Nice color and clarity!
As extracting Iso using a tube and pump is something fairly new, here is a u-tube link
Using a Kerr fruit jar, I typically use 20/30 second ISO washes and each of his washes in the video are ostensibly 15 second, plus pumping time.
Three washes are the most I've ever found necessary using a jar, but I've never tried a tube and pump, and each pull was more green than the last (see photo), so seemingly, it is apples and oranges and begs to be experimented with.
Looking at the video, I'm guessing that if we packed a BHO column and flooded it with ISO, instead of butane, and then blew it down with a bicycle pump, we could achieve the same thing without a kit.
Have any of ya'll compared the soak and dump, pour through, and column extraction methods, to see which works best?