Israel and the ignored UN Resolutions

I think religion is 75 percent of this.

What a neat little arbitrary figure to pull out of your arse. I noticed you edited your post to say 'Islamic extremist' instead of 'Arab' with regard to who should go Kaboom. I don't expect your organ grinder cares much about what you say as long as you're HIS monkey.
What a neat little arbitrary figure to pull out of your arse. I noticed you edited your post to say 'Islamic extremist' instead of 'Arab' with regard to who should go Kaboom. I don't expect your organ grinder cares much about what you say as long as you're HIS monkey.
I can admit when I am incorrect...What is your bag of bones? Duderstone
I can admit when I am incorrect...What is your bag of bones? Duderstone

You didn't admit anything. You slyly changed it. There is a little space at the bottom where one can 'admit they're incorrect', by writing clearly in the reason for editing box. You missed your chance. What was your reason for editing? 'Because i can', i think you said. Clear evidence of remorse.
You didn't admit anything. You slyly changed it. There is a little space at the bottom where one can 'admit they're incorrect', by writing clearly in the reason for editing box. You missed your chance. What was your reason for editing? 'Because i can', i think you said. Clear evidence of remorse.
I can you can't. I am typing real slow so you can understand me........Slyly...muhahaha...
CrackerJax, i am disappointed in you. You used to seem clever. Just because there are people who are disgusted with the Israeli Govt.'s actions in Gaza, does not make them racist. I battle whatever forms of racist thinking i find in myself, i'm not perfect, e.g. why do i find it easier to identify with the plight of suffering people who are white than black, or English speaking or non-English speaking. Commpassion arose in me much more readily for the victims of Hurricane Katrina(mostly black) than the people of the Balkens(mostly white), i'm not sure what that is about exactly, but rest assured i do my very best to take responsibility for any prejudice i may harbour, and transmogrify it into neutrality.

Regarding Gaza, i don't think we will ever see eye to eye. I care about the innocent people who are on the ground dying, you care about winning a debate. Get this.... I SHIMMER, DO NOT, AND HAVE NEVER SUPPORTED HAMAS, NOT IN DEED, ACTION OR THOUGHT. I DESPISE THE REGIME OF IRAN, IT'S METHODS, IDEOLOGY AND ASPIRATIONS. That loud enough for you big boy?

What you seem to be missing out on,is that some people don't like seeing children being murdered just because fascists (Hamas) hide among them. There must be an alternative Israel could adopt if it is so bent on using violence to extinguish extremism on its doorstep? It is the attitude of the Israeli Govt. that i find disturbing. WHY PHOSPHORUS? WHY DEPLETED URANIUM? They say they regret what they have to do. They do not. They are the same dirty, lying dinosaur fuck ups as your outgoing administration, and indeed the one we have here in the U.K.

ISRAEL WILL ONLY CREATE DEATH. FOR HER POOR CITIZENS, HER ALLIES, AND HER ENEMIES. Where is your head at? You sit in relative luxury in the U.S. knowing nothing of war(911 aside). We heard all this pish about 'winning hearts and minds' in Iraq, Israel is galvanising extremism, if white folks are disgusted, how much more ordinary Muslims?

You have no idea of how the Palestinians have been treated, and please don't start talking about Arabs, answer the questions. My friend was there for three months witnessing what was going on, i doubt you have sources like that. You've been to the Middle East and i 'would not like it one bit'? right? No wonder it seemed so horrible to you harbouring as you do a contempt for Arabs, they'd have smelled you before you turned the corner.
Jesus was never a Christian. Jesus was a Jew.

Jesus has never been historically documented, so his existence is in great doubt to those who do not get taken in easily.

I can see by your previous posting that your religious belief doesn't hold sway over your political thinking.... :roll:

It's the fervent belief in myths by guys just like you that put the rockets in the hands of Hamas....

Let's face it, you are prejudiced against Israel because you think they killed your mythical savior.....

out. :blsmoke:
I think We is of the Symbiotic persuasion, not Christian, but not not Christian.:weed:
Thank you shimmer. Couldn't have said it better myself. It's always about the innocents dying with me. The 20-40 people that may have been killed or wounded from those pathetic little rockets, could never justify the killing and wounding of hundreds if not thousands of innocent women and children in the palestinian territories, not to mention their treatment when there is no outright war going on. Israel is inflicting the same punishment on the palestinians as was inflicted on them by Hitler. So far as we know, they havent built the ovens yet, but nothing would surprise me. One must take into account that some of these pro-Israeli dorks on the site, may just be Jewish, go figure.
Thank you shimmer. Couldn't have said it better myself. It's always about the innocents dying with me. The 20-40 people that may have been killed or wounded from those pathetic little rockets, could never justify the killing and wounding of hundreds if not thousands of innocent women and children in the palestinian territories, not to mention their treatment when there is no outright war going on. Israel is inflicting the same punishment on the palestinians as was inflicted on them by Hitler. So far as we know, they havent built the ovens yet, but nothing would surprise me. One must take into account that some of these pro-Israeli dorks on the site, may just be Jewish, go figure.

