Israel and the ignored UN Resolutions

That's all good and well Grow Rebel, but if HAMAS insists on being recognized as the government of Palestine then it has full responsibility for the rockets that were fired by its citizens.

This situation resembles some private citizen building a MLRS, or some how getting a hold of one here, and firing rockets into Canada and Mexico. Do you really think either of those government's would give a damn that it was not being attacked under orders by the United States?

It'd still create an incident...
I'm not sure Shimmer is capable of breaking free into independent thought. Here's hoping you are young and will grow with time.

Diem, I agree with the idea that the palestinians have voted in a violent regime bent on mayhem and destruction, but I'm not sure you can blame them. In one sense, I think they could be diagnosed with Stockholm Syndrome within a degree of accuracy. While it is not an excuse, it is an explanation for their suicidal govt. choices. 40 years of brainwashing can do that. Down is up.....

out. :blsmoke:
That's all good and well Grow Rebel, but if HAMAS insists on being recognized as the government of Palestine then it has full responsibility for the rockets that were fired by its citizens.
I agree Hamas must take responsibility ... what is Israel responsible for?:-|
Well .... give or take 300 million you'ld still top Hitler and Stalin. Are you sure you meant what you said? Or has your Crystal buddy just got the best stuff ever, or's got nothing at all?
Stalin killed 100 times what Hitler did. He was Our ally.
let us all buy into killing each other for the rich(stinking rich).
Stalin killed 100 times what Hitler did. He was Our ally.
let us all buy into killing each other for the rich(stinking rich).
Exactly! that's what it really boils down to, killing for profit. If Israel didn't use some of that Military aid they get from us for waring, we'd stop giving them so much payola. Who benefits you ask? Well mostly the weapons and munitions suppliers, 90% comes from the USA. In fact we are the top weapons and munitions supplier in the world.
Stalin killed 100 times what Hitler did. He was Our ally.
let us all buy into killing each other for the rich(stinking rich).
Exactly! that's what it really boils down to, killing for profit. If Israel didn't use some of that Military aid they get from us for waring, we'd stop giving them so much payola. Who benefits you ask? Well mostly the weapons and munitions suppliers, 90% comes from the USA. In fact we are the top weapons and munitions supplier in the world.
Common ground lets build on this.
Common ground lets build on this.
What can we do? I guess besides the vote which got Obama elected we can go to his active website and let him know our concerns. What actual good this does is unknowable, but it is pretty much our only option. I bought my personal arsenal during my working years, somewhere around 20 guns, both long and short. My hope is I never have to use them, but one never knows. I think every sane citizen should have at least an AK47 at home, I've got mine.
I have my guns as well, but i don't ever conceive of using them on human beings.
Take a reality check Med Man. What are you going to do with your personal arsenal, except get your self killed.

out. :blsmoke:
I have my guns as well, but i don't ever conceive of using them on human beings.
Take a reality check Med Man. What are you going to do with your personal arsenal, except get your self killed.

out. :blsmoke:
Well Jax my man, since you also have guns, you should know that answer. I will defend myself and my family by any means necessary. Do you have your AK? Every sane person should have one. The peoples weapon. I have 500 rounds af copper jacketed hollow points. Ought to do the job, three 30 rd. clips and one 40 rd clip, all loaded and ready to go. I keep the 40 rd. clip in the gun. I figure that my granddaughters can reload the clips while I keep the bad guys at bay. They say a forged reciever AK like mine can accurately pass 100K rounds without losing accuracy. I'll never know but that gun is spot on accurate. BTW I keep all my guns but one in a huge gun safe. I keep one handy for fast response, but out of sight and reach of my grandkids. They don't know where I keep it.
Ak's are basically shit. Good way to die in a firefight. They can not
lose accuracy because they did never have it. It was invented so an idiot could make noise. Cheap inferior weapon only good for putting large amounts of lead down range.
Ak's are basically shit. Good way to die in a firefight. They can not
lose accuracy because they did never have it. It was invented so an idiot could make noise. Cheap inferior weapon only good for putting large amounts of lead down range.
Maybe a stamped reciever AK is like that, but a forged reciever like mine is extremely accurate and you're right about putting a lot of lead down range. Basically, the AK is for street fighting. If I have to pick a target far away, I'll use my 7MM mag. I have that zeroed in at 300 yds., add a little windage and elevation and you can still blow someones head off at half a mile away.
Maybe a stamped reciever AK is like that, but a forged reciever like mine is extremely accurate and you're right about putting a lot of lead down range. Basically, the AK is for street fighting. If I have to pick a target far away, I'll use my 7MM mag. I have that zeroed in at 300 yds., add a little windage and elevation and you can still blow someones head off at half a mile away.
Your right there are lots of ak models. I have been known to tune a few.
do you guys even listen to your self
med youve been talking about israel and her violence and the weapons used on gaza??".,'[-???

men you keep 30 guns at home and have this scenarios running in your head of how you reload them with your grand daughter - you are fucking more violent than israel and hamas togather(or maybe you just have a small d//k) why the fuck do you need all those weapons for men??r you planing to fight al qaeda and the taliban from home??
with your grand kids???

men im an israeli (heavy smoker btw) and the only gun i keep at home is my crresy sub fishing gun,and i dont know any israeli who isnt on active military service or lives in a very very dangerous area that keeps an automatic weapon at home ,as a civilian you could own a hand gun but you have to show a reason why you need it ,pass tests and get a licence for it before you buy it.

now i wonder what would you do if a group of people would stand outside your windows throw rocks at your windows and threaten to kill you
men i think u would put your coward ass behind a wall and shoot them with all u got and i bet youll use your coolest weapons first just for your own kick.

men you sound so yellow to me b cose you sit back in the states eating food that was achieved by vanity and exploitation of many other poor countrys
americans send their boys to fight for money interests and oil all over the world so u think israel does that to??

who the fuck makes money in israel now all the men are drafted and most of the business is numb and that comes togather with the shitty economical
situation that we have now all over the world, do u realy belive thats agood time for us to make money on war??

and believe me we have no wish for bulying the palestinians but we are fighting for our homes and we got no where else to go
may be the words -hollocust-inquisition -pogroms dont mean any thing to you but to jewish and israeli ears they remind of one thing- we have no where else to go!!!!!
if you would know this feeling of belonging to people who had been fucked with for so long just bcose were jews youd understand why we want to live no doubts in anybodys mind about how serious we are .
and dont forget jews never went on any jihad bullshit of fighting for alla and we never went on any fucking crusade for your dear lord.
all we want is to live in peace and saftey now is that to much to ask??

and if there is something that israelis understand about is the arab mentality and we know that if we do not hammer them down now when we have the chance its going to be worst in the future for us and for them because terrorists do not want peace, with peace they are nothing and they know that
do you think hamas gives a fuck about the people of gaza?? i have news for you they dont .

the only thing they give a fuck about are the fat paychecks coming from iran a country led by people who would nuke us and all of the other sinners in the world who dont follow the word of alla

so cut the crap guys we are doing our dirty job here like we should and it was put right here by someone who said-wars are not supposed to be proportionate- yes they are supposed to be won
and if hamas is the goverment of a country and they fire at us than we r at war with that country in that case tough luck for them that all of gaza is populated
you fire rockets from schools?? your going to die there and kill everyone whos around you to so as a government you must take responsability and thats whats happening there now...

keeep growing keep smoking laugh you gonna die soon

over and out
Every citizen in israel serves at some point in their lives. A custom we should adopt. Clear some of the cobwebs out of some of these folks. Take 40 pounds off of them as well... :mrgreen:

CaptaJack, rest assured some of us do get it..... but the spin against you is great and widespread, don't be surprised if the a lot of the "sheep" don't bother to figure it out on their own. It's pretty obvious.....

All I know is Israel has some HOT HOT HOT women soldiers.... where do I sign up :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
do you guys even listen to your self
med youve been talking about israel and her violence and the weapons used on gaza??".,'[-???

men you keep 30 guns at home and have this scenarios running in your head of how you reload them with your grand daughter - you are fucking more violent than israel and hamas togather(or maybe you just have a small d//k) why the fuck do you need all those weapons for men??r you planing to fight al qaeda and the taliban from home??
with your grand kids???

men im an israeli (heavy smoker btw) and the only gun i keep at home is my crresy sub fishing gun,and i dont know any israeli who isnt on active military service or lives in a very very dangerous area that keeps an automatic weapon at home ,as a civilian you could own a hand gun but you have to show a reason why you need it ,pass tests and get a licence for it before you buy it.

now i wonder what would you do if a group of people would stand outside your windows throw rocks at your windows and threaten to kill you
men i think u would put your coward ass behind a wall and shoot them with all u got and i bet youll use your coolest weapons first just for your own kick.

