I mentioned how you can prove the earth is round God fucking knows how far back.Scientific THEORY is not fact my friend. You can show me a formula and make maths fit any theory. But when asked for evidence, observable repeatable, demonstrable experimentation the common response is non complient. I will point to these experimentation to back my belief in the possibility of us living on a flat earth;
Bedford canal experiment
Michelson + Morley
Michelson + Gail
Sagnak experiment
Rectaliniator experiment
Aireys failure
Now if you wish to educate me with SCIENCE please show me relevant experimentation that proves your heliocentric position.
Actually the earth is not completely round the equator is actually bigger around than say longitude 45 same reason if you fly to Southeast Asia they fly up around Alaska to Russia or Europe and then down to Southeast Asia instead of flying straight along the equator.oops...it's not a globe, right?
Another 29 pages now?
But we do have a thread about global warming too in politics over 20 pages I believe. Lmao.It's hard to believe it takes 29 pages to discuss the earth's shape.
How many pages would it take to cover global warming...like 3?
and I'm sure half the pages are total bull shit...and I was probably there too, but got stoned and forgot.But we do have a thread about global warming too in politics over 20 pages I believe. Lmao.
Make a Dr's. appt. quickly. You believe in Dr's., right?Everything you've ever been taught is a lie
Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see....
The earth is flat
The moon mission was faked
911 inside job
Make a Dr's. appt. quickly. You believe in Dr's., right?
sure...but it doesn't make me stupidDude do you even smoke?
sure...but it doesn't make me stupid
K I have to admit I skipped the first 29 pages so if the earth isn't round and isn't flat then what shape is it?
I'm gonna guess rhombus???
Fuck offNo need for name calling. Take the time you spend trolling and start researching.