Islam can dish it out, but can't take it


Well-Known Member
First, ISIS can't separate Islam from ISIS, that's part of the problem for the peaceful Muslims.

Second, your problems are only when it involves the religion of Islam. We are free to bash any other religion.
You can bash what ever you want, just don't get mad when people call you on it.


Well-Known Member
We know exactly where they are, we know exactly who they are. If we unleashed the full military force on ISIS, how long do you think it would take?

Are you surprised that we've made almost no difference? I admit that I am.
How about you join the military and help...instead you sit behind your pc doing nothing. Are you willing to join and increase the numbers we have in the military or will you just do nothing. We have been at wars for over 14 years straight now. I'm sure some of our service men are burnt the fuck out. Your turn to go at it.


Well-Known Member
You can bash what ever you want, just don't get mad when people call you on it.
Again, point -------> LF's head.

They won't call me on it. At least not nearly on the level they would if I was bashing Islam.

When was the last time you called someone out for bashing Christianity, Mormanism, Catholicism, Jewish(ism)? When was the last time you called someone out for bashing Islam? Do you notice a difference in how you approach each?


Well-Known Member
How about you join the military and help...instead you sit behind your pc doing nothing. Are you willing to join and increase the numbers we have in the military or will you just do nothing. We have been at wars for over 14 years straight now. I'm sure some of our service men are burnt the fuck out. Your turn to go at it.
Why would I do that when I consistently have maintained we shouldn't be there?

Our military is handcuffed over there, you know that as well as anyone.


Well-Known Member
There`s a reason for separation of religion and State. Over there right now ISIS wants a caliphate thingy that no-one over there wants either. It would mean the end of Ayatollah`s, Kings, ect., and put all under one rule. The only reason ISIS is claiming Islam is that`s the book they are play`n off of. They are Muslim but do not represent Muslim. ISIS wants to change that by having a recognized State. Should they form it, and we kill all the bad guys, we leave an Islamic State in place. We cannot change a recognized State, that`s why Germany is still Germany and Japan is still Japan. The Muslim don`t want that and the USA don`t want that either. Barak Obama has no problem with that or he would act immediately.
Bush created the IS. AND if Obama acts like butcher and raper bush, will create worse than IS...


Well-Known Member
Why would I do that when I consistently have maintained we shouldn't be there?

Our military is handcuffed over there, you know that as well as anyone.
What I know is we don't want to put boots on the ground, which is the only way we can truly put an end to this. You screaming " why don't we just take them out", but yet you won't join the fight to take them out.


Well-Known Member
What I know is we don't want to put boots on the ground, which is the only way we can truly put an end to this. You screaming " why don't we just take them out", but yet you won't join the fight to take them out.
Pay attention please.

I'm screaming GTFO!, it's not our fight! our involvement in the middle east is part of the problem! yet you think I should join the fight..

I'm also saying IF we are trying to end ISIS, we are going about it in an odd sort of way.

But you can change this to say anything you want if you feel the need to argue against something and be right for a change.


Well-Known Member
Pay attention please.

I'm screaming GTFO!, it's not our fight! our involvement in the middle east is part of the problem! yet you think I should join the fight..

I'm also saying IF we are trying to end ISIS, we are going about it in an odd sort of way.

But you can change this to say anything you want if you feel the need to argue against something and be right for a change.
. I'm just saying if we are going to do it, let's do it. What we are doing now is possibly the worst choice.
make up your mind


Well-Known Member

I don't think we should be there, but if we insist we must, then....

Holy shit you caught the dumb. What's going on man?
Either you want us out or you don't... be consistent
Don't say "we should be out"...then scream "if we going to do it lets do it" ( whilst you do nothing )


Well-Known Member
Either you want us out or you don't... be consistent
Don't say "we should be out"...then scream "if we going to do it lets do it" ( whilst you do nothing )
Yep, you caught the dumb. Must be the crowd you run with.

I wouldn't drink milk from a cow if I were you, but if you have to, I'd stay away from whole milk.

LF "so what is it? can I drink milk or not? make up your mind!!"


Well-Known Member
Yep, you caught the dumb. Must be the crowd you run with.

I wouldn't drink milk from a cow if I were you, but if you have to, I'd stay away from whole milk.

LF "so what is it? can I drink milk or not? make up your mind!!"
are you really comparing "going to war or not going to war" to drinking whole milk versus 1 or 2 percent milk.o_O
Either you want to go to war or you don't.


Well-Known Member
are you really comparing "going to war or not going to war" to drinking whole milk versus 1 or 2 percent milk.o_O
Either you want to go to war or you don't.
By all of the posts where I say explicitly that I don't think we should be over there, what do you think my stance is?

If I say, we shouldn't be at war, but if our country insists on it, the way we are going about it now is pussyfootin and making things worse. Do you see this as me being in favor of war in your attempt to grasp entire sentences?


Well-Known Member
By all of the posts where I say explicitly that I don't think we should be over there, what do you think my stance is?

If I say, we shouldn't be at war, but if our country insists on it, the way we are going about it now is pussyfootin and making things worse. Do you see this as me being in favor of war in your attempt to grasp entire sentences?
I think you trying to play both sides of the fence...something you tend to do a lot