Israel is a racist Nation (it really is)

Should the US continue to support that apartheid nation, Israel

  • Yes, it is the only Democracy in the ME and our best buddy in the World

    Votes: 11 39.3%
  • No, cut funds until the Israelli's get serious about peace.and stops murdering Palestinians

    Votes: 17 60.7%

  • Total voters
A friend of mine had a sister who married a NY Jew and business owner.

They moved over to the holy land.

Eventually divorced, he returned to NY, she stayed.

I remember seeing pics of her place on her brother's phone. Beautiful countryside, a lemon tree in the background with 2 loaded AK-47's leaning against it. Just to remind you that it's not as serene as it appears.
Sounds like heaven to me!
Yea, I have a friend from Gaza (I really do), and this is what his backyard looks like.

did he have an indoor crop or an outdoor crop?:confused:
Yeah, Western like. I know people who live there.

The only one that's even remotely close to Western civilization.

They have a corrupt hardright wingnut in charge over there, just like the USA has.

Is everyone in the USA no good also?

Quit blaming everything on the people. Only a blind fucking idiot would do that.

They've been fighting for 2000 years there. The Nazis tried to exterminate them. Leave the people the fuck alone.

The vast majority of Americans didn't vote for Trump. 62 million out of 350 million did. Same situation over there.

And you sound incredibly antisemitic, probably because you are.

Have a great day. Any other people you'd like to pick on today based on their corrupt governments?

You hate VenezueIans too while they have to eat out of garbage cans? Like it's their fucking fault?
> vote in a piece of shit leader
> it's somehow not their fault they now lead peace of shit lives under piece of shit policies

Wow, that really makes me think. :confused:
How bad did you cry when you got banned?

Your the 2nd person who has said that But I am not the Person you think I am. I have been on GC for awhile and was following a member who migrated here. Sorry don't know who the Previous guy was But I am not him.

Your still a Anti-Semite!
> vote in a piece of shit leader
> it's somehow not their fault they now lead peace of shit lives under piece of shit policies

Wow, that really makes me think. :confused:
Wow, I never thought that I would give you a like, but you earned it on that one
Oh boy!
Another anti-Semitic, Jew hater!!! (that's what you are, right?)
Welcome, to the "We both hate Jews Club", which according to some assholes, we are charter members.
Listen, all you fucking idiots.
If I hated Jews, they sure as shit would know it, because I really don't care what the fuck they think, I'm not, and I really don't give a fuck about what you convince yourselves to believe.
So @crimsonecho, you know we're gonna be called all sorts of names, but I don't care because the truth is on our side.
Read this all you Israel supporters.
But that's biased, "Fake News", right?

Go fuck yourselves

I have no problems with being called names. I feel the same pain for holocaust victims too. Just being human. Not fucking adolf. Not a member of ss. Just a fucking human, standing with the oppressed.

Call me anti-semitic because i’m not blinded by rage but feel compassion for living things. Its just funny man. Its a fucking “dystopian future” now!
Close enough in my book
No disagreement that Israel is behaving abysmally towards it's Palestinian neighbors and citizens. But genocide is something else altogether. It describes the mass killing of every man, woman and child with the intent to destroy a culture forever. It's another level of evil.

But hey, if you want to pull a @ttystikk and make up your own definitions, go for it. At some point I'll ask you what you mean when you say that.

Totally agree that Israel is violating international human rights laws and Netanyahu should be forcibly extracted from Israel to stand trial for his actions.

Genocide is intentional action to destroy a people in whole or in part. The hybrid word "genocide" is a combination of the Greek word γένος and the Latin suffix -caedo. Wikipedia
Just because they don’t load them up into gas chambers doesn’t mean they’re not commiting genocide. That being said, yeah maybe not right now, but it doesnt get any better. They’re on the edge of it. The systematical killing, that unrivaled brutality, the crimes against humanity, segregation, denial of the most basic human rights are really on the edge of it.
What Israel is doing is horrific. Totally agree with your last sentence. But that's not genocide. It's also not Nazi Germany's holocaust. Their remorseless actions are not on the border of what Israel is doing. I agree that Israel is in violation of international human rights laws and should be sanctioned harshly.

What Hitler did is a whole 'nother level of evil. Conflating what Hitler did with what Israel is doing to Palestinians gives cover to antisemitism. Doing so is just another form of idiotic whataboutism that neo-nazis love to employ so they can go back to their Jew hating without the stain of what Hitler upon them.

I get that people love to get all extreme in their language nowadays.

But really, can't we condemn Israel for what it's doing without bringing a false charge that justifies antisemitism into the matter?
No disagreement that Israel is behaving abysmally towards it's Palestinian neighbors and citizens. But genocide is something else altogether. It describes the mass killing of every man, woman and child with the intent to destroy a culture forever. It's another level of evil.

But hey, if you want to pull a @ttystikk and make up your own definitions, go for it. At some point I'll ask you what you mean when you say that.

