Israel and the ignored UN Resolutions

yah, Israel has a history of unprovoked attacks...... not. Next!

out. :blsmoke:

The Israelis have been chipping away at the Palestinians for years and on many fronts. If your people weren't allowed to live their lives without intimidation, forced relocation, denial of access to their crops and were subject to frequent incursions that resulted in 'collateral damage' etc., would you define that as provocation?:sad:
yeah Arabs want to live in the dark ages, I say lets help them achieve their dreams....Kaboom

According to Wikipedia that's about 325 million people......anyway your scissors are beside your jackboots(where you left them), so i'll let you get on with trimming your little square moustache.
According to Wikipedia that's about 325 million people......anyway your scissors are beside your jackboots(where you left them), so i'll let you get on with trimming your little square moustache.
Thanks i have been looking for those scissors.
Wikipedia can be edited by whoever....Not exactly quotable.
yeah Arabs want to live in the dark ages, I say lets help them achieve their dreams....Kaboom

And what do you do about the Persians (Iran) who are not Arab?

Or what about the African Muslims who are also not Arab?

Or the Afghanistani, who are also not Arab?

Arab is not a synonym of Muslim, and Muslim is not a synonym for Fascist Theocracy-Desiring Islamic Extremist.
The Israelis have been chipping away at the Palestinians for years and on many fronts. If your people weren't allowed to live their lives without intimidation, forced relocation, denial of access to their crops and were subject to frequent incursions that resulted in 'collateral damage' etc., would you define that as provocation?:sad:

You'll need to take a refresher course in Middle Eastern history. You have it completely ass backwards.

You seem to be under the impression that Israel holds destiny over Palestine. This is quite incorrect. It is the Arab states which hold the key to Palestine. Take a quick cursory look around "Palestine" and count how many borders are SEALED to prevent the Palestinians from emigrating out of their hopeless situation. They are the grist of the Arab mill in the hopes of crushing Israel. They are treated as such, not by the words of the media and the U.N. but by the actions of their neighbors,.....their "friends".

I won't even bother to go into the religious aspects which of course is another root problem..... affecting prejudices on THREE sides.

out. :blsmoke:
You'll need to take a refresher course in Middle Eastern history. You have it completely ass backwards.

You seem to be under the impression that Israel holds destiny over Palestine. This is quite incorrect. It is the Arab states which hold the key to Palestine. Take a quick cursory look around "Palestine" and count how many borders are SEALED to prevent the Palestinians from emigrating out of their hopeless situation. They are the grist of the Arab mill in the hopes of crushing Israel. They are treated as such, not by the words of the media and the U.N. but by the actions of their neighbors,.....their "friends".

I won't even bother to go into the religious aspects which of course is another root problem..... affecting prejudices on THREE sides.

out. :blsmoke:
Israel is wrong, period.
Thanks i have been looking for those scissors.
Wikipedia can be edited by whoever....Not exactly quotable.

Well .... give or take 300 million you'ld still top Hitler and Stalin. Are you sure you meant what you said? Or has your Crystal buddy just got the best stuff ever, or's got nothing at all?
Well .... give or take 300 million you'ld still top Hitler and Stalin. Are you sure you meant what you said? Or has your Crystal buddy just got the best stuff ever, or's got nothing at all?
That just makes no sense. Go make up some definitions on Wikipedia.
Hamas picked a fight and they lost....not much else going on.
How are them sour grapes you got there?
Hamas is a tool of Iran....figure it out genius. Ask yourself why the arab states refuse to take in the Palestinians....they consider them to be trash and expendable for their own goals, which is murder on a far bigger scale. Nice guys, nice religion.

out. :blsmoke:

out. :blsmoke:
You'll need to take a refresher course in Middle Eastern history. You have it completely ass backwards.

You seem to be under the impression that Israel holds destiny over Palestine. This is quite incorrect. It is the Arab states which hold the key to Palestine. Take a quick cursory look around "Palestine" and count how many borders are SEALED to prevent the Palestinians from emigrating out of their hopeless situation. They are the grist of the Arab mill in the hopes of crushing Israel. They are treated as such, not by the words of the media and the U.N. but by the actions of their neighbors,.....their "friends".

I won't even bother to go into the religious aspects which of course is another root problem..... affecting prejudices on THREE sides.

out. :blsmoke:

Really man...i don't know what to say? You quoted me for all to see, but didn't say much about what i said.....mmmm?

Call me wasted, but the Israelis have a lot to do with the people of Palestine. Forget the fucking Arabs, forget the U.N., forget yer history, it's unfair. How the fuck can anyone justify that degree of fucking with people? They've been bullying these people for years. The Israelis know how to fuck with people...we've all seen it! Have you been elswhere?

What the Israelis consider willl remain of the Palestinians is anybody's guess? They are arming murderers. Regardless of how Palestine is treated by its Arab neighbours it is still used as a focal point for Jihad. Are we agreeing that Jihad is something we wish to grow?

I wonder about people who display skill and refuse reality. We're all a bit like that in some way or another


Hamas is a tool of Iran....figure it out genius. Ask yourself why the arab states refuse to take in the Palestinians....they consider them to be trash and expendable for their own goals, which is murder on a far bigger scale. Nice guys, nice religion.

out. :blsmoke:

out. :blsmoke:
Exactly right Hamas is funded by Iran. Iran's president and the wild eyed ayatollahs have promised to nuke Israel.
So WTF is that? Not just a declaration of war but a promise of a nuclear holocaust. Iran pays Palestinians to be suicide bombers. This is clearly self defense and hopefully the Hamas cowards will stop using Palestinian children as shields. When Hamas picked a fight and clearly lost the cry foul. Disproportionate my ass. War is suppose to be disproportionate.
Shimmer, just read Diem's's on target. The Arabs are playing a shell game for you, don't fall for it. In the end always back the democracy, since your bread and butter is invested in it already. Unless you think living in a totalitarian regime is something you would like to try out. I've been to the Middle East, believe me you would not enjoy it one bit. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:
Shimmer, just read Diem's's on target. The Arabs are playing a shell game for you, don't fall for it. In the end always back the democracy, since your bread and butter is invested in it already. Unless you think living in a totalitarian regime is something you would like to try out. I've been to the Middle East, believe me you would not enjoy it one bit. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:

The Arabs are playing a shell game? I thought that was our job. All of this bullshit must be swept aside, what is required here is to remain focused on the issue, the issue being the slaughter of innocents in Gaza. I can not accept Israel's actions as appropriate on any level i would deem just, wise, or indeed positive in any way.

They have not even had the decency to stick with weapons the people could recognize. If poor Israel is so regretful about what it 'has to do', then why don't i get the feeling their leaders wince every time a shell is dropped? I don't get that feeling because the Israeli attitude is diametric to one of 'this will hurt me more than it will hurt you', it's more one of 'this will hurt you'. White phosphorus? Depleted uranium? What kind of technology has Hamas ever dreamed about that would require depleted uranium to render it useless? And sonic booms, what purpose do they serve except to frighten innocents; every Hamas idiot is too busy shouting 'Allah Ahkbar' and nursing a hard-on for children to care about much else when he hears a bang that big. So clearly the purpose of the sonic boom is to dissapoint Hamas to death? If the Israelis were regretful in the least they would at least have the decorum to not test new weapons on the people of Gaza.

"Back the democracy" You a gambler or somethin? Democracy? Which edition? O.E.D. or G.W.B.? I've learned alot about how i think and what's out there from these pages. Let me put it like this, like medman before me.....

"Israel is wrong, period".