Is there really a Difference in Mushrooms?


Well-Known Member
I have probably read all there is to read in vendor blurbs and recountings about the differences in mushroom "trips". Some say that one "strain" (I am going to stop quoting the word but they are not truely strains at all but land races - all cubensis are.... the single strain cubensis), gives one a different experience than another.

What I want to know is if this is actually true. Does one strain present a more euphoric trip? Does another have less of a body load? Are some more visual than others?

So far as we know there are only a very few different active or affective chemicals in cubensis. Psylocybin, psylocin and baeocystin.

What we know is that one is metabolized into the other, I can't recall which but is it possible that the two Psylocybin, and psylocin have identical effects? If we know of only the three, could there be more? I am aware that baeocystin has a rather uncomfortable - buzzy, body load, having taken species with high comparative loads of this substance but I don't know how it affects the other two. Now I can understand some mushrooms having more of a nausea producing effect depending upon the makeup of the fruit itself and perhaps some unknown chemicals - I know that pure psylocibin is indeed different - more smooth, more euphoric and almost no nausea.

The question is, is there really a definite difference between one strain and another or are we bringing our conciousness of marijuana - which has distinctly different sorts of high depending upon the large handful of different psychoactive components - to the arena of mushrooms. In other words, is it reasonable to have a variety of different musrhooms on hand depending upon what sort of experience one wishes?
from what i gathered a cube is a cube is a cube

so to say that the distribution of actives in one cube is going to be as close enough to another cube to be called the same

this is just from my experience

but cyans

those are a diff story
from what i gathered a cube is a cube is a cube

so to say that the distribution of actives in one cube is going to be as close enough to another cube to be called the same

this is just from my experience

but cyans

those are a diff story

Yes, the cyans and the mexicana seem different to me, as to the liberty caps in Washington, the caps were speedy, the mexicana more visual - to me. So I still don't really know, I have never taken a few different types in sucession and compared
(and I doubt I will), but it would be nice to know if we are all nuts.
I've never been able to differentiate between mushrooms. Having taken psilocybin, psilocin, and 4-AcODMT in pure form I can say with great confidence that they're essentially indistinguishable. I've never had baeocystin and it looks like it would be distinguishable. In the zwitterionic form it's going to be crap at crossing the blood brain barrier. This would explain the body load of high baeocystin shrooms. I've never seen any studies about it. The only ref I've seen is a paper identifying it and another reporting it's synthesis. I'm guessing some of it will get converted into 4-OHMET which should certainly be active and perhaps distinguishable from the 4-RODMTs. Although I'm guessing you would need a lot of it to get an active dose into the brain.
a cube is a cube

but i've tripped on azurescens, cyans and cubes multiple times and they are all different...cubes make me nauseous and gives me a crazy mental trip with mild visuals. Cyans give stronger visual and less of a mental trip...and the azies are the best of both species IMO

Azies are my fav :dunce:
I've never been able to differentiate between mushrooms. Having taken psilocybin, psilocin, and 4-AcODMT in pure form I can say with great confidence that they're essentially indistinguishable. I've never had baeocystin and it looks like it would be distinguishable. In the zwitterionic form it's going to be crap at crossing the blood brain barrier. This would explain the body load of high baeocystin shrooms. I've never seen any studies about it. The only ref I've seen is a paper identifying it and another reporting it's synthesis. I'm guessing some of it will get converted into 4-OHMET which should certainly be active and perhaps distinguishable from the 4-RODMTs. Although I'm guessing you would need a lot of it to get an active dose into the brain.

I've taken numerous mushroom strains and the only difference between strains and batches is the relative theme/mood of the experience. There's been trips that are mainly characterized my a body high and a obtuse mind frame, like something is about to happen but never does. No visuals to speak of but the mind state is very off putting and sounds carry a deep underwater vibrance. As for the other parts, its characterized by extreme laugher, cartoonish visuals, and highly mystical experience. There's a certain kind of dichotomy of a mushroom trip that presences itself. Could it be the slight variance between psilocin and psilocybin? I heard 4-ACO-DMT is spot on when in comparison to conventional mushrooms... with a slightly more alien element to it.
I've never noticed much difference in strength or effect between different strains of cubes. However, a close friend swears these puerto ricans I grew about a year ago were significantly stronger than some of the others we were eating at the time. They did look much different than the other cubes I've grown so I suppose it is possible him seeing how "exotic" they looked caused him to feel like they were stronger. They were very stringy looking. And a bitch to fruit btw!

