World renowned Russian nuclear engineer Yury Ignatyevich Mukhin has also signed the petition as well as a dozen other top Russian engineers and ex-KGB agents claiming the Russian Government “had always been aware of the situation since the early 1970′s”
These recent discoveries could strangely give credence to conspiracy theorists whom have claimed for decades that America had never gone to the moon but that the American moon landings were but an elaborate hoax to foul Russia into the space race and eventually, the nuclear arms race, with the purpose of ruining Russia, much like the financing of the Mujahideen forces during the soviet Afghanistan war successfully achieved.
These allegations have come up through recent analysis of pictures taken from the Chinese moon rover that allegedly found no traces of the American moon landings existing on the moon.
Sure sucks when another country you know as they become tech advanced and actually go to the moon only to find out where is any evidence .
Then you got only way USA can get out of space is by Russian made rockets rings hollow or in my world Seals the deal
Pentagon Will Need Russian Rocket Engines for Years, Officials Say
Any Uncle Sam replacement to the cheap yet powerful Russian rocket engine used to launch U.S. military satellites is still years away, officials acknowledged.
The Air Force currently contracts with a company called United Launch Alliance LLC, a Colorado-based joint venture between Lockheed Martin Corp. and Boeing Co., to launch military and spy satellites. ULA flies two families of rockets, Delta and Atlas. The latter is powered during its first stage by the Russian-made RD-180 kerosene-liquid oxygen engine.
After Russia’s annexation last year of the Crimea territory in the Ukraine and rising tensions between Russia and NATO allies, U.S. lawmakers scrambled to end the Pentagon’s reliance on Russian technology for its national-security programs.
Brings a new meaning to advanced when they rely on Russian Tech to get to space
Shouldn't it be the other way around ?? i mean the moon is 238,000 miles away thats one way lmao
mind you satellites are only 36,000 km above us AND they cannot even make a rocket to go that distance haha think about it