Is my stealing justified?


Active Member
Ok Ok... I feel bad... but somewhat justified... so here's the scoop...

I live with my senior in school GF and I just graduated... I live with her, and her mother... who smokes weed.. GF sometimes but not really.. so basically it's just me and the mom who smokes weed.. So anyways, her mom is really a pissed off lonely, in her 40's kind of woman (no offence to all those single 40's out there but this chick is off her fuckin rocker)....

anyways... because I have yet to get a job this girl is under the distinct impression that she "pays for everything", when in reality all she pays is rent...... on her sister's house that her sister gave her because before we moved here she lived in a shit place....

anyways.... so she buys weed... and get this... everyday when she goes to work she HIDES the shit because she is under the distinct impression that I'll take and smoke it all... which is fuckin' BS because I got me some Swisher Sweet mini cigars which get me through the day just fine...... and even though supposedly we always "smoke together"... I've walked in her room before and it smells HARD of some serious dank sometimes, so I KNOW... not to mention the GF has told me too, that she smokes big ass fatties by her fuckin' self.... which.. pisses me off...

So finally I said fuck it... I went in her room... damn near tore it apart (and put it back of course)... found... and took me some bud so I can have myself my "peace and quiet" smoke time by myself like she does sometimes...

so is that justified?... I'm damn positive it is but just wanted to get some opinions.

umm... if you didn't pay for the weed, you shouldn't be tearing someones room apart for it... are you sure you don't mean crystal meth?
you live in her house and smoke her weed then steal and then talk shit about her how ungrateful can you be ? makes me sick.
i hope someday some one steals your stash that u WORKED for now give it back and u will feel better
No it's not justified. It's her money and you need to be grateful when she smokes you up. She is doin you a favor. I kicked a roomate out once because he stole a joint's worth of weed. It wasn't the weed, it was a trust thing after that.
you live in her house and smoke her weed then steal and then talk shit about her how ungrateful can you be ? makes me sick.
Word, Imma have to concur on this one.
Last thing I want when Im 40 is some grown ass adult living with my daughter (whos still in high school I might add) in my fucking house, diggin thru my fuckin room for weed. Your ass would be kicked out so fast. Not only is that mad go thru a womans personal shit (her room) is just wrong.

You should feel bad and do your self and her a favor and grow up, get a life and quit livin off other people-no one owes ur ass anything. YOU ARE AN ADULT. Shes not ur mom. Geez. I cant stand thieves.
ok... should I add the part where um.... *I* pay for it too morons?.... for the better part of this ladies life she's lived off of the fucking system.... and zero money for gas to even fucking rive herself from Washington down to Texas had to use my 600 grad cash.... the only she even has a job is cuz her sister helped her... and the only reason she has weed is cuz of the cash I still have banked and she hasn't fucking sucked from me yet....



piss off... yeah... she's paid for maybe 20 or 40 out of the tons we've smoked... miss the part where I said all she pays for is rent, huh?
ok... should I add the part where um.... *I* pay for it too morons?.... for the better part of this ladies life she's lived off of the fucking system.... and zero money for gas to even fucking rive herself from Washington down to Texas had to use my 600 grad cash.... the only she even has a job is cuz her sister helped her... and the only reason she has weed is cuz of the cash I still have banked and she hasn't fucking sucked from me yet....



piss off... yeah... she's paid for maybe 20 or 40 out of the tons we've smoked... miss the part where I said all she pays for is rent, huh?

And why would you leave this out in the first place? No your stealing is not justified still you little fucking theif. Go get a job and buy your own bud.
Oh and I gotta add...what the hell do you expect her to do? Leave it on the table like its in a candy bowl for you to take when you feel like getting high? When I buy weed, I smoke it by myself all the time, in "peace and quiet" and I dont share it with NOBOBY, unless I wanna...and best believe if someone came into my room and dug through it, theyd be paying big time.
ok... should I add the part where um.... *I* pay for it too morons?.... for the better part of this ladies life she's lived off of the fucking system.... and zero money for gas to even fucking rive herself from Washington down to Texas had to use my 600 grad cash.... the only she even has a job is cuz her sister helped her... and the only reason she has weed is cuz of the cash I still have banked and she hasn't fucking sucked from me yet....



piss off... yeah... she's paid for maybe 20 or 40 out of the tons we've smoked... miss the part where I said all she pays for is rent, huh?
So what you are saying is you think you are owed weed and a home for paying 600 bucks...I think ur the one thats off his rocker. Not her. Im just sayin.
If you paid for the weed why da fuck she got it?

ya story is very confusing due to being unorganized and too many factors.

If it is her weed fuck you and she should fuck ya ass up.
If it's both ya'll weed why you letting her bitch you like that and letting her hide the smoke in the first place?
Man up bruh and take yo shit back and let her know ya'll put in or w.e.
if u paid 4 it its in your possesion its yours sounds like u stole it your a thief i hope u dont mind jail
if u paid 4 it its in your possesion its yours sounds like u stole it your a thief i hope u dont mind jail

That's what I think too, he made up the excuse too quick along with... Why the fuck would you leave something so important to the story out?
That's what I think too, he made up the excuse too quick along with... Why the fuck would you leave something so important to the story out?

Thats exactly what im saying man, he prolly realizes now that we dont really take kindly to theives and changed his story.
That's what I think too, he made up the excuse too quick along with... Why the fuck would you leave something so important to the story out?
Haha thats what I think too...

sorry you cant get mad at everyone and call them morons for pointing out what a loser you are.
dude give it back or pay 4 what u took and hope all is well even if u get the reputation of beeing a fuckin thief thier is honor among thieves give it fuckin back 2 her
been to jail once.. only for 4 days.. but still.. I don't fancy on going back... whatev though.. I tried to lay shit in the open but just got torn up so fuck it...

not a theif, but I will take Mane's advise though and just take back all of it and tell her she can either smoke it with and I'll keep it or if she wants her personal bud I'll sell her some....