I do, however, notice a significant increase in potency with cubes grown in bulk on grain over cakes.

I think a lot of it is based on the the setting. If you are out in the middle of nowhere camping, naturally they are going to feel much more "spiritual" than say at something like a rave where they will probably feel more "visual." And don't forget the power of suggestion based on vendor hype. If a cubensis variety is advertised and being extremely visual I think trip reports are going to tend to corroborate the description.
Most cubes are very similar as they all contain soime ratio of 3 basic active compounds.
The one exception I found is Transkei strain, thats a beast with its own unique nature, and very definatly not recreational.
Most cubes are very similar as they all contain soime ratio of 3 basic active compounds.
The one exception I found is Transkei strain, thats a beast with its own unique nature, and very definatly not recreational.

a much more elegant way of saying what i wanted to


also did not know of this Trasnkei one

what are the actives?
probably the same but the experience is very intense and introspective, your whole life plays out infront of you and it will stop at any unresolved shit you have and make you deal with it before it alows you to move on.
It is also pretty intense onthe body, your legs will be jelly ( i think you call it jello) and you'll hardly be able to walk. Its effects are truely mistycal. Another diffirentiation, is that most cubes brink on rainbow coloured fractals, with transkei the visuals tends to be shades of yellow for some reason.
oddd sounds like a beast id like to ride though

i find cubes bring on rainbow hues and then the fractals tend to mix the colors already present you know?
I agree with what Ndanger and Sonar said about the difference in set and setting making much more difference than the strain. I've had experiences with LSD that are just as varied as experiences with mushies, and LSD isn't made up of different actives in different ratios. The effects of set and setting matter more for the type of experience than the compound taken in many ways.
I started a thread a few months back asking the same question and it seems most people here don't get it. I've eaten enough cubes to know that they are all a little different both in terms of potency and type of high. I concluded that I'll have to run my own experiments and figure it out.
I started a thread a few months back asking the same question and it seems most people here don't get it. I've eaten enough cubes to know that they are all a little different both in terms of potency and type of high. I concluded that I'll have to run my own experiments and figure it out.

Well let us know.
yes I agree, but the difirences are normaly as simple as how speedy it feels....
I for instance love golden teachers, they are firm but gentle and make food taste great.
I agree with Sonar in there being a difference in potency between shit grown and cake grown shrooms. I have noticed slight variations in trip from the different strains of cubes that I have eaten, but their are so many variables it is hard to say with certainty that strain x is the best. With that said I ate some PE's grown in WBS spawn and horse shit that blew every other strain out of the water. I only ate an eighth of them and tripped harder than I have from eating a quarter or more of some other strains. could have been a freak experience or could have been the real deal. I'm all for perception equaling reality so whenever someone asks me about a preferred strain I say PE's.
A cubes a cube is a very generic saying.

It's like saying LSD-25 is LSD-25. Yes. The active compound is always LSD. Then you have various grades of LSD: Needlepoint, White Fluff, Silver, Amber etc.

But, when applying different strains with different ratio's. The nature of the trip will always vary to some extent. If one becomes orally fascinated, tripping on mushrooms, then you most likely can map out the certain sequences in which a mushroom experience will play out. If the mushroom contains nothing more then psilocin/ psilocybin your trip will mostly likely follow the same scheme. However, just as LSD has various grades you can apply that to mushrooms in relation to its psilocin and psilocybin content.
I attribute any differences between this mush or that mush to very simple changes in things like mental prep/state of mind (current stress load and whatnot) what foods you have eaten or lack of food, etc.

Cubes are cubes.
cube is a cube but Pancyan is the ish ... if you can get pooh its the best kind of shroom 4-6 times stronger the cubes and the high is nicer..
best of luck