is this a female?

Dude you know nothing about cannabis, it's genetic's, it's cultivation, just nothing period. I have never in my life seen plants treated so poorly and grown so terribly as by you. I knew nothing about growing when I started and I have never had the results you have had. A femenized seed is normally at least 90 - 96 % females with the remaining becoming hermies or males grown under normal conditions fit for growth. You want to know what will make a plant hermie for sure? Treat it like dog shit from day one, stress the shit out of it and retard its growth, have absolutely no plant growing knowledge or skills, and lastly delusion's that you know anything about what you talking about or doing at any given time. Whats that a perfect equation for??? bmeat's plants win first prize for being the most fucked without being dead and hermie or male every time. I have grown femenized seeds and have had 100% females in my grows from those seeds.

"bmeat just stop coming here, stop growing, and please get some real help for yourself!"
I'm laughing that he said "auto immune disease" is a virus like herpes...then he goes on to say asthma, allergies etc. is the same as herpes.
Just got back on here this morning. This place always cracks me up, especially when Bmeat is involved. Just wow. We should nominate him for the worst grower in America. Yea, that fits him quite well. Auto Immune Disease.....bmeat can you even spell that without spell check.
and that is still true. the less we make hermie plants, the less tendancy for them to hermie, as a whole species/future generations. did we invent it? who knows. why on earth would the creator a program like that first place? he never expected there to be one plant or one human being left, and if he did foresee this, maybe thats what it was meant to be saved for. if we fucked up and killed everything but one creature and it needed to reproduce to keep the species alive until the sun explodes and restarts it all over again. thats the most extreme case in our galaxy.

he probably invented a perfect ratio of each animal at the start, two, and expected it to multiply accordingly. that would be in an ideal earth, but nothings ideal

i believe hermies are from bad infections that cause birth defects, or chemical poisioning. or maybe he invented this last ditch effort, who knows. but the odds are even less, becuase god doesnt give a fuck what species is alive or not, its survival of the fittest. when dinosaurs were the most evolved, nothing else could evolve. they got killed (the flying ones got away, and deevolved into birds. birds are dinosaurs, all of them. listen to their sound x10000 and imagine a dino lmao) and then for some reason mamalls started to adapt fastest.

maybe thats how the cannabis adapts to the stress. what is it called? what are its genetics? its gotta be out there.

we adapt to the enviornment, whether it be a chemical enviornment, or something else.

im wrong about the plant acquiring a y chromosome, but im no biologist.
besides, it says that a xxy and a xxy is a disease to a male that makes it exhibit female characterists, in mammals at least.

either way, the hermie trait in fact does get passed down through dna. and it gets passed down x10 to a feminized seed, no matter how its cared for. the deed was done as they say

we are both right and wrong. and yes i am lit off painkillers and weak buds

Its so funny to watch this retard try to give advice.

It's like watching a child you dislike playing with a kitchen knife, its going to end badly, but you don't really mind.
Don't listen to bmeat. He gets more bad reviews than a shitty movie. I have only been here for a few months and everyone has said that dude is full of misinformation. I don't even know what he says anymore because I blocked him. I'd do the same, unless you enjoy the humor. Hint...if someone says isn't good advice.
Just got back on here this morning. This place always cracks me up, especially when Bmeat is involved. Just wow. We should nominate him for the worst grower in America. Yea, that fits him quite well. Auto Immune Disease.....bmeat can you even spell that without spell check.

Lol, I wouldn't nominate him for the worst grower in the world, I don't even think the word grower even in the worst sense is what bmeat is doing. More like "#1 and best plant killer,destroyer, and walking book of absolute bullshit" I was reading the closed thread of his most stupid and uneducated crap and he said something like "there is a plethora of true and useful information in my posts" really I think he should take the plethora of dicks out of his ears and put them in his mouth and shut the fuck up lmao.
go away trousers.

i dont know what you mean about mexican.

these seeds got 0 urine. one will be fed urine, and one will be fed organic fish emulsion (probably some urine, some bladder, some intestine..some fish skin etc.)

human urine is a high quality form of urea, or ammonium nitrate (companies use a 100% synthetic form of this in chemical fertz, and you can make explosives out of it), and has soluable macro and micronutes for the plants to use right away. it also has high quality insoluable nutes, which take some time to break down (continuous feed)

i got three free feminzed acid seeds with the purchase of a glass piece, so im going to use them.

the drawbacks to feminized seeds is that the species is now turning asexual because of our exploitation, and the pain that the mother/father plant has to go through.

  • Purity of race is maintained
  • Avoids wastage of pollen grains
  • less chance of failure of pollination

  • Continuous self-pollination leads to weaker progeny
  • new species are not produced

  • The disadvantages of self-pollination come from a lack of variation that allows no adaptation to the changing environment or potential pathogen attack. Self-pollination can lead to inbreeding depression, or the reduced health of the species, due to the breeding of related specimens. This is why many flowers that could potentially self-pollinate have a built-in mechanism to avoid it, or make it second choice at best.

Read more: Types of Flowers That Self Pollinate |
A little known fact, that I normally wouldn't share, but you are special.
On plants that get human urine, and fish emulsion at the same time, also thrive with fish testicles.
The testicles are difficult to find, and not much reading on them when you google.
You have to go to a REAL good nursery, and talk to the owner, since they don't sell them very often, they will have to order for you .
Usually they will request you pay cash also.
i threw both males out. both my acid seeds just hatched. well see how i do with them.

i put one fat end up, and one pointy end up directly in soil. they both hatched at same speed, but one has shell stuck to its first feed leaves.

sowed 1/4 and they emerged today 1/7, during dark hours, which is weird to me. i thought plants grow out the soil, towards the light, and the roots by gravity?

my first batch of plants were bad, my second were alright (the two male cannabis and the tomato) and i promise my third will be even better.

so i have 1 mutilated flowering nub, that is 6 or 7 weeks into flower on 1/6, one tomato plant (that just entered puberty/stretch) that will be four weeks old on 1/9, and now two feminzed sour grapefruit diesel seedlings.

tomato plant almost doubled it size over night entering stretch.

thank for the wishes and blessings about my hand. i appreciate it. unfortunately it healed subluxed, so i have chronic druj instability :/

/end thread
Make sure you put them on 18/6.
there will be more females on a 18/6 schedule.
Just got back on here this morning. This place always cracks me up, especially when Bmeat is involved. Just wow. We should nominate him for the worst grower in America. Yea, that fits him quite well. Auto Immune Disease.....bmeat can you even spell that without spell check.
Well, we've already been told that we're not supposed to start any more polls.:-(
Its so funny to watch this retard try to give advice.

It's like watching a child you dislike playing with a kitchen knife, its going to end badly, but you don't really mind.
Kinda like trying to teach someone else's kid what "hot" is for the very first time.........
You're tempted to let him touch something hot just the once, because he just won't believe you when you repeatedly explain that it will hurt.