Islam can dish it out, but can't take it

Is anything wrong with thinking about masturbating ALL DAY. For me I would say yes. I would ask myself why I'm I thinking like this. I would either go rub one out or I would get with my wife...but to just sit around thinking about it all day for me, I would find it very unproductive and hell my penis would be hard and that shit can get uncomfortable if hard all day.:hump:

why are you making this so difficult? i didn't say sitting around..i said he thinks of masturbation all day while doing his normal course of business..he is an upstanding a soup kitchen on xmas..but he likes to think about masturbation all day.
why are you making this so difficult? i didn't say sitting around..i said he thinks of masturbation all day while doing his normal course of business..he is an upstanding a soup kitchen on xmas..but he likes to think about masturbation all day.
You exhibit signs of sociopathy such as speaking in neologisms, being superficially intelligent, you're unreliable, you're comfortable lying when it suits you, you're shameless, your behavior is antisocial for no reason, you think you're smarter than everyone else but you fail to learn from the debates you lose, you're not the least bit self reflective but instead simply parrot nonsense fed to you, manipulative, big ego, you have very few friends,
instead go on the attack.

Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it! Charles Manson, the sociopathic murderer, is famous for saying, "I've never killed anyone! I don't need to kill anyone! I THINK it! I have it HERE! (Pointing to his temple.) I don't need to live in this physical realm..."

You're clearly a psychopath.

really? you clearly don't know the difference between psychopath and sociopath.
I used to ride. My wife actually won't let me have another motorcycle due to a bad accident I had. Nothing beats the thrill of jumping out a C-130

And all of a sudden you are thinking your laundry, what he said/she said, what you should have said/done?

No, you do not have single thought. You are 100% intention and totally immersed in the question of matter energy space and time. No thought. Pure do.

And that is why we relish it.

"There is something exciting about being shot at and missed." Winston Churchill.

He was not thinking, "Oh damn, my laundry list, must add the shorts."
And all of a sudden you are thinking your laundry, what he said/she said, what you should have said/done?

No, you do not have single thought. You are 100% intention and totally immersed in the question of matter energy space and time. No thought. Pure do.

And that is why we relish it.

"There is something exciting about being shot at and missed." Winston Churchill.

He as not thinking, "Oh damn, my laundry list, must add the shorts."
Was that your attempt at humor ? how cute
Was that your attempt at humor ? how cute

Humor? Think back? Do you remember what you were thinking the first time you jumped? You do not.

You can make something up now. How about your first tail slide on a bike? There are no thoughts and you are lost if think there are.

If I stuck a gun in your face, you would not begin thinking. You would only process time and space for a little while. Whatever your were thinking was wiped by reality of the threat.

It is why we race, it is why we jump. The threat silences the mind..
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You're exactly right. The rhetoric being spread against Muslims these days is just like what was going on in a lot of places, not just Germany, leading up to WW2.
Yeah just like before WWII when jews were responsible for terrorist attacks across the globe....:rolleyes:

No, not "just like". There are similarities in the rhetoric, but it's an entirely different situation logically.

That's the thing you and a few others are so obviously missing, and I assure you nobody except a few extremist in Germany after half a century of guilt trip misses the real lesson you're supposed to learn from hitler and WWII, never blindly follow a leader, especially angry labeling polarizing populists.

It seems almost as though blowhards are getting paid to beat war drums on the internet.
Ow.... well that would explain 73K posts I guess. So, who do you suspect sponsors UncleBuck to divide the US?

Speaking of blindly following leaders, it's obvious who DICTATES the thoughts of some blind-left members here in the politics forum.


Blind followers usually are the angry ones who aren't capable of having a rational debate.



(that's tom cruise... but you get the point, if not, cry me a river).


:lol: Meaning of Islam = Submission. It seems Obama like lefties here has never been to a muslim country or community and has no clue what makes a muslim tick, unless it's literally ticking...

Such hypocrisy. Intolerant against gay, jews, women, free speech and even thought, people with different backgrounds (religion, country, mountain vs desert) and many of our western morals and ethics the left pretends to defend.

This week Obama claimed muslims in the US are better integrated, the same ignorant nonsense left parties have said here for years. I know the US likes to think of the EU as one country, but the reality is quite different. Many countries here, well, their blind-left politicians anyway, said the same thing about other countries here... before they got over that cliche too. The reality is, many of them have no desire to what he calls "assimilate", why would they... It's something that right-winged parties have suggested many times. Assimilation, not just integration or multi culti. Funny, american versions of political terms.

Humor? Think back. Do you remember what you were thinking the first time you jumped. You do not.

You can make something up.
yes I actually do... PLEASE LET THIS CHUTE OPEN:shock:... after about the 3rd or 4th time I just learned to enjoyed the ride. Your mind always thinks...even when you are not aware:P
this is a yes or no question. what are you afraid of?
I can't controls others thoughts...only mine. My thoughts would not be one of masturbating all day. I don't think I could function properly. I would have to take care of that. Do you enjoy thinking of masturbating all day ?
yes I actually do... PLEASE LET THIS CHUTE OPEN:shock:... after about the 3rd or 4th time I just learned to enjoyed the ride. Your mind always thinks...even when you are not aware:P

So, as a long time mediator in the Techniques of Self, I have to say you are technically correct. The nattering continues but I tune it out by the experience of inner Self and Light, etc. So, to me, it does stop. It is one of those quantum conundrums, like the Schrodinger Cat thought puzzle. Is the nattering internal conversation mind there or not?

Only if I think so. Otherwise not.
I'm not. You and your buddies that can't tell the difference between race and culture can just keep pretending I am though, if it makes you feel better about yourselves.

If any group on the planet displays any kind of "superior" culture, I'd say it's probably the Japs. Those bastards went from feudalism to first world industrial power in, what, less than a century? Except for their WW II lunacy.....and a strange fascination with tentacle porn, I'd say the Japs have us ALL beat.


Why do you hate whites and white culture so much?

Never traveled outside CONUS before?
you only like the japs because hitler liked them too.calling a white person a monkey is different to calling ablack person a monkey,because of the history behind just dont get it do you.calling a black person racist in a country like america,is like calling a woman who works in a all mens club sexist.some white ppl like to think they are superior,but white ppl are responsible for some of the most disgusting crimes against humanity.