Is outdoor... Less then indoor? And why?

RIU tolerance break officially over.. I came back to see everybodys beautiful harvest!!

IMO on this tho, outdoor is usually always better for me, but I live in Cali, so we have optimal outdoor growing conditions. Im sure up north indoor is better. Indoor bud always has some kind of flaw, like a test tube baby. To me, you cant go wrong with how nature intended it.
This was in Chicago last was may-august muggy...
yeah see I had a buddy from chicago move to san burnadeno after growing outdoors in chicago for like 5 years, he said the difference is just phenominal, because of the high UV's and super intense sun summer weather the bud just gets super-strong. that's a pretty good explaination of why the outdoor you've tried there doesn't come close to the indoor, humidity blocks UV rays, UV rays + CO2 are pretty much what trigger trichome production. you got plentty of CO2, not enough UV.
I'm glad you came in here and straightened these youngsters out on this subject Pops......good job!!:clap: Outdoor all the way!!! IF know what your doing. Peace out!!
to each their own. consensus up here in nor cal (way nor cal.) is that indoor bud isn't as good as outdoor and we're all outdoor growers out here, we try plenty of indoor bud when it comes our way but the outdoor always seems to be better. and most consumers of bud up here agree. but its all good as I said, to each their own.

its just that bro.. if the outdoors grown here turned out better.. then ya maybe we would all smoke outdoors.. but for me.. personally .. i smoke indoor.. because my indoors is better then any of the bud i have seen or have gotten in new england.. period..

iuno im not dissing outdoors to any means.. but id love to see Tests from a Lab.. that shows the same exact clone.. grown outdoors.. and grown indoors.. in the best conditions.. and see which is really better.

dont get me wrong.. if ur getting good outdoors more power to u.. i only wish i could get good outdoors here. all the outdoors i see in new england is mediocre if that.. its like eiher been pulled early to fight off mold.. or pulled correctly and trimmed shitty so it looks like garbage..

to me .. its really all about the environment.. and giving the plant what it needs nute wise.. and a good trrim job if u lack in any of those u could lose money on pricing .... ive seen indoors that looks like garbage and outdoors that looked amazing.. but i have yet to see outdoors sell for more then good indoors.
thats wat i figured.. in cali and shit theres soo many growers and elite clones going around that the outdoors grows lovely.. ur right it probably is better then the indoors because the indoor growers have to use acs and all the shit to control environment.. and most people go for yields.. and not sooo much on quality i get it .. but over in new england.. if ur growing indoors.. ur going to grow the best shit u can so that it is worth it wen u go to sell it ... and same with outdoors.. u try to grow the best u can .. but the weather hasnt been cooperative.. so u end up with ehhh. ok outdoors that goes for half the price of the good indoors..
not to mention.. Genetics has a huge role .. i grew out mid seeds back wen i first started and got great weed way better then it came out of . so i guess u can go with that theory.. that any indoor u get could of proly been grown better .. and any outdoors u get could proly have been grown better also.. as long as the environment. nutes .. and enough light are provided i think u could produce amazing buds indoors and outs.. greenhouses are like the best of both worlds.. id say if i could grow in greenhouses and not get ripped or arrested .. i would be growing in greenhouoses for outside!
its just that bro.. if the outdoors grown here turned out better.. then ya maybe we would all smoke outdoors.. but for me.. personally .. i smoke indoor.. because my indoors is better then any of the bud i have seen or have gotten in new england.. period..

iuno im not dissing outdoors to any means.. but id love to see Tests from a Lab.. that shows the same exact clone.. grown outdoors.. and grown indoors.. in the best conditions.. and see which is really better.

dont get me wrong.. if ur getting good outdoors more power to u.. i only wish i could get good outdoors here. all the outdoors i see in new england is mediocre if that.. its like eiher been pulled early to fight off mold.. or pulled correctly and trimmed shitty so it looks like garbage..

