Does this mention how he killed Jews and Christians?? Yeah, Hitler was a tyrant.
Germany was in caos before Hitler came along. Inflation was so hi it was 1 million marks to $1 dollar after ww1. They were desperate. They were looking for a savior. Hitler saved Germany from starvation and anarchy so they followed his every word afterwards. Even if they realized his evil afterwards it was to late. He was in absolute control by then.Hitler had like a 95% approval rating, all the kids imitated his hairstyle, google the pics. I've never seen a politician so popular that kid's imitate their hairstyle. Just saying. There must have been a reason they loved the guy so much.
I heard and read about it, it continued long after the revolution. Unlike you I paid attention in school
Hitler supported the church, the belt buckles of the soldiers all said 'got mit uns' god with us. The Jewish people declared war on Germany in 1933, it's in all the papers. So they were rounded up just like we rounded up the Japanese in wwII.
thats a real credible source.. check out their other videos.Hitlers army was recieved like liberators in UCraine
Take the one minute and check it out.
Hitler supported the church, the belt buckles of the soldiers all said 'got mit uns' god with us. The Jewish people declared war on Germany in 1933, it's in all the papers. So they were rounded up just like we rounded up the Japanese in wwII.
It's hard to read tho. He wasn't a very good writer tho. It's mostly rambling and hard to follow plus it 800 pages long. But an interesting read
are you the mayor of troll city?What holocaust? Stop drinking the cool aide peeps.
Uh oh. Target, Inc is gonna start killing folks for boycotting them
are you the mayor of troll city?
Wouldn't you think the Russians would have surrendered if the Nazis were there to liberate them?Hitlers army was recieved like liberators in UCraine
Take the one minute and check it out.