Totally agree that Israel is violating international human rights laws and Netanyahu should be forcibly extracted from Israel to stand trial for his actions.

Genocide is intentional action to destroy a people in whole or in part. The hybrid word "genocide" is a combination of the Greek word γένος and the Latin suffix -caedo. Wikipedia
Isn’t that exactly what the Hamas has vowed to do to the jews? They really have shitty rockets :(.
Yea. I know what the definition of Genocide is, and the Israelis (Jews) should know better than to subjugate the Palestinians (considering the Jews history of abuse), which is exactly what they are doing now.

  1. the deliberate killing of a large group of people (Palestinians in this case) especially those of a particular ethnic group (Palestinians or Arabs again) or nation.(I wish the Palestinians had one, then I wouldn't be so pissed off)
  2. "a campaign of genocide" ·
    massacre · wholesale slaughter · mass slaughter · wholesale killing · indiscriminate killing · mass murder · mass homicide · mass destruction · annihilation · extermination · elimination · liquidation · eradication · decimation · butchery · bloodbath · bloodletting · pogrom · ethnic cleansing · holocaust · Shoah · slaying · battue
  3. Fuck Israel.
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What Israel is doing is horrific. Totally agree with your last sentence. But that's not genocide. It's also not Nazi Germany's holocaust. Their remorseless actions are not on the border of what Israel is doing. I agree that Israel is in violation of international human rights laws and should be sanctioned harshly.

What Hitler did is a whole 'nother level of evil. Conflating what Hitler did with what Israel is doing to Palestinians gives cover to antisemitism. Doing so is just another form of idiotic whataboutism that neo-nazis love to employ so they can go back to their Jew hating without the stain of what Hitler upon them.

I get that people love to get all extreme in their language nowadays.

But really, can't we condemn Israel for what it's doing without bringing a false charge that justifies antisemitism into the matter?

Lets just condemn as it is. Its is crimes again humanity and really, borderline genocide. I don’t take this word lightly and i don’t use this argument as a cover of any sub argument or belief.

What nazis did was horrific. What israel is doing right now is horrific too. If you ask me, in this day and age, with all these organizations and all, its the farthest they can go without actually incurring the wrath of the “civilized” world and thats what they do.
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Yea. I know what the definition of Genocide is, and the Israelis (Jews) should know better than to subjugate the Palestinians (considering the Jews history of abuse), which is exactly what they are doing now.

  1. the deliberate killing of a large group of people (Palestinians in this case) especially those of a particular ethnic group (Palestinians or Arabs again) or nation.(I wish the Palestinians had one, then I wouldn't be so pissed off)
  2. "a campaign of genocide" ·
    massacre · wholesale slaughter · mass slaughter · wholesale killing · indiscriminate killing · mass murder · mass homicide · mass destruction · annihilation · extermination · elimination · liquidation · eradication · decimation · butchery · bloodbath · bloodletting · pogrom · ethnic cleansing · holocaust · Shoah · slaying · battue
  3. Fuck Israel.
it's all about numbers with these people. Six million or bust! Just ask the Armenians, or what's left of them...
That cocksucker and Trump's soul mate Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in full campaign mode ahead of April 9 polls, this morning said Israel "was not a state of all its citizens" in a reference to the country's Arab population.

The prime minister, in comments on Instagram, went on to say all citizens, including Arabs, had equal rights, but referred to a deeply controversial law passed last year declaring Israel the nation-state of the Jewish people, and fuck the Arab-Israelis, all they are good for is digging ditches and target practice.

"Israel is not a state of all its citizens," Netanyahu wrote in response to comments from an Israeli actress today.

"According to the basic nationality law we passed, Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people -- and only it"

Fuck the goyim in other words

Well you got to admit he calls a spade a spade and doesn't mince words, and admits to the world that Israel is an nation built on the back of it's Arab population and with the blood of the Palestinian people.

And these are our best friends in the Middle East?

Well, fuck that shit, they been using us for over 60 years and all we have gotten out of the deal is dead Americans and blood shed (9/11 comes to mind), and a depleted Treasury.

Oh, and while I'm at it, no, I'm not anti-Semitic, I just hate the policies of the Israeli government and if that makes me an ant-Semite, so be it.

BDS now and forever until a State of Palestine exists, and fuck Israel, fuck Trump and long live the Palestinian people.

"goyim"? What do Jews mean by this?

I laughed my ass off when I saw that.
Fucking guy is an idiot.
Oh, I never knew you were Jewish (yes, I did)
Therefore I must hate you, right?
Shit, something must be wrong because I actually like you.
you could use a little help in how you criticize israel. you sound like a garden variety skinhead sometimes when you do.

israel is just a nation, it has a racist right wing party led by a corrupt criminal.

most israelis are good people though and not racist at all. out of the 200-300 jews at our family gatherings there is only one that the whole family knows is racist