to me .. its really all about the environment.. and giving the plant what it needs nute wise.. and a good trrim job if u lack in any of those u could lose money on pricing .... ive seen indoors that looks like garbage and outdoors that looked amazing.. but i have yet to see outdoors sell for more then good indoors.
there have been tests in labs showing that the outdoor counterparts have the same exact levels of THC as the indoor counterparts, sometimes they even get higher. butmost of the time they're very similar.
not to mention.. Genetics has a huge role .. i grew out mid seeds back wen i first started and got great weed way better then it came out of . so i guess u can go with that theory.. that any indoor u get could of proly been grown better .. and any outdoors u get could proly have been grown better also.. as long as the environment. nutes .. and enough light are provided i think u could produce amazing buds indoors and outs.. greenhouses are like the best of both worlds.. id say if i could grow in greenhouses and not get ripped or arrested .. i would be growing in greenhouoses for outside!
to me nothing beats true outdoors....

out here, shit only gets nasty towards the 2nd week of october, sometimes sooner. really all I need is a roof to setup over my plants and just wrap the whole thing in plastic while shit is nasty ;)

when the sun is out and there isn't a damn cloud in teh sky, you don't want your plants in a green house, you want them outside enjoying every bit of that sun! but when it gets nasty, I totally am for building shit to protect them when needed.
well in a couple years i mite agree with u .. lol but around here the indoors is were its at.. wen i move somewere were its very nice to grow outdoors.. maybe ill smoke more outdoors.. but at the moment.. the outdoors around here goes for between 1800-2500 a pound.. and is really nowere as close to as good as the indoor exotic going for 5 gs a pound.
well in a couple years i mite agree with u .. lol but around here the indoors is were its at.. wen i move somewere were its very nice to grow outdoors.. maybe ill smoke more outdoors.. but at the moment.. the outdoors around here goes for between 1800-2500 a pound.. and is really nowere as close to as good as the indoor exotic going for 5 gs a pound.

ay bro trust me I agree with you. my main argument towards this is that prime outdoor only grows in certain places, that's why most people don't think outdoor is as good as indoor, so trust me we agree ;)
It also depends were outdoors. i live in the mojavee desert were my plants have a late Nov frost date and never have a problem with humidity. my only problem consist in heat and thats why i use shade strain wise is better to breed your own kind as for strains acclimitise to there surroundings. breederwise i prefer outdoors it gives the chance for the strain to excell
I think you speak for yourself and whatever half-assed grower you got bud from. not all climates involve blowing sand everywhere. though I'll admit there are unlucky years. but some years are completely clean. and besides, dirt don't hurt, fool. but here are some pics of my outdoor bud last year, chitowns sour kush, macro shot, shit looks like indoor bud, don't even lie, there is no real contaminant to speak of and tests have shown that outdoor bud is NOT as contaminated as people claim.

do you know what the acronym for imo?? dont get butt hurt because you cant cant do both outdoor is excellent!!! I'm not saying my shit is the best but its some of the stoniest outdoor their is and i've smoked what people say is the best outdoor (which is good usually) but taste wise nothing beats a good indoor grown buds IMO dummy!!!!!!! No matter what if its outside and sticky then no matter what your blind ass says , there is gonna be dirt particals stuck to the trichomes and if you say there isnt any dirt then your a bs artist. btw your stupid links dont work
do you know what the acronym for imo?? dont get butt hurt because you cant cant do both outdoor is excellent!!! I'm not saying my shit is the best but its some of the stoniest outdoor their is and i've smoked what people say is the best outdoor (which is good usually) but taste wise nothing beats a good indoor grown buds IMO dummy!!!!!!! No matter what if its outside and sticky then no matter what your blind ass says , there is gonna be dirt particals stuck to the trichomes and if you say there isnt any dirt then your a bs artist. btw your stupid links dont work

that's because thats an old post.

dunno where you're at chitown, maybe these pics will bring you out!


Lush 1

Lush 2

Tahoe OG Kush:

Cheesequake 1

Cheesequake 2

Pre98 Bubba Kush x Tahoe OG (bubba pheno)




chitowns Sour Kush bubba pheno 1:

chitowns sour kush bubba pheno 2:

chitowns sour kush bubba pheno 3:

chitowns sour kush diesel pheno:

now I"m not saying I grow the greatest flavors, but the flavor is pretty niiice. I don't pride myself on best flavor, I pride myself on smooth clean good flavored smoke with a very effective high, long lasting and medicinal. and for all this I don't believe anything beats outdoors in a PRIME environment. I just harvested today without my buds getting rained on ONCE. I don't mind a few dust particles here and there (though when you look in the macros you don't see much for dust particles...)

anyways, you can have your indoor, I'm good :eyesmoke: