Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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You have a tendency to speak in overly broad generalizations.

Sure, in this case that is true.

If you'd like more details just ask.

Also if your having a hard time exploring new ideas..know you're not alone. It happens all the time.

Look up the 5 stages of grieving.. You guys are still at the denial/anger stages.
Sure, in this case that is true.

If you'd like more details just ask.

Also if your having a hard time exploring new ideas..know you're not alone. It happens all the time.

Look up the 5 stages of grieving.. You guys are still at the denial/anger stages.

I'd like more details please. Upon what facts do you base your assertion that : 1) I am grieving, and 2) I am at the denial/anger stage.
One question: why would there be a conspiracy to tell the world the earth and other planets/ moons are sphere shaped? Who would benefit from Lying about this?

If all of us knew the truth of our reality we would never allow the blatant destruction of it and its inhabitants.
If all of us knew the truth of our reality we would never allow the blatant destruction of it and its inhabitants.
that does not answer the question

Anything logical? One reason that anyone would lie about the shape of the earth.
One question: why would there be a conspiracy to tell the world the earth and other planets/ moons are sphere shaped? Who would benefit from Lying about this?
Do you understand how to get Royal status? You must come from specific bloodlines. How did these bloodlines get royal status? They were born from angels and bequeathed knowledge. Lol to maintain a position of authority over us they have to provide something we need, invention of information, structures to protect the information and the authority that that produces it.
generalisms again, ok specifics coming and only cos my wake and bake got out of hand, in the disc model you are proposing as credible, there is an absolutely unanswerable glitch in the theory, which is antartica would not get 6 months of night, end of discussion re disc
^^ Get ready for one of the dumbest non-answers you've ever seen...

Where's my fucking pointy aluminum hat for chrissakes

Not sure where people even hear about this shit to incorporate it into their daily lives.?? Is there a Bizarro Channel on cable or something? Is this leftover Nazi Covenant of the Ark shit? I suspect anal probes are involved somehow. That's the only part of this I find remotely interesting

Do these same easily influenced individuals still leave out cookies for Santa? Do they argue with neighbors that dog tracks in the snow are actually reindeer? Do they still wait up in anticipation to get a glimpse of the Easter bunny? I think Santa has more cred than some of this.

The average third grader would turn red in laughter over this.

And I get such a kick out of the totally ignorant confidence with which these completely (completely) ridiculous comments are tossed out at us. With the distinct tang of arrogance as if they were explaining it so simply to children.
trolls... they gotta be..
I'm resisting the urge to go get factual shit again..
but the last time I did that I just felt SO Unsatisfied...
like a snickers commercial gone wrong
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