Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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I'm thinking if I was trying to pull off a fake moon landing, having spent crazy money, involving R&D from giant firms engineering and building - to launch a rocket that anyone with a telescope could verify - with spies digging to expose the USA as frauds... If I was doing this. I'd do it once and close my magic act. Right?

I wouldn't pretend to go back to the moon several times for years, increasing the # of people sworn to secrecy...

The magnitude of the secrecy makes a fraud quite impossible.

Yet- the conspiracy theory persists. And Obama Birthers still claim he's not supposed to be president. Facts are irrelevant
I persist USA never got to the moon and why the moon is 239,000 miles one way no most satellites are how high ???? Yet USA does not have a rocket to launch there own sat in our orbit but you will believe USA made it to the moon haha
I just saw the coolest video which proves my point even further they can restore a painting 500 years old no problem yet Niel Armstrongs suit that is suppose to stand up to space can not even stand up to our atmosphere ???? what ever is in dire need of restoration haha.. omg
see if i can find it here it is tell me does anyone see anything strange on the suit which proves how fake it all is specially for the first man to walk on the moon see anything ???? i mean is it really his suit has his name on it but something is off can anyone see it >>>>?
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I persist USA never got to the moon and why the moon is 239,000 miles one way no most satellites are how high ???? Yet USA does not have a rocket to launch there own sat in our orbit but you will believe USA made it to the moon haha
I just saw the coolest video which proves my point even further they can restore a painting 500 years old no problem yet Niel Armstrongs suit that is suppose to stand up to space can not even stand up to our atmosphere ???? what ever is in dire need of restoration haha.. omg
see if i can find it here it is tell me does anyone see anything strange on the suit which proves how fake it all is specially for the first man to walk on the moon see anything ???? i mean is it really his suit has his name on it but something is off can anyone see it >>>>?

If there was only a thread for this.
Think about it folks just saying and yes it falls sorta in the same Category hey if i drilled long enough down hole would i reach China ???? why are we traveling around the world by plane yet we could just drill path ways
Were set in our ways to believe things right as were brain washed from birth USA is Good Russia is bad,, Christianity is good Muslim is bad and so on
lets look at the latest top secret docs released by Government on ufo's Yet again edited crap with holding WTF
And Is that Neil Armstrong's suit ???? they say it is and yes huge fucking difference in foot pattern would you not think ??? ? or least question Cause again it would be ignorant to not question matter fact going out side right now lol cause of kindergarden thinking and take some pictures of prints with different soles in snow lets see if my dress shoes with flat soles is going to look foot print of rubber boots or sorels lol
I know for the believers would be devastating to find out you been fooled how embarrassing it would be huh ?? There are tons of Con theories that have come to be true

PS : 2016 and USA needs Russian rockets to get to space brings a new meaning to WTF should it not be the other way around common sense ppl
THere is lots of shit going on i travel lots in JET east to west west to east
lets see here
To make one complete rotation in 24 hours, a point near the equator of the Earth must move at close to 1000 miles per hour (1600 km/hr). The speed gets less as you move north, but it's still a good clip throughout the United States.
ASP: How Fast Are You Moving When You Are Sitting Still?

So at this speed 1600 kmh or 1000 miles per hr how fast is the jet traveling to compensate or catch up ??? if its traveling in the same direction as earth i mean sure fly northern direction do you turn left AND wait for california to come to you or head east and chase it
I really like Russia, I'm going to throw that out there.
Russia germany UK, Japan , were all the same good and bad people right ?? but
looking at that video do you not question how can a flat sole make a foot print like the first step on the moon
they said its Armstrong's suit if that is the case then why are the boots different ,, Its shit like that believers tend to dismiss as what ever when they should honestly question it like i do
Russia germany UK, Japan , were all the same good and bad people right ?? but
looking at that video do you not question how can a flat sole make a foot print like the first step on the moon
they said its Armstrong's suit if that is the case then why are the boots different ,, Its shit like that believers tend to dismiss as what ever when they should honestly question it like i do

They wore overshoes for lunar walks.

Diagram of the space suit:


Extravehicular gloves and overshoes not shown, as per note.



Soles of overshoes:


Look familiar?

Russia germany UK, Japan , were all the same good and bad people right ?? but
looking at that video do you not question how can a flat sole make a foot print like the first step on the moon
they said its Armstrong's suit if that is the case then why are the boots different ,, Its shit like that believers tend to dismiss as what ever when they should honestly question it like i do
Check out the video I posted in response.. It said they had boots inside of a boot. Think like snow shoes or rollerblades. That is imaginable.

Regardless we would not have gone far without the technology of nazi Germany
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