"We" Where in the hell did you get the we, it's not your money to begin with.
tax revenue comes from the citizens....We who want nothing to do with your economy damaging speculative activities.
And anyone that would call private investments "economy damaging activities" obviously knows little about investing and even less about our economy, that's a fact.
BP GULF COAST DISASTER, EXXON VALDEZ OIL TANKER SPILL( unless of course you see man-made natural disasters a good thing for the economy...or war for that matter ) Tech Bubble Burst, Housing Market Bubble Burst, Great Depression, Monsanto suing small farmers, old folks loosing 401ks, S&L Scandals, usury, Predatory lending, price fixing, pyramid/ponzi schemes....ETC ETC
Then of course you can research yourself just how bad speculative investments can fuck up the economy. Then you can proceed to educate yourself on the 2nd half of the past century, up to today.
This will really be the last time I respond to you.
I don't see where you're getting the notion that investors are greedy, if you've ever held a job, odds are your employer was or is an investor.
this has to be the most ignorant thing I ever heard when discussing economics. I advise you to research the "invisible hand" and how its basically greed that runs capital markets.
You are dead wrong, I don't feel the government should be in the business of bailing investors out, that is, as long as they're not in the business of collecting their profits.
To paraphrase, "You're an idiot. The government should bail people out of bad investments if people have to pay income tax on their capital gains." What do you contend is so special about capital gains that it should be tax free? How do you differentiate gambling income from "capital gains" income? I wont read your reply so dont bother attempting to spew more garbage to me.
I think you're a little confused, I never said dividends were not double taxed, I know they they are.
But think about it, the term dividends is just another name for capital gains that are paid out quarterly or on a regular basis to it's share holders.
No, dividends are not just another name for capital gains paid out on a regular basis. This is just getting pathetic now.
And if there weren't people who took risks my friend, America would not be America. You along with me and everyone else in this country have reaped the benefits of those "greedy gamblers"!
I agree with the first half of your statement. Sort of. You can't define a word with the word itself, as some kind of justification for ANYTHING. Thats like saying "without photons, blue wouldn't be blue. so that means the earth revolves around the sun!" Which might be true, but doesn't say much.
Also without the oppressive government of the UK, boat technology of the time, etc etc America wouldnt be America. There is MORE to america than RISKY GREED, if you can pound that into your thick skull, humanity would be better off.
The second half I do not agree with at all. What benefits? We have Earth-fucking slave mobiles so slave-employees drive to their "occupation", get fast "food", while burning up the planet, eating crap-food from chain stores produced by hydrogenated corn oil, etc. We build houses using some of the most environmentally-damaging and inefficient building technology ever invented. Its all a joke. We have corporations brainwashing every aspect of peoples lives through marketing. Watering food crops with toxic chemicals, spraying toxic chemicals on everything, putting industrial waste chemicals in municipal water supplies, gulf of mexico....
Even by your short-sighted measure of success, money, we are going down the shitter. I wonder when the last time you studied the US trend in per capita GDP was, and how we rank in the world.
bankers conveniently hid all the gold, gave us fiat paper-and-useless metal currency ( which still has more value than 1's and 0's in a computer database), and will laugh when we kill each other over meaningless paper. They will laugh when people FIGHT for the RIGHT to kill each other over numbers in a database.