Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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No ones listening to your silliness dude. However, everyone's talking about the mental illness. You get this, right? No one's debating the bizarre with you. They are curious about your dysfunction.

What is a little strange is your repeated attempts to put your strangeness out there. Like the fat guy at the gym who walks all over the locker room naked. Shaves, shits and dries specifically so people are forced to see him. You're showing the same strange exhibitionist behavior.
lol man u cant call him mentally ill then kick him in the face
Didn't kick him in the face. Simply pointing out that his behavior is seen as very odd and unwelcomed. Like the fat guy jiggling his jewels in the locker room.
Didn't kick him in the face. Simply pointing out that his behavior is seen as very odd and unwelcomed. Like the fat guy jiggling his jewels in the locker room.

Maybe. But you don't need to be that guy, that guy who loudly berates him for not meeting with your standards for decorum or weight. Don't be that guy.
Didn't kick him in the face. Simply pointing out that his behavior is seen as very odd and unwelcomed. Like the fat guy jiggling his jewels in the locker room.
his behaviour is polite but his ideas are unusual, why u so mad man u sounding like the nut tbh
His ideas are more than unusual, for the record. So is the notion of a faked moon landing, Chemtrails and a few other gems.
His ideas are more than unusual, for the record. So is the notion of a faked moon landing, Chemtrails and a few other gems.
it wasn't a faked moon landing, they went to the moon, its fake Apollo programme man get ya conspiracy theories in order lol
there are these things in debate from ancient greek times, now called logical fallacies, don't attack the man attack the ideas, don't ridicule the minority for the pleasure of the majority, don't set up straw man arguments etc etc, gotta love classics but the quickest way to snuff a debate is to fall in this trap imo peace
his behaviour is polite but his ideas are unusual, why u so mad man u sounding like the nut tbh
You are more kind than I am.
calling his ideas "unusual" is a very large understatement..
Course I suppose that's defined by your company... all perspective..
And i'd disagree with Rrog sounding like a nut... but he's my buddy so i'm not a neutral party
yeah u rite rorg doesn't sound too nutty lol, what I love about Americans is the first, second and fifth ammendments of your constitution, don't forget the first when dealing with flat earthers man, vaping some nice exo atm uk cheese clone only
I believe there are differences between crackpot hokum and unpopular conclusions drawn from conjointly accepted facts.

One has no basis in reality and therefore is useless as a guide, where the other is a product of the careful examination and understanding of the world as it is, with a mechanism for objective testing and validation built in.

That sums up my feelings on religion and mythology as well as engineering and gardening lol
T T brown was one of yours absolute genius of the highest order kinda mini nikola tesla imo, as a schoolboy he dreamt of going to the stars, so he started experiments;
Nikola Tesla, "The scientists from Franklin to Morse were clear thinkers and did not produce erroneous theories. The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane."
yeah u rite rorg doesn't sound too nutty lol, what I love about Americans is the first, second and fifth ammendments of your constitution, don't forget the first when dealing with flat earthers man, vaping some nice exo atm uk cheese clone only
mmmm ALL I need is a good cheese strain, and a good roadkill skunk strain, and my quest will be complete...
Well... until my attention span gets me again..
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