Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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Wow , Flat earth huh? Ever stood up high on something and looked at the horizon ? Notice you cant see any farther then 9 miles away weather permitting? The curvature of the earth prevents it. Thats why when I'm standing on the shore of lake michigan I cannot see Wisconsin 55 miles west.

That fact that you posted is the main reason I can't understand flat earthers - They could simply get atop something tall and use a powerful telescope. It's not like their view is blocked by mountains or skyscrapers in every direction, things just disappear in every direction within miles. What is their explanation for that??? Never mind, I don't want to know...
Wow , Flat earth huh? Ever stood up high on something and looked at the horizon ? Notice you cant see any farther then 9 miles away weather permitting? The curvature of the earth prevents it. Thats why when I'm standing on the shore of lake michigan I cannot see Wisconsin 55 miles west.
They think if you look through a telescope you can see Wisconsin. You should check and see. I'm in michigan so fuck it I'll check. We're just a couple michiganders living an a flat ball.
nevermind, you're a tool.
nothing like a racist dumbshit to help with the worlds collective dropping IQ.
I'm curious to know how many pages it took off the thread. If its at least ten then I'll do it.
ill just put this here.. see if anyone been studying their shapes today
It's fake because you can't see Antarctica duh! LOL. That would be fucked up if you stick your arm out and spin out of control like that. He was tumbling end over end at one point. There is a longer video somewhere. I think they used a telescope to track him, at one point he looked like a rag doll. I was afraid he was going to pass out or already had.
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You cant unless you increase the elevation of the telescope, Hence the curve of the earth.
Can't argue with that, so we should be able to prove it and stamp this thread out along with all the other flat earth bs right? Michigan will end this :cuss:flat earth conspiracy. I don't own a big telescope but I know some people that do. I'll see if I can barrow one.
Can't argue with that, so we should be able to prove it and stamp this thread out along with all the other flat earth bs right? Michigan will end this :cuss:flat earth conspiracy. I don't own a big telescope but I know some people that do. I'll see if I can barrow one.
No I doubt it, Some people cannot or choose not to see the light at the end of the path. If I felt like buying 15 miles of string, I'd send up a go pro on a big balloon to about 15 miles and pull it back down. 15 miles of string would be pretty pricey.
Can't argue with that, so we should be able to prove it and stamp this thread out along with all the other flat earth bs right? Michigan will end this :cuss:flat earth conspiracy. I don't own a big telescope but I know some people that do. I'll see if I can barrow one.

Great idea.
That fact that you posted is the main reason I can't understand flat earthers - They could simply get atop something tall and use a powerful telescope. It's not like their view is blocked by mountains or skyscrapers in every direction, things just disappear in every direction within miles. What is their explanation for that??? Never mind, I don't want to know...

You mean like this? NOT! See the perfectly flat horizon on this high altitude shot? Take a ruler out and check it.highalt.jpg
I have absolutely ZERO need to show you or anyone else that the earth is round.
if you insist on being selectively obtuse, that's your shit. not mine.
I've already exhausted the need for conversation with people like that.
Please don't make me put you on ignore

Great no need for you to be here discussing flat earth right? Bye.
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When I was a builder I learned all these really cool tricks to make the job easier. If you take a hammer and give a firm grip like you were grabbing cannabineers cock and smack the wall with it repeatedly, do this until you make a six inch hole. Then you can stick your arm in there and check for 2x4s. Its a really easy fix because you just hang a picture over it and nobody would ever know. All the cool people are shaving their heads and spray painting hair on. You can thank me later.

Seriously? Why would she grab a homosexual's cock? You offend her, and you disgust me.

So it becomes plain that not only are you an
a Moon Landing denier,
a liar who projects your fallacious logic onto others onsite,
a misogynist ...

... but a homophobe as well.

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