Is my flowering bud turning hermie?


Active Member
Could someone look at these pictures and let me know what you think? The first picture is a normal looking bud, but take a look at the others. What's up with the yellow looking parts? Am I seeing male flowers?



Well-Known Member
yup, those are male pollen sacks. did you cut it down cause of that? or did you think it was done?


Well-Known Member
Hermies are female plants that are exposed to pollen and
produce seeds.

Only males produce pollen sacs, and you will know when you
see them.


Smoky McPot
Hermies are female plants that are exposed to pollen and
produce seeds.

Only males produce pollen sacs, and you will know when you
see them.

Holy shit really? I keep reading from peoples posts that they create their own pollen, so if i have two females, i dont even have to worry? Why do some people say that feminized seeds have hermie traits and can sometimes turn hermie? Wouldnt they need pollen somehow?


Well-Known Member
You'll be fine...people think a few seeds in the buds
due to some type of stress means it's a hermaphrodite.
It would need to be pollinated to be considered a


Well-Known Member
it is not uncommon for some strains to generate a few hermies in the final weeks of flowering. this is a quite a a familiar condition with sinsemilla crops as some plants, in a last ditch effort to continue there line via seeds, will generate a few male flowers to try to self-polinate. in most cases the pollen produced is not viable, but as a precaution you should clip them away. Simply check your buds for small yellow banana shapes in the bud during the final weeks of flowering and clip them away. your plant is/was a hermi


Smoky McPot
Ok, so are these pollen sacs fragile? How would you go about cutting them off? Not that i have any but jw for future ref


Active Member
yup, those are male pollen sacks. did you cut it down cause of that? or did you think it was done?
I'm a new grower Just started 12/12 about 5 days ago. Could you of someone tell me were in these pic.s from this post do you see seeds of pollen sacks


Well-Known Member
I am not experienced enough to tell if these are pollen sacs or if somehow this plant got pollinated...

The first option seems more likely...

Pollen sacs are not fragile until you see them swell and change color to a lighter green (from reading not exp)... Clipping these skinny fellows, if thats what they are, just at the base of the pod would be better in my opinion then clipping off good bud material...

But get more pro opinion...

If you are interested in getting some fem seeds and these are pollen sacs read FDD's post on milking his nuts... You can get the pollen sacs off just before they burst and just pollinate one but carefully and get a few fem seeds...

Check it out...

Any way these are what we are looking at...



Well-Known Member
Hermies are female plants that are exposed to pollen and
produce seeds.

Only males produce pollen sacs, and you will know when you
see them.
i am gonna have to disagree with you on this. hermie have both male and female traits. they produce pollen sacs and pollinate themselves. when they pollinate themselves they create seeds. happened to me on my last grow. even though pistils appeared so did pollen sacs and only one bud pollinated itself. also going along with type x