Jack Harer
Well-Known Member
Cs, I respectfully have to disagree. Addictive properties have nothing to do with what a person uses a substance for. A guy taking lortab for back pain long enough will become just as physically addicted (and more dependant due to the relief of back pain) as one taking it for recreational purposesesIt just depends on the individual. It depends on what they're using it for. Most people use it for recreation or for medicinal purposes. Some people use it to escape or self-medicate. Usually those are the ones who have addiction issues and tend to use other types of self-medication to their detriment.
I really believe that pot DOES have some degree of pychologial dependency. I get irritable as hell when I get low, and dont let me run out! but as far as the commonly accepted concept of addiction with dangerous physical withdrawal, that we all know to be hogwash and govt rhetoric If our Government were truly concerned for public health, then FAR more substances than pot would be illicit, including some of the most readily available drugs, alcohol and nicotine.
i have just got to learn voice recognition. y'all would NOT believe what I just went thu to type this (and edit it)with somewhat accuracy I'll post some un edited pots here. this stroke has not only fucked up myleft hand and typing, it's fucking ith my ability to see vowels or remember where keys are. Microsoft also makes a very durable mouse. this one hit the deck at least 5 times during this composition.