Is Trump finished?

Chinese are just as good as the USA at everything... with the exception of Nasa...AI... Medical.... the rate of the PHD's in Science they graduate every year compared to the USA ... it'll be no competition...

Foreigners learn Math and Science.... American Kids excel at Pop Culture

1 belt 1 road innovative will be the end of the Dollar ... Chinese did ZERO wrong.. blame the ZIONIST CEO's that sent all the Jobs and Tech overseas to enrich themselves like the Parasites they are...

Pandas are chill bro
I was in a Phd for statistics with a lot of people from China and India, and taught a bunch too. They are hard working, and can get the answer that you want. But I wasn't as impressed about the rampant cheating that they are ok with. They can do the work, but I would still put quality over quantity and while there were less Americans (and btw if you know Americans that are willing to do the work, get them to take as many math courses in college as possible, the masters/PhD programs are very hungry to get Americans in the programs and will pay well), the work they did was more imaginative and generally the work was higher quality. Its not the same system. I do think that once India starts to really make a push to be a top dog economy they will do really well, they were pretty inventive and just as collaborative, but they too cheated a lot.

One thing about America, we do try to keep cheating to a minimum and tend to push hard at stopping it.
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The American way is too win at all costs, no matter what.
Fuck morality or justice.
They learned from US.(the USA)
I'll just use this one for an example.
There is no morality in Capitalism.
If you want to survive, kill the other motherfuckers 1st
That's just good business
If you thought Capitalism was bad, wait till you get a load of communism. The only thought China gives to human rights is to conceal their abuses. That means killing dissidents. That means harvesting nonconformists like Falun Gong practitioners and anyone religious for their organs to sell on the market. Organs are matched to patients instead of the other way around. China has the second highest rate for human trafficking and the second highest total number of de facto slaves. Go to Vietnam and ask any Vietnamese person if a member of their family has been abducted and forced to marry in China. You won't be able to ask North Koreans. You want to talk about the toll in human life? Mao Zedong takes the prize by a huge margin. Sure, the US gov't grew at the direct cost of indigenous lives but most of them fell to disease. The famine in China that killed tens of millions is directly attributable to a famine he gladly took credit for.

It's illegal to speak the Tibetan language in Tibet. It's illegal to speak the Turkic Uighur language in Xinjiang. They have the biggest internal surveillance apparatus in the world by far and the purpose of it is to maintain social control. The Tiananmen Square Massacre killed 2600 young nonviolent protestors and injured tens of thousands just in the opening attack. Tens of thousands were killed throughout the night as the PLA crushed the nationwide movement. The remaining activists were put through re-education labor camps by the millions.

Look what happened in Cambodia when they exported their ideology there and it was picked up by Pol Pot. All you hear about that one is CIA involvement. The US only supported that shit to please China and only after Nixon's wooing of Mao. China provided all of the aid and weapons to the Khmer Rouge prior to then, which was when the vast majority of the killing occurred.

Look at China's role in the Rwandan genocide.

Look at China's role in the Sudan Darfur genocide, for OIL!

In their short history, they have been responsible for the most disproportionate and ugly share of crimes against not only humanity but the planet. Their territory has grown faster than any other country. No country can compare to the brutality of Communist China. You think America is bad? Even Vietnam would rather do business with us than with China.
If Americans are less studious than Chinese, then why is it a symbol of status for Chinese to send their kids to school in America? Even Xi's own (beautiful) daughter went to Harvard. Ethnicity has nothing to do with academic performance, that is a disproven and discredited notion.
Cheating is absolutely rampant in the United States.

SAT and ACT are riddled with it.

Politics is riddled with it.

Sports is riddled with it.

Government contracts are riddled with it.

Everything is riddled with it. To say any country is cheating more than we are is a ridiculous, unfounded rant.
Cheating is absolutely rampant in the United States.

SAT and ACT are riddled with it.

Politics is riddled with it.

Sports is riddled with it.

Government contracts are riddled with it.

Everything is riddled with it. To say any country is cheating more than we are is a ridiculous, unfounded rant.
People are humans, they will cheat. As a country we actively try to stop cheating, rules in school, sports, business, etc a lot are designed to punish cheaters.

The Chinese people I met in school explained it is not the case, their system is not set up to curb this behavior. I am not saying they are any different than us in physical, mental, or emotional terms. Just their system is not designed to stop cheating like ours.
If you thought Capitalism was bad, wait till you get a load of communism. The only thought China gives to human rights is to conceal their abuses. That means killing dissidents. That means harvesting nonconformists like Falun Gong practitioners and anyone religious for their organs to sell on the market. Organs are matched to patients instead of the other way around. China has the second highest rate for human trafficking and the second highest total number of de facto slaves. Go to Vietnam and ask any Vietnamese person if a member of their family has been abducted and forced to marry in China. You won't be able to ask North Koreans. You want to talk about the toll in human life? Mao Zedong takes the prize by a huge margin. Sure, the US gov't grew at the direct cost of indigenous lives but most of them fell to disease. The famine in China that killed tens of millions is directly attributable to a famine he gladly took credit for.