Thanks for the thanks Med, but i am deeply uncomfortable with any form of prejudice that i've seen to be as such. The majority of Jews may support the Israeli Govt. action, but there are some bold souls in Israel who say no. I don't feel comfortable lumping all people of any creed or nation together. I'm not suggesting you are Med, but why throw these argumentative, argumentless pricks a bone?
Thanks for the thanks Med, but i am deeply uncomfortable with any form of prejudice that i've seen to be as such. The majority of Jews may support the Israeli Govt. action, but there are some bold souls in Israel who say no. I don't feel comfortable lumping all people of any creed or nation together. I'm not suggesting you are Med, but why throw these argumentative, argumentless pricks a bone?
Well, I kinda figure if me or someone like me didn't rile up these nutjobs, this would be an extremely boring place, take the magic bullet theory, now there is one real conspiracy going down in revisionist history. I remember exactly where I was when the Bullet hit the bone, and no copper jacketed bullet comes away from going through two bodies, tearing flesh and crushing bone and come out as pristine as the day it was cast, just convienently lying on the stretcher with John Conoley. Anyone that can believe that is a true conspirator.
The reason he uses non-sense is because that's all he has to work with. Any 8 year old can match his depth in posting. If Med man starts to agree with me, I will know I have made a mistake in my logic :mrgreen:

It's very clear that if you support Hamas, the freely elected representative govt of the Palestinians, you support terrorism as a negotiating option.

You support the Govt. which ALWAYS breaks the peace...... nice. Now try and parse away your guilt.

out. :blsmoke:
The reason he uses non-sense is because that's all he has to work with. Any 8 year old can match his depth in posting. If Med man starts to agree with me, I will know I have made a mistake in my logic :mrgreen:

It's very clear that if you support Hamas, the freely elected representative govt of the Palestinians, you support terrorism as a negotiating option.

You support the Govt. which ALWAYS breaks the peace...... nice. Now try and parse away your guilt.

out. :blsmoke:
Say jax, since you are name calling again, May I ask you a simple question sans parsing, are you Jewish. If the answer is positive, it would go a long way towards explaninig you absolute ignorance on the palestinian question. I realize you will probably evade answering truthfully, as usual, but if you are Jewish then I could better understand your position. Otherwise, I must assume you are just the ignorant ass you appear to be, thanks in advance.
Thank you shimmer. Couldn't have said it better myself. It's always about the innocents dying with me. The 20-40 people that may have been killed or wounded from those pathetic little rockets, could never justify the killing and wounding of hundreds if not thousands of innocent women and children in the palestinian territories, not to mention their treatment when there is no outright war going on. Israel is inflicting the same punishment on the palestinians as was inflicted on them by Hitler. So far as we know, they havent built the ovens yet, but nothing would surprise me. One must take into account that some of these pro-Israeli dorks on the site, may just be Jewish, go figure.

Are you suggesting that the Nazi actions against the Jews, (and Russians, Poles, Gypsies, mentally retarded, ect) was in retaliation for being attacked by these people?

Thats crazy talk.

Ya think that Hamas knew what the Israeli reaction would be if they killed a paltry (in your opinion) 20 or 30 people?

The reason Hamas does it is because of your way of thinking.
No, I'm not Jewish..... it's more about following principles. I feel no animosity towards Palestine or Israel...but it's pretty easy to see who is the aggressor and also that Hamas is a puppet regime of's not a secret. You either side with terrorism or you don't... I don't. You do evidently....

out. :blsmoke:
Are you suggesting that the Nazi actions against the Jews, (and Russians, Poles, Gypsies, mentally retarded, ect) was in retaliation for being attacked by these people?

Thats crazy talk.

Ya think that Hamas knew what the Israeli reaction would be if they killed a paltry (in your opinion) 20 or 30 people?

The reason Hamas does it is because of your way of thinking.
So now what Hamas does is my fault. Figures, out of a convo;utrd mind like yours, most everything wrong with the world is because of people like me, you are a certifiable nutcase.
No, I'm not Jewish..... it's more about following principles. I feel no animosity towards Palestine or Israel...but it's pretty easy to see who is the aggressor and also that Hamas is a puppet regime of's not a secret. You either side with terrorism or you don't... I don't. You do evidently....

out. :blsmoke:
I don't and assuming I do is your fatal flaw. Israel is the larger terrorist in this transgression, just as we are the terrorists to the Iraqis, just as the "911" supposed hijackers were terrorists. Do you not think the people in Gaza are terrified? Anyone that perpetrates agression upon another soveriegn nation is a terrorist. The terrorists in Gaza are islamic extremests, not women and children. there is way too much "collateral" damage, in Gaqza and Iraq, and even now in Afghanistan.
Terrorism is just a tactic. Israels founding fathers used the tactic of terrorism. Google "the king David hotel"
So now what Hamas does is my fault. Figures, out of a convo;utrd mind like yours, most everything wrong with the world is because of people like me, you are a certifiable nutcase.

You are the audience Hamas is playing to.
Your response is the is the desired effect.

Do I agree with Israel on all points? No, actually not all that many, but I can understand trying to keep your citizens safe. And Hamas isn't to keen on peace or diplomatic solutions. What about Fatah in the West Bank? They are Palestinians also, where is the rockets attacks from them?

Hamas and Hezbollah, they don't want peace.

But I a objective enough to understand Hamas' game plan. And you and those with similar thinking is the game.

Its seems you pick and chose those whose death is acceptable.

As for your everything in the world theory, not hardly. Just trace your slogan chanting, its Bushs fault. hahaha

Talk about hypocrisy. You are the pinnacle of it.

I am a certifiable nutcase? Maybe. That seems to be a commonly used tactic on your part to discredit anyone who does not believe as you do. Insults.