Is Trump finished?

“Right wing pundit Pam Geller was to similarly opine of Obama:

“Isn’t this the same guy who did a victory dance after he inherited a stable Iraq (post-surge)? Isn’t this the same guy who refused to sign a status of forces agreement to keep Iraq stable? Isn’t this the same guy who cut and run and left our newly-built ally in the lurch?” “

Remember all the wackos charging him with cutting and running multiple times. Any time a troop drawdown was mentioned he was gutless. He was cutting and running.

Listen to the silence on the same right as Trump meets today to discuss final plans of leaving Afghanistan in Taliban hands. From negotiations with the Taliban eh? But he’ll have a good feeling about this in his gut.

Trump is who cut and ran from Syria declaring 100% victory on the way out in March and yet in August the military drops a report on the resurgence of ISIS in Syria with again the goal of establishing a caliphate.

They’re also in Iraq where he’s saving money by withdrawing troops. All well and all good so long as we do fucking not start hearing about troop “surges” needed and needed now! But that’s not the way it’s going to be.
You're an anarchist. Think! What you're saying is another Civil War, not revolution. How can that be a good solution? (rhetorically speaking).
Wrong I DON'T want a Civil War that's what the elites want. I want a very thought out revolution and just target the major criminals in our government and the banking families. The elites would love us fighting with each other while they sneak away to their bunker like rats.

No need for ground troops send the airforce in and black ops and bring those fuckers to justice! No need for civilian casualties, innocent people getting killed, etc. Bring the war right to the front door of their mansions. They helped create this mess, we can bring right back to their doorstep. Remove the parasites and than we can finally rebuild our country. You corner them so fast that don't know what hit them! Why would you want to part of anymore stupid staged wars? While they watch and sip champagne while watching kill each other for practically nothing other than their entertainment? Why not bring the war to them instead being tricked into more banker funded wars?
STFU trump chump!

Yeah I'm actually an Independent that turned against Trump for warmongering with Iran and Syria. Also him stabbing Julian Assange in the back. I also did not like his cabinet picks. I'm neither party cause believe they both corrupt! I also voted against Bush Jr and was strongly against the Iraq war. Not fitting into your stereotype huh?
Well, it was rhetorical, but think about the deaths in a "revolution" that won't accomplish anything. We'll still be divided and hate will fill the void. I fucking hate more now and I hate that. A conundrum. Mmmkay.
Yeah I'm actually an Independent that turned against Trump for warmongering with Iran and Syria. Also him stabbing Julian Assange in the back. I also did not like his cabinet picks. I'm neither party cause believe they both corrupt! I also voted against Bush Jr and was strongly against the Iraq war. Not fitting into your stereotype huh?
You’re stupid, racist, deranged with conspiracy theories, and voted for trump

You fit every stereotype ever
Well, it was rhetorical, but think about the deaths in a "revolution" that won't accomplish anything. We'll still be divided and hate will fill the void. I fucking hate more now and I hate that. A conundrum. Mmmkay.
Maybe but you can't build a new house on a rotting foundation! You at least gotta try and start fresh, that's all i'm saying.
Maybe but you can't build a new house on a rotting foundation! You at least gotta try and start fresh, that's all i'm saying.
I agree but also know before the dust cleared it would just be another bunch of wealthy motherfuckers holding all the goddamned chips again. It would then turn to dog eat dog for the have nots to thin their own ranks fighting for the scraps. History is pretty much clear on this.
I agree but also know before the dust cleared it would just be another bunch of wealthy motherfuckers holding all the goddamned chips again. It would then turn to dog eat dog for the have nots to thin their own ranks fighting for the scraps. History is pretty much clear on this.

Yes I won't lie it would NOT be perfect. But how I see the patterns of history you got fight a good revolution every 200 years to establish peace. Thomas Jefferson explained the concept very well, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants". It may not be very long till it becomes corrupt again. You are right history has habit of repeating itself. But at least we can have a bit vacation and peace or at least for our children for maybe a few 100 years.
Yeah I'm actually an Independent that turned against Trump for warmongering with Iran and Syria. Also him stabbing Julian Assange in the back. I also did not like his cabinet picks. I'm neither party cause believe they both corrupt! I also voted against Bush Jr and was strongly against the Iraq war. Not fitting into your stereotype huh?

