Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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Cry foul and steer the conversation back to your rhetoric. That sounds familiar.

The purpose of playing devil's advocate is to explore a position by taking the opposite view with the aim of evaluating it, exposing weakness, and strengthening arguments. Ultimately, the devil's advocate seeks to improve the position they are arguing against. It doesn't mean doubling-down on bad arguments, being antagonistic, and refusing to ever concede any point made by the opposing side. It certainly doesn't excuse name-calling and personal abuse. If you are indeed playing devils advocate, then you are just as bad at it as you are at denialism.

You don't seem to realize how transparent you are. I know, to you, when you say "please enlighten me to experimentation that proves the contrary or you have nothing to add but sophistry" it sounds to you like you are putting me in my place, but to the rest of us it's clear that you are desperate to stick to the rhetoric you are comfortable with and will simply label anything else as sophistry, sight unseen, in an attempt to poison the well. Your intent is to control the scope of the conversation. It's like when you ask a magician to do a trick from a different angle and they refuse. It's because their trickery will only work when framed in a very careful and particular way.

You want us to play on your field using your rules because that's the only way you can feel like you're out-playing the big boys, but when people don't play like you want them to, you do the only thing you have left, which is call them names and shit on them. You aren't playing devil's advocate, you're playing devil's assailant.

You have nothing to prove the ball, so you resort to this drivel.
Some people think the earth is shaped like a basketball, but it is really more like a flat frisbee of the gods spinning through space. Let's hope it doesn't hit a cosmic tree.

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I'm not super smart like you guys but what if the earth isn't perfectly round and some areas are more flat then others?...wouldn't this explain the being able to see Chicago n what not
It's alright bro, you can still kick it with us intellectual folk. If anyone try`s to tell you off with big words you dont understand just drop my name and they'll use smaller words.
Again you have filled the page with nonsense. If I am attempting to steer us anywhere, it is away from psychoanalytic profiling and an attempt at closing us down, without the scientific evidence.

You are arguing with hearsay.
  1. information received from other people which cannot be substantiated; rumour.

You can not provide experimental evidence to support a supposed curve.

Stop pointing to the middle man, show me my error in this emboldened statement.

Well, which is it? Am I simply talking nonsense, or am I arguing with hearsay? I've done nothing but give a reasonable assessment of your tactics and proivide quotes directly from you. It's not my fault that you keep proving me right by stomping your feet and insisting we only talk about your thing from your angle. This has stopped being fun for you because you can't masturbate when you're being pointed at. You need the focus to be on the absurdity so that we wont notice how bad you are at conversing off-script.

Let's be honest. If you were really curious and concerned about determining if the Earth has a curvature you would be looking for answers somewhere other than a cannabis forum. There is no shortage of links exploring exactly the topics you want to explore, and there are plenty of knowledgeable people who have been kind enough to patiently explain the congruence of evidence that has lead to the consensus of a spheroid Earth. Like all denialists, you don't want to play in scientific arenas. You prefer this forum because you are more likely to find people who are not familiar with your specious arguments. We can tell this is true by looking at the conduct of you and the handful of flat-earthers who participated in this thread. Any links to outside sources are utterly ignored. Indeed, any arguments that make any sense whatsoever are ignored. Instead, you sit and wait for mistakes, misconceptions and misunderstandings of those who believe the Earth is round but haven't ever questioned it and so do not fully grasp the science. You prefer the low hanging fruit that is not found when we present these arguments to astronomers and physicists. That's why you are not interested in such sources.

Is it just coincidence that you share so many criteria with denialists? Have you really stumbled onto a truth that, when played out, just happens to have the same lyrics and perform the same steps as the denialist song-and-dance? Does your struggle merely have the look and feel of denialism while it's the rest of us who cannot distinguish fact from fantasy? I suppose it's possible, but if that's true, then the burden is on you to overcome such a handicap, and I'm not so sure that calling someone a piece of shit really helps. It would be an unfortunate reality indeed if the Earth really were flat and it were you we all had to depend on to make us see the truth.
The real irony here is you have a moronic lunatic fringe that disdain the laws of physics, science and modern technology...

but they use said technology (some developed by NASA and the military) to use computers, cell phones and the internet to try to convince themselves that the laws of physics, science and modern technology don't actually exist or apply.

and then you have the racist, antisemitic, fundamentalist christian over lay for a core reason why?

fucking cement heads.
The real irony here is you have a moronic lunatic fringe that disdain the laws of physics, science and modern technology...

but they use said technology (some developed by NASA and the military) to use computers, cell phones and the internet to try to convince themselves that the laws of physics, science and modern technology don't actually exist or apply.

and then you have the racist, antisemitic, fundamentalist christian over lay for a core reason why?

fucking cement heads.
I'm thinking its a neurodenenerative condition creating a circular hypocrisy but I am baked​
The real irony here is you have a moronic lunatic fringe that disdain the laws of physics, science and modern technology...

but they use said technology (some developed by NASA and the military) to use computers, cell phones and the internet to try to convince themselves that the laws of physics, science and modern technology don't actually exist or apply.

and then you have the racist, antisemitic, fundamentalist christian over lay for a core reason why?

fucking cement heads.
you cant even make this shit up
I'm not super smart like you guys but what if the earth isn't perfectly round and some areas are more flat then others?...wouldn't this explain the being able to see Chicago n what not

Yes it would, but if you find them all over the earth say for example the oceans which take up to thirds of the plane, then what?

Naval ship to ship missile systems use laser targeting at distances of over 80 miles consider what that means.
How does GPS work on a flat ahhhh can't be fukked anymore

The same way your phone can be triangulated, from the cell towers. That is why if you go to aviation tracking, you will notice the southern hemisphere flights drop off the gps tracking as soon as they start flying over the ocean, there are no towers out to sea. Google track my flight and check yourself.
Some people think the earth is shaped like a basketball, but it is really more like a flat frisbee of the gods spinning through space. Let's hope it doesn't hit a cosmic tree.

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You are making the assumption that space exists. If this were so, how is it that somebody with a camera can zoom in on stars that are supposedly quadrillions of miles away?

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