Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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Personally i would think from looking at most planets we would be round but again WTF would i know??? or anyone else know ???Like really USA been on the moon lmao hahahahahahahaha now that is funny Its already been proven that was BS
Anyone know where the most valuable moon rocks would be hahaha Cause NASA doesn't know or anyone else .. or How conveniently NASA deleted all moon landing files ?? You know one of the so called best things USA has ever done

200 high-ranking officials from the Chinese Space Program have signed a petition asking explanations from the American government and the release of classified NASA information concerning the American moon landings that would prove to the World that the moon landings were not an elaborately orchestrated hoax to fool the World about America’s space program capabilities.

World renowned Russian nuclear engineer Yury Ignatyevich Mukhin has also signed the petition as well as a dozen other top Russian engineers and ex-KGB agents claiming the Russian Government “had always been aware of the situation since the early 1970′s”

These recent discoveries could strangely give credence to conspiracy theorists whom have claimed for decades that America had never gone to the moon but that the American moon landings were but an elaborate hoax to foul Russia into the space race and eventually, the nuclear arms race, with the purpose of ruining Russia, much like the financing of the Mujahideen forces during the soviet Afghanistan war successfully achieved.

These allegations have come up through recent analysis of pictures taken from the Chinese moon rover that allegedly found no traces of the American moon landings existing on the moon.

Sure sucks when another country you know as they become tech advanced and actually go to the moon only to find out where is any evidence .

Then you got only way USA can get out of space is by Russian made rockets rings hollow or in my world Seals the deal

Pentagon Will Need Russian Rocket Engines for Years, Officials Say

Any Uncle Sam replacement to the cheap yet powerful Russian rocket engine used to launch U.S. military satellites is still years away, officials acknowledged.

The Air Force currently contracts with a company called United Launch Alliance LLC, a Colorado-based joint venture between Lockheed Martin Corp. and Boeing Co., to launch military and spy satellites. ULA flies two families of rockets, Delta and Atlas. The latter is powered during its first stage by the Russian-made RD-180 kerosene-liquid oxygen engine.

After Russia’s annexation last year of the Crimea territory in the Ukraine and rising tensions between Russia and NATO allies, U.S. lawmakers scrambled to end the Pentagon’s reliance on Russian technology for its national-security programs.

Brings a new meaning to advanced when they rely on Russian Tech to get to space
Shouldn't it be the other way around ?? i mean the moon is 238,000 miles away thats one way lmao

mind you satellites are only 36,000 km above us AND they cannot even make a rocket to go that distance haha think about it
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It's not a shadow. In fact, if it was a shadow, that would destroy the oblate spheroid model NASA has gone back and forth from since the 50's.

The mountain he is referring to is Chimborazo. The farthest point from the center of Earth.

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this man is fukin really stupid lol hes stoned and thinks we don't know, he double blinks all the time and hes having a good laugh, total attention seeking retard
So are you saying we don't have the capability to go to the moon yet we can get a rover on mars?
I'm confused here.
Damnit I was supposed to stay away from this thread...

Who really knows if USA is really on Mars and yes USA can not get off the Ground with out Russian made rockets
Did you know YES USA did in fact use use Russian rockets to get to mars
And like i said who is going to be the First man on mars put your money on a russian :) lol
Russia has always lead the Race of space thems are facts
Personally i would think from looking at most planets we would be round but again WTF would i know??? or anyone else know ???Like really USA been on the moon lmao hahahahahahahaha now that is funny Its already been proven that was BS
Anyone know where the most valuable moon rocks would be hahaha Cause NASA doesn't know or anyone else .. or How conveniently NASA deleted all moon landing files ?? You know one of the so called best things USA has ever done

200 high-ranking officials from the Chinese Space Program have signed a petition asking explanations from the American government and the release of classified NASA information concerning the American moon landings that would prove to the World that the moon landings were not an elaborately orchestrated hoax to fool the World about America’s space program capabilities.
World renowned Russian nuclear engineer Yury Ignatyevich Mukhin has also signed the petition as well as a dozen other top Russian engineers and ex-KGB agents claiming the Russian Government “had always been aware of the situation since the early 1970′s”

These recent discoveries could strangely give credence to conspiracy theorists whom have claimed for decades that America had never gone to the moon but that the American moon landings were but an elaborate hoax to foul Russia into the space race and eventually, the nuclear arms race, with the purpose of ruining Russia, much like the financing of the Mujahideen forces during the soviet Afghanistan war successfully achieved.

These allegations have come up through recent analysis of pictures taken from the Chinese moon rover that allegedly found no traces of the American moon landings existing on the moon.

Sure sucks when another country you know as they become tech advanced and actually go to the moon only to find out where is any evidence .

Then you got only way USA can get out of space is by Russian made rockets rings hollow or in my world Seals the deal

Pentagon Will Need Russian Rocket Engines for Years, Officials Say

Any Uncle Sam replacement to the cheap yet powerful Russian rocket engine used to launch U.S. military satellites is still years away, officials acknowledged.

The Air Force currently contracts with a company called United Launch Alliance LLC, a Colorado-based joint venture between Lockheed Martin Corp. and Boeing Co., to launch military and spy satellites. ULA flies two families of rockets, Delta and Atlas. The latter is powered during its first stage by the Russian-made RD-180 kerosene-liquid oxygen engine.

After Russia’s annexation last year of the Crimea territory in the Ukraine and rising tensions between Russia and NATO allies, U.S. lawmakers scrambled to end the Pentagon’s reliance on Russian technology for its national-security programs.

Brings a new meaning to advanced when they rely on Russian Tech to get to space
Shouldn't it be the other way around ?? i mean the moon is 238,000 miles away thats one way lmao

mind you satellites are only 36,000 km above us AND they cannot even make a rocket to go that distance haha think about it

No one is more disappointed than me that we didn't nuke the Americas or beat USA to the moon,

back in '69 I was a nipper white haired blue eyed Aryan that was gonna win the world to the 'share and care' extremes of the USSR

little did I know how brain washed I was, .. 28% of Ru still believes it was fake, but hey! thats ok 33% of Ru believes in the supernatural, even werewolves

what killed the big dream for us wasn't the 'space race' but a simple movie 'star wars' and the potential of this 'nuclear umbrella' the 'raygun network' run by the early internet ? (citation needed)

that went like wild fire in our society and besides we hadn't had a break since world war 2, we were tired, we needed change

you tube: Chinese rover finds no evidence of Apollo moon landings...for a good reason. ..?

I'll conclude with wiki:
In 2012, images were released showing five of the six Apollo missions' American flags erected on the Moon still standing
(the Apollo 11 flag was accidentally blown over by the takeoff rocket's exhaust, but is still there).[4][5]


American Flags From Apollo Missions Still Standing
I'm thinking if I was trying to pull off a fake moon landing, having spent crazy money, involving R&D from giant firms engineering and building - to launch a rocket that anyone with a telescope could verify - with spies digging to expose the USA as frauds... If I was doing this. I'd do it once and close my magic act. Right?

I wouldn't pretend to go back to the moon several times for years, increasing the # of people sworn to secrecy...

The magnitude of the secrecy makes a fraud quite impossible.

Yet- the conspiracy theory persists. And Obama Birthers still claim he's not supposed to be president. Facts are irrelevant
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