Israel is a racist Nation (it really is)

Should the US continue to support that apartheid nation, Israel

  • Yes, it is the only Democracy in the ME and our best buddy in the World

    Votes: 11 39.3%
  • No, cut funds until the Israelli's get serious about peace.and stops murdering Palestinians

    Votes: 17 60.7%

  • Total voters
Don't fucking tell me there aren't all kinds of guns over there.

It demonstrates your stupidity.
Stupid huh?
And I say your full of shit.
The rifle used by both the civilian population and the IDF in Israel until they developed their own was either an M-16, a Uzi or the new Tavor, the reason being was availability of ammo.
The AK uses a Russian 7.62x39 round, not easily obtainable, and why would they use it, when they had American rifles and ammo coming out of their asses?
C'mon oh grand wizard, show me ONE image of anyone (except a Palestinian) holding an AK in Israel.
You can't, because it never happened.
Then can you tell me why the US bankrolls that bunch of vipers, costing us billions of $, which the Jews use to build illegal settlements and subjugate the Arab population.
What's up with that?
South Africa basically pulled the same shit, and we and the World embargoed them into submission, rightfully so.
So, why the double standard?
Oh, I think I know!!
Could it possibly be that no one wants to be accused of anti-Semitism and after all, it is only some Muslim Arabs, and who really gives a shit that they are being shot down every fucking day?
Could it also be that AIPAC buy's off the Congress, and those punks are too scared of being seen as anti-Semitic?.
You tell me how the Jews can espouse racism (they said it themselves), and be accepted by the World community?
They can't, and they wonder why ant-Semitic acts are increasing worldwide.
Stupid fucks bring onto themselves.
Oh, I thought I throw some of the the atrocities committed by our best buddy in the ME

Fuck Israel
It wasn’t a sarcastic haha. More like haha you only just noticed? Haha.
Wow that's quite the Anti Semitic rant!!!
I love how you try to say your not but your words speak for themselves.

Hope you get Banned. and your a POS!

Hahahah where is the anti semitism? Should we support israels crimes against humanity? Or we are anti semitic right? Laughable. If you support israel why not the third reich. Where does it stop? How much fascism is too much fascism? Should we say as long as they dont makes soap out of palestinians its ok! Its truly despicable what you are supporting when you support israel. Despicable.
The Jews mostly weren't there for thousands of years, because they left for Europe and it's historically called the Diaspora.
Read this and be enlightened.

Now you're being a complete retard.

Remember Moses? A bit of a Jew, that one. He was stomping on the earth killing Arabs 1,550 years before Jesus was born.

The Jews have had a presence in the Arab world of either conquered or conqueror off and on ever since.

So, again, it's nothing new. BOTH sides have been at it for THOUSANDS of years.

Now you're being a complete retard.

Remember Moses? A bit of a Jew, that one. He was stomping on the earth killing Arabs 1,550 years before Jesus was born.

The Jews have had a presence of either conquered or conqueror off and on ever since.

So, again, it's nothing new. BOTH sides have been at it for THOUSANDS of years.


Yeah but way after moses they left those lands and most returned only after the israel as a state has been established. From all over the world. By this time the population was almost completely palestinian. Following the same logic, get the fuck out of usa because you know who lived there. But then again, another genocide and everything is ok!
No, they did not.

SOME left. Many in fact. But not ALL of them left. There has never been a Jerusalem completely devoid of Jews. Ever. In all of recorded history.

Hahahha. So what? The majority have been palestinian for a long long time. And i mean majority. And yeah when they were in egypt too. I bet that was the time when jerusalem was devoid of jews. Such a stupid argument to justify such brutality.
You're retarded. You keep making the same jackassed argument that has no relevance at all.

One more time for your pea brain: they've BOTH been doing it to each other for thousands of years. It's nothing new.
Remember Moses?
And you have the balls to call anyone a retard, saying because Moses existed the Jews have a right to Palestine?
Who was there 1st when the Jews showed up after wandering in the desert for 40 fucking years, (yea, right) camels?
One other point, if you are using the Bible, that fucking fairy tale, with the fables of the parting of seas and manna from heaven and God talking to them, and brining the dead back to life and the blind to see again and the rest of that supernatural BS, as a deed to the land, you probably then must believe in the Rapture, seeing if you buy into that shit, that's part of it.
Fuck the Bible, and the Quran, those useless pieces of shit that has caused countless wars and millions of deaths.
People, i know it hurts to hear that israel is a terrorist state. You know what, if it gets you worked up this much, then correct it. Put your efforts on standin up against a fucking fascist state. And its all that is, a fascist state. I know you think if you don’t have israel you may get subjected to another genocide or what not but the way to secure your safety is not by commiting genocide on other people. If you had a heart, if you had any goodness and kindness in you, you’d stay side by side with the palestinians and denounce terrorism and genocide in every form. But you choose not to, because this time, you have the power to commit genocide. Literally, only word i can say is, despicable. How can you support this? How?
You're retarded. You keep making the same jackassed argument that has no relevance at all.

