

Well-Known Member
Nope.................................................................... Where the fuck is my bong??


Well-Known Member
Cannabis is about as addictive as Twinkies are.

Yes, some people become dependent on it.

And yes, there is a very minor and brief withdrawal period immediately following abstention.

But caffeine is more addictive, in reality.


Well-Known Member
i miss smoking but i have candy and tea, though even if i am not stoned im addicted to RIU when there is nothing even going on here, this place is pot so hmm i think it is but thats just me


Well-Known Member
i can tell you this for certain, MJ helped me quit alcohol when everything else failed I also do not smoke cigarettes when I smoke pot.
same for me. when I smoke I just don't want liquer. maybe one cold glass of Chablis but that would really be to be sociable. If i do not smoke I'll drink for western europe and start WoW,
Yes, I feel marijuana along with anything else in life can be addicting. PSYCHOLOGICALLY! Unlike caffeine,alcohol and nicotine where it is proven that these drugs can cause addictions, I don't think there is any research that proves any of marijuanas compounds are addicting. Then again our Gov't is so fucked up they deny scientists the funding and ability to research and properly educate people on marijuana. They resort to scare tactics like it kills brain cells,makes you stupid,causes you to run over kids on bikes in a drive thru(you remember that commercial don't you??). Ive taken a break from smoking before and experienced sleeplessness,nightmares,and anxiety that lasted for a couple days. After that I felt fine and actually a little healthier after a weeks break. To say marijuana is addicting seems a little harsh. I consider it an enjoyable pastime that has become part of my lifestyle. They can call that whatever they want!