Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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I agree. I believe it was the time in prison that changed him. Plus the more power he gained the more evil he became. Power can change a person.

Power can change a person I agree. I was studying on the holocaust and nobody could even find any written orders and no orders were intercepted with the Enigma machine that implicated Hitler in any orders to kill Jews. When Crystal Naucht broke out it was Hitler who ordered people to knock it off, he was furious. Check out a Jewish holocaust truther named David Cole, fascinating stuff.
Power can change a person I agree. I was studying on the holocaust and nobody could even find any written orders and no orders were intercepted with the Enigma machine that implicated Hitler in any orders to kill Jews. When Crystal Naucht broke out it was Hitler who ordered people to knock it off, he was furious. Check out a Jewish holocaust truther named David Cole, fascinating stuff.

Interesting parallel to the way stuff disappears on certain (cough!) websites.
can you post a real article saying he wasnt?.. anything credible will do.. bet ya cant!

I'll look around for something, it's getting harder and harder to find things with all the censorship going on these days. Did you guys hear that facebook and twitter and a few other sights are going to censor even more aggressively from here on out?
The holocaust was real dude. The US soldiers found the starving Jews and and mass graves.

Starving maybe like the rest of Germany? Dude we carpet bombed the shit out of that country including civilian populations.
When people dont get enough food they become more susceptible to disease. Disease was running rampant.
But, let's get back to killing Jews. You say because the Jews declared war on Germany. I want to know the real threat and not what a small percentage of Jews were doing in Russia
Most of the 60 million killed weren't even Jewish but Russian. Stalin was extremely paranoid and killed his own people.
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