What started me off this flat earth was...
I was watching football on TV live,
in Argentina it was 2 pm in Argentina but around 8 pm here in North England I think...
I could see the sun still out from the kids bedroom widow that faces south West lol.
It was August at the time when football match was on and the sun is ment to concentrate on the northern hemisphere.
I couldn't figure it out how it's possible to be past mid day in South America while I can still see the sun from a distance.
I loved my geography lol
as I said we allot of travelling every year and I was and ball earther.
Argentina is so far down the other side I should not be able to see the sun light.
The evidence is really crazy
How would a sun dial and moon dial in India be so precise,
sun dial would not work if we are spinning ball around the sun
it would only work if the sun is spinning around earth.
Clocks were made from sun dial...
it's tuff and I was exactly the same couldn't believe it flat bloody earth but with looking more and more into it I was like 

then it was

no aliens and aliens are like the Bible description of demons...
it is all demonic the freemasonry and what ever else...
repent and just thank god and live clean...
And don't be mean like zebba fucking dee with that boggle eye