It's illegal to speak the Tibetan language in Tibet. It's illegal to speak the Turkic Uighur language in Xinjiang. They have the biggest internal surveillance apparatus in the world by far and the purpose of it is to maintain social control. The Tiananmen Square Massacre killed 2600 young nonviolent protestors and injured tens of thousands just in the opening attack. Tens of thousands were killed throughout the night as the PLA crushed the nationwide movement. The remaining activists were put through re-education labor camps by the millions.

Look what happened in Cambodia when they exported their ideology there and it was picked up by Pol Pot. All you hear about that one is CIA involvement. The US only supported that shit to please China and only after Nixon's wooing of Mao. China provided all of the aid and weapons to the Khmer Rouge prior to then, which was when the vast majority of the killing occurred.

Look at China's role in the Rwandan genocide.

Look at China's role in the Sudan Darfur genocide, for OIL!

In their short history, they have been responsible for the most disproportionate and ugly share of crimes against not only humanity but the planet. Their territory has grown faster than any other country. No country can compare to the brutality of Communist China. You think America is bad? Even Vietnam would rather do business with us than with China.
People are humans, they will cheat. As a country we actively try to stop cheating, rules in school, sports, business, etc a lot are designed to punish cheaters.

The Chinese people I met in school explained it is not the case, their system is not set up to curb this behavior. I am not saying they are any different than us in physical, mental, or emotional terms. Just their system is not designed to stop cheating like ours.

Yeah and the US killed 1 million people in Iraq, hundreds of thousands in Afghanistan. Killed and enslaved millions of African Americans and basically eradicated the Native American population by the millions. Created chaos in Korea, Vietnam, and the Phillipines and now Iran is next on the list. Cops still commonly execute colored folks in broad day light and corporate interests run Washington. China has its evils, but so does the US. You're just invested on one side.

Most large governments are corrupt and most politicians put their own interests above those of their people. Its human nature, skin color, race, religion, don't matter; it's all the same pile of shit with different brand of perfume sprayed on top to mask the stink beneath.
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Yeah and the US killed 1 million people in Iraq, hundreds of thousands in Afghanistan. Killed and enslaved millions of African Americans and basically eradicated the Native American population by the millions. Created chaos in Korea, Vietnam, and the Phillipines and now Iran is next on the list. Cops still commonly execute colored folks in broad day light and corporate interests run Washington. China has its evils, but so does the US. You're just invested on one side.

Most large governments are corrupt and most politicians put their own interests above those of their people. Its human nature, skin color, race, religion, don't matter; it's all the same pile of shit with different brand of perfume sprayed on top to mask the stink beneath.
I never meant to say that I think America is morally superior to China, just that they don't necessarily take the same offense we do when it comes to what we call cheating.

And you are right, humans are just humans. I would not even say that they are all corrupt or in it for their interests as much as it is humans really have a hard time thinking through how their decisions will impact people negatively and plan on how to prepare to set the people hurt back on track.
Yeah and the US killed 1 million people in Iraq, hundreds of thousands in Afghanistan. Killed and enslaved millions of African Americans and basically eradicated the Native American population by the millions. Created chaos in Korea, Vietnam, and the Phillipines and now Iran is next on the list. Cops still commonly execute colored folks in broad day light and corporate interests run Washington. China has its evils, but so does the US. You're just invested on one side.

Most large governments are corrupt and most politicians put their own interests above those of their people. Its human nature, skin color, race, religion, don't matter; it's all the same pile of shit with different brand of perfume sprayed on top to mask the stink beneath.
That does not mean that one should support China while they take the mantle of empire and proceed to dominate the world and destroy the environment at unprecedented scale. The native American population largely fell to disease. The slaughtered were a very small percentage. This is something going completely over your head. We're not all the same underneath. The Chinese had a cultural revolution. They smashed their traditions and it paved the way for them to smash everything else. Now they're smashing the cultures of Tibet and Xinjiang.

You've already been proven wrong on their economic designs. It's nothing short of utter control they seek. That's why they seek to destroy everything that they perceive as competition. In the trade war they are very much the aggressor. Their collective psyche is made up of phrases like "century of humiliation" and "China will never genuflect again" and they point out things that happened before their regime stole power like the opium wars and the theft of their tea secrets when they flood The US with fentanyl and steal trade secrets.

Your comments encapsulate this clearly. You support China BECAUSE you hate the US. It's not growth to lift themselves. It's growth to harm others. I have been to all of the countries that you mentioned and in non of them did the US act out of ill will toward Chinese interests.

