Is this quality?

I winterized a CO2 run for a dispensary and I pulled out 30% of I don't know. My ex wife would take the waxes from my winterizing runs and put it in with her hair products she swore by it, and what ever I pulled out of the CO2 she said would not mix with her hair products like the regular fats waxes and lipids I pulled from regular runs.

I know this is very "un scientific" compared to GW response, but there is something different about the extract stuff being pulled out.

@Fadedawg check your e mail
Nothing in PM. Which e-addy did you use?
Curious idea of infusing hair product and extract. Id love to learn more.

I wonder if such is how this hash oil soap bar I have was produced in manner thereof-

It's great for shaving including the pubes

BTW im never buying the original post "wax" shit again. It made my phlegm piss yellow

That looks like a glycern soap bar, made by saponifying with NaOH, to which the hash oil was added. Joe whipped out some massage bars that way for Christmas presents one year, that won the hearts of those receiving them.
hey twitch bro might i ask how you get your shatter so clean looking? ive made oil for years from iso and am gonna give shatter a go ive seen afew videos and as far as i can gather is that you just try and reduce your tch and wash out as much impuritys as you can same as any wash you do and then heat it over acouple hours in an oven on bakeing paper at 100 deg celcus that number is just off the top of my head,would love your advice bro
hey twitch bro might i ask how you get your shatter so clean looking? ive made oil for years from iso and am gonna give shatter a go ive seen afew videos and as far as i can gather is that you just try and reduce your tch and wash out as much impuritys as you can same as any wash you do and then heat it over acouple hours in an oven on bakeing paper at 100 deg celcus that number is just off the top of my head,would love your advice bro

low and slow with the temp and cold cold tubes