If you (or anyone) visits the websites listed in this link, it might be good to know what you are reading.

I am sorry man, but that is the exact stereotype for what is going on. The old mindset of right vs left is outdated, it is now who is susceptible to conspiracy propaganda.

The ability to gather all data people produce online is what makes it easy to spot what can be used to scare folks like yourself into buying what they are selling. Sites like Facebook who gives tools to communicate with large groups of people in a very targeted way, and you have the most efficient propaganda machine ever produced.

They can make sure it works by following your online activity (remember foreign bad actors don't have to follow American laws and can just download spyware on your devices to know what websites you visit, how long your on each, which articles you read etc) and make sure that if the algorithm they use to filter through millions of peoples results says certain websites are most used by voters in a particular district they live in (Thanks Trump for giving the Russians our polling data), then their army of paid online trolls can stir up enough hate and disinformation to scare people into believing anything.

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In China, right now, half a million or more people are in prisons for "thought crimes" and their incarceration depends upon them being properly brainwashed. China's environment is collapsing due to destruction of habitat, air and water pollution that is would be illegal there except for the payments made to Chinese oligarchs who rule that country. You may call out the US for past crimes and I'm not going to argue with you over your half-truths. I will say that nothing you said about the US justifies the crimes against humanity that China is committing right now.

LOL that you try to use the "you are guilty too" defense for horrible acts by China. It is a false argument because it does not justify what China is doing.

Now, tell me how coal power from China isn't a world wide pollution problem. Tell me that Chinese fishing boats are not depleting fisheries worldwide. Or that the Uyghur are benefiting from Chinese concentration camps.
I'm pretty sure the number is far higher than half a million in Xinjiang alone. Talking to tibetan refugees in Nepal was surreal and it gave me a sense of just how little most people know. It's very hard to get information out of China.

What information does flow is heavily redacted or exaggerated depending on what the paper tiger CCP wants the world to believe.
Yes I won't lie it would NOT be perfect. But how I see the patterns of history you got fight a good revolution every 200 years to establish peace. Thomas Jefferson explained the concept very well, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants". It may not be very long till it becomes corrupt again. You are right history has habit of repeating itself. But at least we can have a bit vacation and peace or at least for our children for maybe a few 100 years.

You are an idiot.

What you describe is the death of tens of millions. I'm OK with you taking your own life but the civil war you describe will mean the death of most of the elderly and a large number of the young. A lot of others will die too. I'd rather you just take your own life, please..

We have plenty of time and ability to work this out. What is really going on in case your dumbass didn't know is a demographic shift in the US to a more diverse society where white men no longer are born into entitled status. Quite naturally old white men are feeling at lose ends when they now must earn what they could simply expect to be handed to them. They are the ones who are supporting Trump and celebrating the upcoming apocalypse. But really, they are already the minority and it's just a matter of suppressing them long enough for them to die off. It's only going to take about ten years before the rest of the country looks much more like California both demographically and socially.

I'm certain that you can't understand this and will reply by stating yet another dumbass unsubstantiated and ignorant belief.

Here is a link to but one article on the subject. It has big words and you'll need help to get through it.

California Is the Future of American Politics
Trump is the last gasp of the conservative era and will bring down Republican rule. What’s coming next is in California right now.

You are an idiot.

What you describe is the death of tens of millions. I'm OK with you taking your own life but the civil war you describe will mean the death of most of the elderly and a large number of the young. A lot of others will die too. I'd rather you just take your own life, please..

We have plenty of time and ability to work this out. What is really going on in case your dumbass didn't know is a demographic shift in the US to a more diverse society where white men no longer are born into entitled status. Quite naturally old white men are feeling at lose ends when they now must earn what they could simply expect to be handed to them. They are the ones who are supporting Trump and celebrating the upcoming apocalypse. But really, they are already the minority and it's just a matter of suppressing them long enough for them to die off. It's only going to take about ten years before the rest of the country looks much more like California both demographically and socially.

I'm certain that you can't understand this and will reply by stating yet another dumbass unsubstantiated and ignorant belief.

Here is a link to but one article on the subject. It has big words and you'll need help to get through it.

California Is the Future of American Politics
Trump is the last gasp of the conservative era and will bring down Republican rule. What’s coming next is in California right now.
I can never get the right time, wanted it to start at 40 seconds in. Your post reminded me of it.