One more time for your pea brain: they've BOTH been doing it to each other for thousands of years. It's nothing new.

You're retarded. You keep making the same jackassed argument that has no relevance at all.
I never once said that. In fact, I never once said anybody had "the right" to anything, jackass.

The both of you are so antisemitic that you're completely blind to the point I made. You hate the Jews so fucking much that the ONLY argument you will hear or speak about is hating Jews, bashing Jews, killing Jews and getting rid of Jews.

You're two fucking Adolf Hitlers, the both of you.

Here is the point I've made THREE FUCKING TIMES that you two antisemitic assholes keep on missing that you'll no doubt miss again:

Since the days of the Pharaohs, the Jews and Arabs have been at each others throats. We're talking about 4,000 years of good old fashioned hate. Whenever the Arabs had the upper hand, they kicked the shit out of the Jews. Whenever the Jews had the upper hand, they kicked the shit out of the Arabs.

It's been back and forth on BOTH SIDES for 4,000 fucking years. It's nothing new.

THAT is the fucking point.

Yeah i’m so racist i cry for palestinians. I’m a palestinian supremacist. You’re really out of it.

Anti semitic. Man, its an incredibly useful accusation to get out of any argument.

4000 years. So we don’t still write on papyrus, why do we still commit the same crimes. I thought we had laws and international organisations to keep these shit in check. When it comes to israel do they not work? Oh sorry i’m anti-semitic again.

Now i’m going to tell you once more. Israel is a terrorist state. If you stand with it and support its crimes agains humanity, you’re a terrorist too. They are using sniper rifles against fucking slings. How can you support such brutality? If saying that israel commits war crimes against palestinians and even genocide makes me anti-semitic. I’m ok with it. But you know what, if you’re not crying for palestinians, don’t call yourself human!
I never once said that. In fact, I never once said anybody had "the right" to anything, jackass.

The both of you are so antisemitic that you're completely blind to the point I made. You hate the Jews so fucking much that the ONLY argument you will hear or speak about is hating Jews, bashing Jews, killing Jews and getting rid of Jews.

You're two fucking Adolf Hitlers, the both of you.

Here is the point I've made THREE FUCKING TIMES that you two antisemitic assholes keep on missing that you'll no doubt miss again:

Since the days of the Pharaohs, the Jews and Arabs have been at each others throats. We're talking about 4,000 years of good old fashioned hate. Whenever the Arabs had the upper hand, they kicked the shit out of the Jews. Whenever the Jews had the upper hand, they kicked the shit out of the Arabs.

It's been back and forth on BOTH SIDES for 4,000 fucking years. It's nothing new.

THAT is the fucking point.
The history of Israel begins in early to mid-1900's. What happened 4000 years ago has no relevance to the people under siege in Gaza.

Israel has and is a problem today with it's authoritarian leadership and an anti-Palestinian, anti-Arab, bigoted voting bloc, not Hebrew vs Canannite tribes from 4000 years ago..

And you call us retarded?
Yeah i’m so racist i cry for palestinians. I’m a palestinian supremacist. You’re really out of it.

Anti semitic. Man, its an incredibly useful accusation to get out of any argument.

4000 years. So we don’t still write on papyrus, why do we still commit the same crimes. I thought we had laws and international organisations to keep these shit in check. When it comes to israel do they not work? Oh sorry i’m anti-semitic again.

Now i’m going to tell you once more. Israel is a terrorist state. If you stand with it and support its crimes agains humanity, you’re a terrorist too. They are using sniper rifles against fucking slings. How can you support such brutality? If saying that israel commits war crimes against palestinians and even genocide makes me anti-semitic. I’m ok with it. But you know what, if you’re not crying for palestinians, don’t call yourself human!
Funny, I don't feel insulted when somebody accuses me of being anti-Semitic when I say the US should stop supporting Israel. It's just a dumb reactionary response by people who have given up on reason when it comes to Israel.

Oh the other hand, some people who endlessly go on about Israel and "the Jews", are antisemitic. There is an old saying about that:

The dog that gets hit hollers.
Incredible argument. Might i add, LEAVE THE PALESTINIANS ALONE! Such cold heart you have. Since a fucking mad men commited genocide 80 years ago, now just stay silent when those people commit genocide against another group of people. Because turning a blind eye solves everything. Like in holocaust. Just turn a blind eye.

Fuck you and fuck any one who thinks i’m anti semitic. I hate all people equally and even i can see the pain. You’re incredibly fanaticized, so much so that you don’t have any concept of good or bad anymore.
Israel is not committing genocide. Hitler's Germany is nothing like Israel.
Israel is not committing genocide. Hitler's Germany is nothing like Israel.

Just because they don’t load them up into gas chambers doesn’t mean they’re not commiting genocide. That being said, yeah maybe not right now, but it doesnt get any better. They’re on the edge of it. The systematical killing, that unrivaled brutality, the crimes against humanity, segregation, denial of the most basic human rights are really on the edge of it.