In fact in the countries where you say the US created chaos, we're loved, welcomed and revered far more than the Chinese.
Created chaos in Korea, Vietnam, and the Phillipines and now Iran is next on the list.
Korea would be one country with human rights had China never meddled there. China has propped the Northern communist dump.
In Vietnam, despite the brutal and bloody war, they would rather do business with Uncle Sam than with China. After a thousand years of Chinese occupation and continued impingement upon Vietnamese sovereignty, the American War has had little effect on the Vietnamese psyche. Vietnam won with dignity and has accepted our respect. I visited Vietnam very recently and met with friends. My dad, who is a Vietnam veteran held an embrace with a Vietnamese veteran from an NVA unit that engaged his unit while both were involved. I'm not going to post a photo of my dad but here is a photo of Vietnamese veterans kindly guiding our old warriors around the battlefields of their country.
In the Philippines, where your claim that the US has created chaos, where I live, you could not find any other place with more love for Americans or more disdain for Chinese invaders. Chinese soldiers did not March to Bataan with Filipino soldiers. American sailors did not imagine a nine-dash line to take Filipino territory and block them from fishing there while destroying entire reefs to build illegal military bases. It wasn't a general in the Red PLA who promised to come back and repel the Imperial Japanese army. That was MacArthur. Filipinos are not out on the streets of Manila protesting against American interests in their country. They're protesting against Chinese meddling.
Your claims, particularly in Asia, have completely missed the mark.
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“Under the Trump administration, the answer is clear: the economic rules have been rewritten to enrich wealthy donors and politicians and to hurt working- and middle-class families.

Look no further than Trump’s signature legislation: his tax bill.

Congressional supporters of the legislation repeatedly admitted that the reason they pushed the bill was to satisfy their donors. It’s not hard to see why; the vast majority of the benefits of the legislation go to corporations and the wealthiest Americans. And while most working- and middle-class families saw a temporary tax cut, the permanent tax cuts for corporations are paid for by permanent tax increases on the middle-class.“

Marketwatch is ranked Right-Center for bias so there’s that. Forbes is definitely a rich man’s rag and they rail against his policies regularly. So much so that the ignoramuses on the right (but not the wealthy ones who still read and heed) have deemed it a liberal lie.
“The scaling back of U.S. forces, the report continued, has allowed ISIS forces in the area to recruit new members and grow their forces without U.S. interference.

"According to [joint task force officials], the drawdown of U.S. forces in Syria also reduced the ability of [the U.S.-backed mission] to maintain 'visibility' at the al Hol IDP camp, forcing it to rely on third-party accounts of the humanitarian and security situation there," the report reads.

In March, the White House declared that 100 percent of ISIS-held territory in Syria had been eliminated.”

More winning. Feels good. Ooorah!
Vote both out and remove CPAC! Fuck voting again we need a another Revolution to get back to our foundations!
Murdering Native Americans and slavery? no ty. It would just be easier if our people would quit being so willfully ignorant and try to understand things that might take more work than watching a youtube video and reading a few blog posts.
I was in a Phd for statistics with a lot of people from China and India, and taught a bunch too. They are hard working, and can get the answer that you want. But I wasn't as impressed about the rampant cheating that they are ok with. They can do the work, but I would still put quality over quantity and while there were less Americans (and btw if you know Americans that are willing to do the work, get them to take as many math courses in college as possible, the masters/PhD programs are very hungry to get Americans in the programs and will pay well), the work they did was more imaginative and generally the work was higher quality. Its not the same system. I do think that once India starts to really make a push to be a top dog economy they will do really well, they were pretty inventive and just as collaborative, but they too cheated a lot.

One thing about America, we do try to keep cheating to a minimum and tend to push hard at stopping it.
Except when we pay to get our kids in to college. I wonder if they will go to jail? Nah
“The scaling back of U.S. forces, the report continued, has allowed ISIS forces in the area to recruit new members and grow their forces without U.S. interference.

"According to [joint task force officials], the drawdown of U.S. forces in Syria also reduced the ability of [the U.S.-backed mission] to maintain 'visibility' at the al Hol IDP camp, forcing it to rely on third-party accounts of the humanitarian and security situation there," the report reads.

In March, the White House declared that 100 percent of ISIS-held territory in Syria had been eliminated.”

More winning. Feels good. Ooorah!
Drumpfs going to give that region to Saudi Arabia and Russia. Then if he can get the rest of the people to watch faux news like his minions these problems will go away....
Yeah and the US killed 1 million people in Iraq, hundreds of thousands in Afghanistan. Killed and enslaved millions of African Americans and basically eradicated the Native American population by the millions. Created chaos in Korea, Vietnam, and the Phillipines and now Iran is next on the list. Cops still commonly execute colored folks in broad day light and corporate interests run Washington. China has its evils, but so does the US. You're just invested on one side.

Most large governments are corrupt and most politicians put their own interests above those of their people. Its human nature, skin color, race, religion, don't matter; it's all the same pile of shit with different brand of perfume sprayed on top to mask the stink beneath.
In China, right now, half a million or more people are in prisons for "thought crimes" and their incarceration depends upon them being properly brainwashed. China's environment is collapsing due to destruction of habitat, air and water pollution that is would be illegal there except for the payments made to Chinese oligarchs who rule that country. You may call out the US for past crimes and I'm not going to argue with you over your half-truths. I will say that nothing you said about the US justifies the crimes against humanity that China is committing right now.

LOL that you try to use the "you are guilty too" defense for horrible acts by China. It is a false argument because it does not justify what China is doing.

Now, tell me how coal power from China isn't a world wide pollution problem. Tell me that Chinese fishing boats are not depleting fisheries worldwide. Or that the Uyghur are benefiting from Chinese concentration camps.