men you sound so yellow to me b cose you sit back in the states eating food that was achieved by vanity and exploitation of many other poor countrys
americans send their boys to fight for money interests and oil all over the world so u think israel does that to??

who the fuck makes money in israel now all the men are drafted and most of the business is numb and that comes togather with the shitty economical
situation that we have now all over the world, do u realy belive thats agood time for us to make money on war??

and believe me we have no wish for bulying the palestinians but we are fighting for our homes and we got no where else to go
may be the words -hollocust-inquisition -pogroms dont mean any thing to you but to jewish and israeli ears they remind of one thing- we have no where else to go!!!!!
if you would know this feeling of belonging to people who had been fucked with for so long just bcose were jews youd understand why we want to live no doubts in anybodys mind about how serious we are .
and dont forget jews never went on any jihad bullshit of fighting for alla and we never went on any fucking crusade for your dear lord.
all we want is to live in peace and saftey now is that to much to ask??

and if there is something that israelis understand about is the arab mentality and we know that if we do not hammer them down now when we have the chance its going to be worst in the future for us and for them because terrorists do not want peace, with peace they are nothing and they know that
do you think hamas gives a fuck about the people of gaza?? i have news for you they dont .

the only thing they give a fuck about are the fat paychecks coming from iran a country led by people who would nuke us and all of the other sinners in the world who dont follow the word of alla

so cut the crap guys we are doing our dirty job here like we should and it was put right here by someone who said-wars are not supposed to be proportionate- yes they are supposed to be won
and if hamas is the goverment of a country and they fire at us than we r at war with that country in that case tough luck for them that all of gaza is populated
you fire rockets from schools?? your going to die there and kill everyone whos around you to so as a government you must take responsability and thats whats happening there now...

keeep growing keep smoking laugh you gonna die soon

over and out
And now you know why I think the JEWS are overrated. I keep guns in case, that's all, you know, in case someone criminal or government agent, or terrorist or who the fuck ever wants to fuck with my family. In the US my Jewish friend, guns are everywhere. We are a nation of gun owners, guaranteed by the constitution. I don't hunt. Killing animals is not my forte. My guns are strictly for killing human beings that would attack me or my family, not such an abstract idea in America. I guess in Israel, you have the army to protect you, here we have no-one. The cops show up to tag the bodies, you're on your own. And for all your besmirching of my character fuck you too. I served in Nam and I know what war is, it is fucked, and I don't envy your situation, being rocketed and all, but your government treats the palestinians like prisoners in concentration camps. If anyone should know how that makes people feel, it should be you, the JEWS. BTW, I have a carry permit, to carry a concealed weapon. I had to go to a class and demonstrate that I was a responsible citizen and had knowledge of the carry gun, the laws and the usage of the weapon. I had to pass an accuracy test and learn how to make a legal kill. I dont carry, but I can. Sometimes, very rarely, I take a weapon in my car, but I dont carry it on my body. The essence of the carry law is if you need to use it, make sure you kill the perp. Dead men tell no tales, come back to attack you and cant sue you. It seems to me that Israelis should all be allowed to carry, what about suicide bombers and all those "terrorists"?
I think Med Man proves CaptaJack's point quite well. Like you are in a war zone eh Med? :lol:

By the way the US army does protect you :roll: Just be thankful they are not in your street unlike Captajack's situation 24/7. You insensitive soft headed prick..... wow.

out. :blsmoke:
I think Med Man proves CaptaJack's point quite well. Like you are in a war zone eh Med? :lol:

By the way the US army does protect you :roll: Just be thankful they are not in your street unlike Captajack's situation 24/7. You insensitive soft headed prick..... wow.

out. :blsmoke:
Hey asshole, was it you that turned me in for name calling? seems that you can call names just fine, eh? I was in the US army and we didn't protect one damn thing except our own asses. All the US army does is the dirty work for the corporations. They do the dying so pricks like you can make a fortune. The ones that should be killed are the ones running the show. You are so fucking stupid you actually believe all this terrorist shit. We, the US government are the fucking terrorists. Just ask any country we have invaded in the last 50 years, Viet Nam, Cambodia, S. Korea,, Panama, although Panama is now a CIA state run by a puppet government, Iraq, afghanistan. The Jews are on a killing spree in Gaza and no-one will stand up to them. For being the supposed chosen people, they act like fucking brutal assholes, sort of like their big brother, the US Government. They are killing hundreds, and many women and children, may they rot in hell along with the people in this country that are responsible for war, BTW fuck you you stinking fascist asshole.